@@ -1,7 +1,73 @@
- function as(el, gun, cb){
+ function as(el, gun, cb, opt){
el = $(el);
if(gun === as.gui && as.el && as.el.is(el)){ return }
+ opt = opt || {};
+ opt.match = opt.match || '{{ ';
+ opt.end = opt.end || ' }}';
+ ;(function(){
+ function nest(t, s,e, r, i,tmp,u){
+ if(r && !r.length){ return t||'' }
+ if(!t){ return [] }
+ e = e || s;
+ i = t.indexOf(s, i||0);
+ if(0 > i){ return [] }
+ tmp = t.indexOf(e, i+1);
+ if(!r){ return [t.slice(i+s.length, tmp)].concat(nest(t, s,e, r, tmp,tmp,u)) }
+ return t.slice(0,i)+r[0]+nest(t.slice(tmp+e.length), s,e, r.slice(1), 0,tmp,u);
+ }
+ function template(tag, attr){
+ var html = (tag = $(tag))[0].outerHTML, sub, tmp;
+ if(html && (0 > html.indexOf(opt.match))){ return }
+ if(!attr){
+ $.each(tag[0].attributes, function(i,v){
+ if(!v){ return }
+ if(!nest(v.value, opt.match, opt.end).length){ return }
+ template(tag, v.name)
+ });
+ if((sub = tag.children()).length){
+ return sub.each(function(){ template(this) });
+ }
+ }
+ var data = [], plate = attr? tag.attr(attr) : tag.html();
+ tmp = nest(plate, opt.match, opt.end);
+ if(!tmp.length){ return }
+ $.each(tmp, function(pos, match){
+ var expr = match.split(' ');
+ var path = (expr[0]).split('.');
+ if(expr = expr.slice(1).join(' ')){
+ expr = new Function("_", "b", "return (_)" + expr);
+ }
+ var val = (expr && expr('')) || '';
+ data.push(val);
+ if(!attr){ tag.text(val) }
+ var ref = gun, sup = [], tmp;
+ if(tmp = tag.attr('name')){ sup.push(tmp) }
+ tag.parents("[name]").each(function(){
+ sup.push($(this).attr('name'));
+ });
+ $.each(path = sup.reverse().concat(path), function(i,v){
+ ref = ref.get(v);
+ });
+ ref.on(function(v){
+ v = data[pos] = expr? expr(v) : v;
+ var tmp = nest(plate, opt.match, opt.end, data);
+ if(attr){
+ tag.attr(attr, tmp);
+ } else {
+ tag.text(tmp);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ template(el);
+ }());
as.gui = gun;
as.el = el;
@@ -59,10 +125,12 @@
if(many && ui.is('.sort')){
var up = ui.closest("[name='#']");
var tmp = as.sort(data, up.parent().children().last());
- up.insertAfter(tmp);
+ tmp? up.insertAfter(tmp) : up.prependTo(up.parent());
if(as.lock === gui){ return }
- (ui[0] && u === ui[0].value)? ui.text(data) : ui.val(data);
+ if(!(data && data instanceof Object)){
+ (ui[0] && u === ui[0].value)? ui.text(data) : ui.val(data);
+ }
ui.data('was', data);
cb(data, key, ui);
@@ -80,12 +148,7 @@
}, wait || 200);
- as.sort = function sort(id, li){
- var num = parseFloat(id);
- var id = $(li).find('.sort').text() || -Infinity;
- var at = num >= parseFloat(id);
- return at ? li : sort(id, li.prev());
- }
+ as.sort = function sort(num, li){ return parseFloat(num) >= parseFloat($(li).find('.sort').text() || -Infinity)? li : sort(num, li.prev()) }
$(document).on('keyup', 'input, textarea, [contenteditable]', as.wait(function(){
var el = $(this);
var data = (el[0] && u === el[0].value)? el.text() : el.val();
@@ -94,7 +157,7 @@
as.lock = g;
}, 99));
- $(document).on('submit', 'form', function(e){ e.preventDefault() });
var u;
window.as = as;
$.as = as;
@@ -146,4 +209,31 @@
+ $(JOY.start = JOY.start || function(){ $.as(document, gun, null, JOY.opt) });
+ if($('body').attr('peers')){ (console.warn || console.log)('Warning: Please upgrade <body peers=""> to https://github.com/eraeco/joydb#peers !') }
+ var joy = window.JOY = function(){};
+ joy.auth = function(a,b,cb,o){
+ if(!o){ o = cb ; cb = 0 }
+ if(o === true){
+ gun.user().create(a, b);
+ return;
+ }
+ gun.user().auth(a,b, cb,o);
+ }
+ var opt = joy.opt = window.CONFIG || {}, peers;
+ $('link[type=peer]').each(function(){ (peers || (peers = [])).push($(this).attr('href')) });
+ !window.gun && (opt.peers = opt.peers || peers || (function(){
+ (console.warn || console.log)('Warning: No peer provided, defaulting to DEMO peer. Do not run in production, or your data will be regularly wiped, reset, or deleted. For more info, check https://github.com/eraeco/joydb#peers !');
+ return ['https://gunjs.herokuapp.com/gun'];
+ }()));
+ window.gun = window.gun || Gun(opt);
+ gun.on('auth', function(ack){
+ console.log("Your namespace is publicly available at", ack.soul);
+ });