;(function(){ // NOTE: While the algorithm is P2P, // the current implementation is one sided, // only browsers self-modify, servers do not. // Need to fix this! Since WebRTC is now working. var env; if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ env = global } if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ var Gun = (env = window).Gun } else { if(typeof require !== "undefined"){ var Gun = require('./gun') } } Gun.on('opt', function(ctx){ this.to.next(ctx); if(ctx.once){ return } ctx.on('in', function(at){ if(!at.nts && !at.NTS){ return this.to.next(at); } if(at['@']){ (ask[at['@']]||noop)(at); return; } if(env.window){ return this.to.next(at); } this.to.next({'@': at['#'], nts: Gun.time.is()}); }); var ask = {}, noop = function(){}; if(!env.window){ return } Gun.state.drift = Gun.state.drift || 0; setTimeout(function ping(){ var NTS = {}, ack = Gun.text.random(), msg = {'#': ack, nts: true, gun: ctx.gun}; NTS.start = Gun.state(); ask[ack] = function(at){ NTS.end = Gun.state(); Gun.obj.del(ask, ack); NTS.latency = (NTS.end - NTS.start)/2; if(!at.nts && !at.NTS){ return } NTS.calc = NTS.latency + (at.NTS || at.nts); Gun.state.drift -= (NTS.end - NTS.calc)/2; setTimeout(ping, 1000); } ctx.on('out', msg); }, 1); }); // test by opening up examples/game/nts.html on devices that aren't NTP synced. }());