@@ -735,10 +735,10 @@
function put(msg){
if(!msg){ return }
- var ctx = msg._||'', root = ctx.root = ((msg.$||'')._||'').root;
+ var ctx = msg._||'', root = ctx.root = ((ctx.$ = msg.$||'')._||'').root;
var put = msg.put, id = msg['#'], err, tmp;
var DBG = ctx.DBG = msg.DBG;
- if(put['#'] && put['.']){ root.on('put', msg); return }
+ if(put['#'] && put['.']){ root.on('put', msg); return } // TODO: BUG! This needs to call HAM instead.
/*root.on(id, function(m){
console.log('ack:', m);
@@ -777,10 +777,11 @@
ham(val, key, soul, state, msg);
}, to > MD? MD : to); // setTimeout Max Defer 32bit :(
- if(!ctx.to){ root.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], err: to}) } ctx.to = 1;
+ if(!ctx.to){ root.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], err: to}) } ctx.to = 1; // TODO: This causes too many problems unless sending peers auto-retry.
return to;
- return;
+ //return; // it should be this
+ if(!ctx.miss){ return } // but some chains have a cache miss that need to re-fire. // TODO: Improve in future.
(lot = ctx.lot||'').s++; lot.more++;
(ctx.stun || (ctx.stun = {}))[soul+key] = 1;
@@ -808,7 +809,7 @@
function fire(ctx){
if(ctx.err){ return }
var stop = {};
- var root = ctx.root, next = root.next||'', put = ctx.put, tmp;
+ var root = ((ctx.$||'')._||'').root, next = (root||'').next||'', put = ctx.put, tmp;
var S = +new Date;
//Gun.graph.is(put, function(node, soul){
for(var soul in put){ var node = put[soul]; // Gun.obj.native() makes this safe.
@@ -931,6 +932,7 @@
node = Gun.graph.node(node);
tmp = (at||empty).ack;
var faith = function(){}; faith.ram = faith.faith = true; // HNPERF: We're testing performance improvement by skipping going through security again, but this should be audited.
+ faith.$ = msg.$;
DBG && (DBG.ga = +new Date);
root.on('in', {
'@': msg['#'],
@@ -1331,6 +1333,9 @@
at.on('in', {get: at.get, put: Gun.val.link.ify(get['#']), $: at.$, '@': msg['@']});
+ if(at.$ === (msg._||'').$){ // replying to self, for perf, skip ham/security tho needs audit.
+ (msg._).miss = (at.put === u);
+ }
var empty = {}, u;
@@ -1413,7 +1418,7 @@
if(cat.jam){ return cat.jam.push([cb, as]) }
cat.jam = [[cb,as]];
gun.get(function go(msg, eve){
- if(u === msg.put && (tmp = Object.keys(cat.root.opt.peers).length) && ++acks <= tmp){
+ if(u === msg.put && !cat.root.opt.super && (tmp = Object.keys(cat.root.opt.peers).length) && ++acks <= tmp){ // TODO: super should not be in core code, bring AXE up into core instead to fix?
@@ -1631,9 +1636,12 @@
var G = String.fromCharCode(31);
function soul(id, as, msg, eve){
- var as = as.as, path = as.p, ref = as.ref, cat = as.at; as = as.as;
- var sat = ref.back(function(at){ return sat = at.soul || at.link || at.dub });
- var pat = [sat || as.soul].concat(ref._.has || ref._.get || path)
+ var as = as.as, path = as.p, ref = as.ref, cat = as.at, pat = []; as = as.as;
+ ref.back(function(at){
+ if(sat = at.soul || at.link || at.dub){ return sat }
+ pat.push(at.has || at.get);
+ });
+ pat = [sat || as.soul].concat(pat.reverse());
var at = ((msg || {}).$ || {})._ || {};
id = at.dub = at.dub || id || Gun.node.soul(cat.obj) || Gun.node.soul(msg.put || at.put) || Gun.val.link.is(msg.put || at.put) || pat.join('/') /* || (function(){
return (as.soul+'.')+Gun.text.hash(path.join(G)).toString(32);
@@ -1811,9 +1819,10 @@
if((tmp = eve.wait) && (tmp = tmp[at.id])){ clearTimeout(tmp) }
eve.ack = (eve.ack||0)+1;
- if(!to && u === data && eve.ack <= (opt.acks || Object.keys(at.root.opt.peers).length)){ return }
+ // TODO: super should not be in core code, bring AXE up into core instead to fix?
+ if(!to && u === data && !at.root.opt.super && eve.ack <= (opt.acks || Object.keys(at.root.opt.peers).length)){ return }
if((!to && (u === data || at.soul || at.link || (link && !(0 < link.ack))))
- || (u === data && (tmp = Object.keys(at.root.opt.peers).length) && (!to && (link||at).ack < tmp))){
+ || (u === data && !at.root.opt.super && (tmp = Object.keys(at.root.opt.peers).length) && (!to && (link||at).ack < tmp))){
tmp = (eve.wait = {})[at.id] = setTimeout(function(){
val.call({as:opt}, msg, eve, tmp || 1);
}, opt.wait || 99);
@@ -2157,10 +2166,10 @@
var SMIA = 0;
var message, loop;
function each(peer){ mesh.say(message, peer) }
- var say = mesh.say = function(msg, peer){
- if(this && this.to){ this.to.next(msg) } // compatible with middleware adapters.
+ var say = mesh.say = function(msg, peer){ var tmp;
+ if((tmp = this) && (tmp = tmp.to) && tmp.next){ tmp.next(msg) } // compatible with middleware adapters.
if(!msg){ return false }
- var id, hash, tmp, raw;
+ var id, hash, raw;
var DBG = msg.DBG, S; if(!peer){ S = +new Date ; DBG && (DBG.y = S) }
var meta = msg._||(msg._=function(){});
if(!(id = msg['#'])){ id = msg['#'] = Type.text.random(9) }
@@ -2404,7 +2413,7 @@
mesh.wire = opt.wire = open;
function open(peer){ try{
if(!peer || !peer.url){ return wire && wire(peer) }
- var url = peer.url.replace('http', 'ws');
+ var url = peer.url.replace(/^http/, 'ws');
var wire = peer.wire = new opt.WebSocket(url);
wire.onclose = function(){