this.getHeight = function( x, y ) { // Finding the nearest point in the heightmap works for our current applications, // so that is what we do currently. Below is a commented-out version that does tri-linear // interpolation between the nearest four points to find the height // Convert world (x,y) into fractional array indices var minWorldX = this.minWorldX; var fractX = ( x - minWorldX ) / ( this.maxWorldX - minWorldX ) * this.heightmapWidth; var minWorldY = this.minWorldY; var fractY = ( 1 - ( y - minWorldY ) / ( this.maxWorldY - minWorldY ) ) * this.heightmapHeight; // Find the (x,y) var x1 = Math.round( fractX ); var y1 = Math.round( fractY ); // Find the heightmap value var heightValue = this.getHeightmapValue( x1, y1 ); // Convert that value into a height // Height range is from 0 to ( 256^3 - 1 ) ... or 16777215 var heightPercent = heightValue / 16777215; var minWorldZ = this.minWorldZ; var zRange = this.maxWorldZ - minWorldZ; return minWorldZ + heightPercent * zRange; // Here starts the commented-out more accurate (though slower) trilinear interpolation version // // The following diagram show the values being calculated in this function: // // // // a --e-------- b // // | | // // | g | In the world y increases up. // // | | In the heightmap y increases down. // // | | // // c --f-------- d // // // // g is the point for which the height value has been requested // // a, b, c, d represent the four closest values in the heightmap // // We interpolate betweena and b to find e and between c and d to find f // // Then, we interpolate between e and f to find g // // (the value at the requested location) // // Convert world (x,y) into fractional array indices // var gX = ( x - this.minWorldX ) / ( this.maxWorldX - this.minWorldX ) * // this.heightmapWidth; // var gY = ( 1 - ( y - this.minWorldY ) / ( this.maxWorldY - this.minWorldY ) ) * // this.heightmapHeight; // // Find the (x,y) for a,b,c,d // var x1 = Math.floor( gX ); // var x2 = Math.ceil( gX ); // var y1 = Math.floor( gY ); // var y2 = Math.ceil( gY ); // // Find the heightmap values at a,b,c,d // var a = this.getHeightmapValue( x1, y1 ); // var b = this.getHeightmapValue( x2, y1 ); // var c = this.getHeightmapValue( x1, y2 ); // var d = this.getHeightmapValue( x2, y2 ); // // Interpolate to find e and f // var e = a * ( gX - x1 ) + b * ( x2 - gX ); // var f = c * ( gX - x1 ) + d * ( x2 - gX ); // // Interpolate between e and f to find g // var g = e * ( gY - y1 ) + f * ( y2 - gY ); // // Convert that value into a height // // Height range is from 0 to ( 255 * 256 * 256 ) ... or 16711680 // var gHeightPercent = g / 16711680; // var zRange = this.maxWorldZ - this.minWorldZ; // return this.minWorldZ + gHeightPercent * zRange; } this.getHeightmapValue = function( x, y ) { // The heightamp is a flat array that contains four values for each pixel (r,g,b,a) // Since the image is grayscale, the (r,g,b) values should all be equal. // Therefore, we pull out the red channel from a pixel and use it as the heightmap // value var rIndex = 4 * ( this.heightmapWidth * y + x ); var gIndex = rIndex + 1; var bIndex = gIndex + 1; var heightmapData = this.heightmap; var rValue = heightmapData[ rIndex ]; var gValue = heightmapData[ gIndex ]; var bValue = heightmapData[ bIndex ]; return rValue + gValue * 256 + bValue * 65280; } //@ sourceURL=