@@ -1,1893 +0,0 @@
-(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
-var Dumper, Inline, Utils;
-Utils = require('./Utils');
-Inline = require('./Inline');
-Dumper = (function() {
- function Dumper() {}
- Dumper.indentation = 4;
- Dumper.prototype.dump = function(input, inline, indent, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) {
- var i, key, len, output, prefix, value, willBeInlined;
- if (inline == null) {
- inline = 0;
- }
- if (indent == null) {
- indent = 0;
- }
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectEncoder == null) {
- objectEncoder = null;
- }
- output = '';
- prefix = (indent ? Utils.strRepeat(' ', indent) : '');
- if (inline <= 0 || typeof input !== 'object' || input instanceof Date || Utils.isEmpty(input)) {
- output += prefix + Inline.dump(input, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder);
- } else {
- if (input instanceof Array) {
- for (i = 0, len = input.length; i < len; i++) {
- value = input[i];
- willBeInlined = inline - 1 <= 0 || typeof value !== 'object' || Utils.isEmpty(value);
- output += prefix + '-' + (willBeInlined ? ' ' : "\n") + this.dump(value, inline - 1, (willBeInlined ? 0 : indent + this.indentation), exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) + (willBeInlined ? "\n" : '');
- }
- } else {
- for (key in input) {
- value = input[key];
- willBeInlined = inline - 1 <= 0 || typeof value !== 'object' || Utils.isEmpty(value);
- output += prefix + Inline.dump(key, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) + ':' + (willBeInlined ? ' ' : "\n") + this.dump(value, inline - 1, (willBeInlined ? 0 : indent + this.indentation), exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) + (willBeInlined ? "\n" : '');
- }
- }
- }
- return output;
- };
- return Dumper;
-module.exports = Dumper;
-var Escaper, Pattern;
-Pattern = require('./Pattern');
-Escaper = (function() {
- var ch;
- function Escaper() {}
- Escaper.LIST_ESCAPEES = ['\\', '\\\\', '\\"', '"', "\x00", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\x09", "\x0a", "\x0b", "\x0c", "\x0d", "\x0e", "\x0f", "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13", "\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18", "\x19", "\x1a", "\x1b", "\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e", "\x1f", (ch = String.fromCharCode)(0x0085), ch(0x00A0), ch(0x2028), ch(0x2029)];
- Escaper.LIST_ESCAPED = ['\\\\', '\\"', '\\"', '\\"', "\\0", "\\x01", "\\x02", "\\x03", "\\x04", "\\x05", "\\x06", "\\a", "\\b", "\\t", "\\n", "\\v", "\\f", "\\r", "\\x0e", "\\x0f", "\\x10", "\\x11", "\\x12", "\\x13", "\\x14", "\\x15", "\\x16", "\\x17", "\\x18", "\\x19", "\\x1a", "\\e", "\\x1c", "\\x1d", "\\x1e", "\\x1f", "\\N", "\\_", "\\L", "\\P"];
- Escaper.MAPPING_ESCAPEES_TO_ESCAPED = (function() {
- var i, j, mapping, ref;
- mapping = {};
- for (i = j = 0, ref = Escaper.LIST_ESCAPEES.length; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
- mapping[Escaper.LIST_ESCAPEES[i]] = Escaper.LIST_ESCAPED[i];
- }
- return mapping;
- })();
- Escaper.PATTERN_CHARACTERS_TO_ESCAPE = new Pattern('[\\x00-\\x1f]|\xc2\x85|\xc2\xa0|\xe2\x80\xa8|\xe2\x80\xa9');
- Escaper.PATTERN_MAPPING_ESCAPEES = new Pattern(Escaper.LIST_ESCAPEES.join('|').split('\\').join('\\\\'));
- Escaper.PATTERN_SINGLE_QUOTING = new Pattern('[\\s\'":{}[\\],&*#?]|^[-?|<>=!%@`]');
- Escaper.requiresDoubleQuoting = function(value) {
- return this.PATTERN_CHARACTERS_TO_ESCAPE.test(value);
- };
- Escaper.escapeWithDoubleQuotes = function(value) {
- var result;
- result = this.PATTERN_MAPPING_ESCAPEES.replace(value, (function(_this) {
- return function(str) {
- return _this.MAPPING_ESCAPEES_TO_ESCAPED[str];
- };
- })(this));
- return '"' + result + '"';
- };
- Escaper.requiresSingleQuoting = function(value) {
- return this.PATTERN_SINGLE_QUOTING.test(value);
- };
- Escaper.escapeWithSingleQuotes = function(value) {
- return "'" + value.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
- };
- return Escaper;
-module.exports = Escaper;
-var DumpException,
- extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
- hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-DumpException = (function(superClass) {
- extend(DumpException, superClass);
- function DumpException(message, parsedLine, snippet) {
- this.message = message;
- this.parsedLine = parsedLine;
- this.snippet = snippet;
- }
- DumpException.prototype.toString = function() {
- if ((this.parsedLine != null) && (this.snippet != null)) {
- return '<DumpException> ' + this.message + ' (line ' + this.parsedLine + ': \'' + this.snippet + '\')';
- } else {
- return '<DumpException> ' + this.message;
- }
- };
- return DumpException;
-module.exports = DumpException;
-var ParseException,
- extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
- hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-ParseException = (function(superClass) {
- extend(ParseException, superClass);
- function ParseException(message, parsedLine, snippet) {
- this.message = message;
- this.parsedLine = parsedLine;
- this.snippet = snippet;
- }
- ParseException.prototype.toString = function() {
- if ((this.parsedLine != null) && (this.snippet != null)) {
- return '<ParseException> ' + this.message + ' (line ' + this.parsedLine + ': \'' + this.snippet + '\')';
- } else {
- return '<ParseException> ' + this.message;
- }
- };
- return ParseException;
-module.exports = ParseException;
-var ParseMore,
- extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
- hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-ParseMore = (function(superClass) {
- extend(ParseMore, superClass);
- function ParseMore(message, parsedLine, snippet) {
- this.message = message;
- this.parsedLine = parsedLine;
- this.snippet = snippet;
- }
- ParseMore.prototype.toString = function() {
- if ((this.parsedLine != null) && (this.snippet != null)) {
- return '<ParseMore> ' + this.message + ' (line ' + this.parsedLine + ': \'' + this.snippet + '\')';
- } else {
- return '<ParseMore> ' + this.message;
- }
- };
- return ParseMore;
-module.exports = ParseMore;
-var DumpException, Escaper, Inline, ParseException, ParseMore, Pattern, Unescaper, Utils,
- indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
-Pattern = require('./Pattern');
-Unescaper = require('./Unescaper');
-Escaper = require('./Escaper');
-Utils = require('./Utils');
-ParseException = require('./Exception/ParseException');
-ParseMore = require('./Exception/ParseMore');
-DumpException = require('./Exception/DumpException');
-Inline = (function() {
- function Inline() {}
- Inline.REGEX_QUOTED_STRING = '(?:"(?:[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"|\'(?:[^\']*(?:\'\'[^\']*)*)\')';
- Inline.PATTERN_TRAILING_COMMENTS = new Pattern('^\\s*#.*$');
- Inline.PATTERN_QUOTED_SCALAR = new Pattern('^' + Inline.REGEX_QUOTED_STRING);
- Inline.PATTERN_THOUSAND_NUMERIC_SCALAR = new Pattern('^(-|\\+)?[0-9,]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$');
- Inline.settings = {};
- Inline.configure = function(exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = null;
- }
- if (objectDecoder == null) {
- objectDecoder = null;
- }
- this.settings.exceptionOnInvalidType = exceptionOnInvalidType;
- this.settings.objectDecoder = objectDecoder;
- };
- Inline.parse = function(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- var context, result;
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectDecoder == null) {
- objectDecoder = null;
- }
- this.settings.exceptionOnInvalidType = exceptionOnInvalidType;
- this.settings.objectDecoder = objectDecoder;
- if (value == null) {
- return '';
- }
- value = Utils.trim(value);
- if (0 === value.length) {
- return '';
- }
- context = {
- exceptionOnInvalidType: exceptionOnInvalidType,
- objectDecoder: objectDecoder,
- i: 0
- };
- switch (value.charAt(0)) {
- case '[':
- result = this.parseSequence(value, context);
- ++context.i;
- break;
- case '{':
- result = this.parseMapping(value, context);
- ++context.i;
- break;
- default:
- result = this.parseScalar(value, null, ['"', "'"], context);
- }
- if (this.PATTERN_TRAILING_COMMENTS.replace(value.slice(context.i), '') !== '') {
- throw new ParseException('Unexpected characters near "' + value.slice(context.i) + '".');
- }
- return result;
- };
- Inline.dump = function(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) {
- var ref, result, type;
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectEncoder == null) {
- objectEncoder = null;
- }
- if (value == null) {
- return 'null';
- }
- type = typeof value;
- if (type === 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Date) {
- return value.toISOString();
- } else if (objectEncoder != null) {
- result = objectEncoder(value);
- if (typeof result === 'string' || (result != null)) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return this.dumpObject(value);
- }
- if (type === 'boolean') {
- return (value ? 'true' : 'false');
- }
- if (Utils.isDigits(value)) {
- return (type === 'string' ? "'" + value + "'" : String(parseInt(value)));
- }
- if (Utils.isNumeric(value)) {
- return (type === 'string' ? "'" + value + "'" : String(parseFloat(value)));
- }
- if (type === 'number') {
- return (value === Infinity ? '.Inf' : (value === -Infinity ? '-.Inf' : (isNaN(value) ? '.NaN' : value)));
- }
- if (Escaper.requiresDoubleQuoting(value)) {
- return Escaper.escapeWithDoubleQuotes(value);
- }
- if (Escaper.requiresSingleQuoting(value)) {
- return Escaper.escapeWithSingleQuotes(value);
- }
- if ('' === value) {
- return '""';
- }
- if (Utils.PATTERN_DATE.test(value)) {
- return "'" + value + "'";
- }
- if ((ref = value.toLowerCase()) === 'null' || ref === '~' || ref === 'true' || ref === 'false') {
- return "'" + value + "'";
- }
- return value;
- };
- Inline.dumpObject = function(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectSupport) {
- var j, key, len1, output, val;
- if (objectSupport == null) {
- objectSupport = null;
- }
- if (value instanceof Array) {
- output = [];
- for (j = 0, len1 = value.length; j < len1; j++) {
- val = value[j];
- output.push(this.dump(val));
- }
- return '[' + output.join(', ') + ']';
- } else {
- output = [];
- for (key in value) {
- val = value[key];
- output.push(this.dump(key) + ': ' + this.dump(val));
- }
- return '{' + output.join(', ') + '}';
- }
- };
- Inline.parseScalar = function(scalar, delimiters, stringDelimiters, context, evaluate) {
- var i, joinedDelimiters, match, output, pattern, ref, ref1, strpos, tmp;
- if (delimiters == null) {
- delimiters = null;
- }
- if (stringDelimiters == null) {
- stringDelimiters = ['"', "'"];
- }
- if (context == null) {
- context = null;
- }
- if (evaluate == null) {
- evaluate = true;
- }
- if (context == null) {
- context = {
- exceptionOnInvalidType: this.settings.exceptionOnInvalidType,
- objectDecoder: this.settings.objectDecoder,
- i: 0
- };
- }
- i = context.i;
- if (ref = scalar.charAt(i), indexOf.call(stringDelimiters, ref) >= 0) {
- output = this.parseQuotedScalar(scalar, context);
- i = context.i;
- if (delimiters != null) {
- tmp = Utils.ltrim(scalar.slice(i), ' ');
- if (!(ref1 = tmp.charAt(0), indexOf.call(delimiters, ref1) >= 0)) {
- throw new ParseException('Unexpected characters (' + scalar.slice(i) + ').');
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!delimiters) {
- output = scalar.slice(i);
- i += output.length;
- strpos = output.indexOf(' #');
- if (strpos !== -1) {
- output = Utils.rtrim(output.slice(0, strpos));
- }
- } else {
- joinedDelimiters = delimiters.join('|');
- pattern = this.PATTERN_SCALAR_BY_DELIMITERS[joinedDelimiters];
- if (pattern == null) {
- pattern = new Pattern('^(.+?)(' + joinedDelimiters + ')');
- this.PATTERN_SCALAR_BY_DELIMITERS[joinedDelimiters] = pattern;
- }
- if (match = pattern.exec(scalar.slice(i))) {
- output = match[1];
- i += output.length;
- } else {
- throw new ParseException('Malformed inline YAML string (' + scalar + ').');
- }
- }
- if (evaluate) {
- output = this.evaluateScalar(output, context);
- }
- }
- context.i = i;
- return output;
- };
- Inline.parseQuotedScalar = function(scalar, context) {
- var i, match, output;
- i = context.i;
- if (!(match = this.PATTERN_QUOTED_SCALAR.exec(scalar.slice(i)))) {
- throw new ParseMore('Malformed inline YAML string (' + scalar.slice(i) + ').');
- }
- output = match[0].substr(1, match[0].length - 2);
- if ('"' === scalar.charAt(i)) {
- output = Unescaper.unescapeDoubleQuotedString(output);
- } else {
- output = Unescaper.unescapeSingleQuotedString(output);
- }
- i += match[0].length;
- context.i = i;
- return output;
- };
- Inline.parseSequence = function(sequence, context) {
- var e, error, i, isQuoted, len, output, ref, value;
- output = [];
- len = sequence.length;
- i = context.i;
- i += 1;
- while (i < len) {
- context.i = i;
- switch (sequence.charAt(i)) {
- case '[':
- output.push(this.parseSequence(sequence, context));
- i = context.i;
- break;
- case '{':
- output.push(this.parseMapping(sequence, context));
- i = context.i;
- break;
- case ']':
- return output;
- case ',':
- case ' ':
- case "\n":
- break;
- default:
- isQuoted = ((ref = sequence.charAt(i)) === '"' || ref === "'");
- value = this.parseScalar(sequence, [',', ']'], ['"', "'"], context);
- i = context.i;
- if (!isQuoted && typeof value === 'string' && (value.indexOf(': ') !== -1 || value.indexOf(":\n") !== -1)) {
- try {
- value = this.parseMapping('{' + value + '}');
- } catch (error) {
- e = error;
- }
- }
- output.push(value);
- --i;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- throw new ParseMore('Malformed inline YAML string ' + sequence);
- };
- Inline.parseMapping = function(mapping, context) {
- var done, i, key, len, output, shouldContinueWhileLoop, value;
- output = {};
- len = mapping.length;
- i = context.i;
- i += 1;
- shouldContinueWhileLoop = false;
- while (i < len) {
- context.i = i;
- switch (mapping.charAt(i)) {
- case ' ':
- case ',':
- case "\n":
- ++i;
- context.i = i;
- shouldContinueWhileLoop = true;
- break;
- case '}':
- return output;
- }
- if (shouldContinueWhileLoop) {
- shouldContinueWhileLoop = false;
- continue;
- }
- key = this.parseScalar(mapping, [':', ' ', "\n"], ['"', "'"], context, false);
- i = context.i;
- done = false;
- while (i < len) {
- context.i = i;
- switch (mapping.charAt(i)) {
- case '[':
- value = this.parseSequence(mapping, context);
- i = context.i;
- if (output[key] === void 0) {
- output[key] = value;
- }
- done = true;
- break;
- case '{':
- value = this.parseMapping(mapping, context);
- i = context.i;
- if (output[key] === void 0) {
- output[key] = value;
- }
- done = true;
- break;
- case ':':
- case ' ':
- case "\n":
- break;
- default:
- value = this.parseScalar(mapping, [',', '}'], ['"', "'"], context);
- i = context.i;
- if (output[key] === void 0) {
- output[key] = value;
- }
- done = true;
- --i;
- }
- ++i;
- if (done) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- throw new ParseMore('Malformed inline YAML string ' + mapping);
- };
- Inline.evaluateScalar = function(scalar, context) {
- var cast, date, exceptionOnInvalidType, firstChar, firstSpace, firstWord, objectDecoder, raw, scalarLower, subValue, trimmedScalar;
- scalar = Utils.trim(scalar);
- scalarLower = scalar.toLowerCase();
- switch (scalarLower) {
- case 'null':
- case '':
- case '~':
- return null;
- case 'true':
- return true;
- case 'false':
- return false;
- case '.inf':
- return Infinity;
- case '.nan':
- return NaN;
- case '-.inf':
- return Infinity;
- default:
- firstChar = scalarLower.charAt(0);
- switch (firstChar) {
- case '!':
- firstSpace = scalar.indexOf(' ');
- if (firstSpace === -1) {
- firstWord = scalarLower;
- } else {
- firstWord = scalarLower.slice(0, firstSpace);
- }
- switch (firstWord) {
- case '!':
- if (firstSpace !== -1) {
- return parseInt(this.parseScalar(scalar.slice(2)));
- }
- return null;
- case '!str':
- return Utils.ltrim(scalar.slice(4));
- case '!!str':
- return Utils.ltrim(scalar.slice(5));
- case '!!int':
- return parseInt(this.parseScalar(scalar.slice(5)));
- case '!!bool':
- return Utils.parseBoolean(this.parseScalar(scalar.slice(6)), false);
- case '!!float':
- return parseFloat(this.parseScalar(scalar.slice(7)));
- case '!!timestamp':
- return Utils.stringToDate(Utils.ltrim(scalar.slice(11)));
- default:
- if (context == null) {
- context = {
- exceptionOnInvalidType: this.settings.exceptionOnInvalidType,
- objectDecoder: this.settings.objectDecoder,
- i: 0
- };
- }
- objectDecoder = context.objectDecoder, exceptionOnInvalidType = context.exceptionOnInvalidType;
- if (objectDecoder) {
- trimmedScalar = Utils.rtrim(scalar);
- firstSpace = trimmedScalar.indexOf(' ');
- if (firstSpace === -1) {
- return objectDecoder(trimmedScalar, null);
- } else {
- subValue = Utils.ltrim(trimmedScalar.slice(firstSpace + 1));
- if (!(subValue.length > 0)) {
- subValue = null;
- }
- return objectDecoder(trimmedScalar.slice(0, firstSpace), subValue);
- }
- }
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType) {
- throw new ParseException('Custom object support when parsing a YAML file has been disabled.');
- }
- return null;
- }
- break;
- case '0':
- if ('0x' === scalar.slice(0, 2)) {
- return Utils.hexDec(scalar);
- } else if (Utils.isDigits(scalar)) {
- return Utils.octDec(scalar);
- } else if (Utils.isNumeric(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar);
- } else {
- return scalar;
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- if (Utils.isDigits(scalar)) {
- raw = scalar;
- cast = parseInt(raw);
- if (raw === String(cast)) {
- return cast;
- } else {
- return raw;
- }
- } else if (Utils.isNumeric(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar);
- } else if (this.PATTERN_THOUSAND_NUMERIC_SCALAR.test(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar.replace(',', ''));
- }
- return scalar;
- case '-':
- if (Utils.isDigits(scalar.slice(1))) {
- if ('0' === scalar.charAt(1)) {
- return -Utils.octDec(scalar.slice(1));
- } else {
- raw = scalar.slice(1);
- cast = parseInt(raw);
- if (raw === String(cast)) {
- return -cast;
- } else {
- return -raw;
- }
- }
- } else if (Utils.isNumeric(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar);
- } else if (this.PATTERN_THOUSAND_NUMERIC_SCALAR.test(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar.replace(',', ''));
- }
- return scalar;
- default:
- if (date = Utils.stringToDate(scalar)) {
- return date;
- } else if (Utils.isNumeric(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar);
- } else if (this.PATTERN_THOUSAND_NUMERIC_SCALAR.test(scalar)) {
- return parseFloat(scalar.replace(',', ''));
- }
- return scalar;
- }
- }
- };
- return Inline;
-module.exports = Inline;
-var Inline, ParseException, ParseMore, Parser, Pattern, Utils;
-Inline = require('./Inline');
-Pattern = require('./Pattern');
-Utils = require('./Utils');
-ParseException = require('./Exception/ParseException');
-ParseMore = require('./Exception/ParseMore');
-Parser = (function() {
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_ALL = new Pattern('^(?:(?<type>![^\\|>]*)\\s+)?(?<separator>\\||>)(?<modifiers>\\+|\\-|\\d+|\\+\\d+|\\-\\d+|\\d+\\+|\\d+\\-)?(?<comments> +#.*)?$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_END = new Pattern('(?<separator>\\||>)(?<modifiers>\\+|\\-|\\d+|\\+\\d+|\\-\\d+|\\d+\\+|\\d+\\-)?(?<comments> +#.*)?$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_SEQUENCE_ITEM = new Pattern('^\\-((?<leadspaces>\\s+)(?<value>.+?))?\\s*$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_ANCHOR_VALUE = new Pattern('^&(?<ref>[^ ]+) *(?<value>.*)');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_COMPACT_NOTATION = new Pattern('^(?<key>' + Inline.REGEX_QUOTED_STRING + '|[^ \'"\\{\\[].*?) *\\:(\\s+(?<value>.+?))?\\s*$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_MAPPING_ITEM = new Pattern('^(?<key>' + Inline.REGEX_QUOTED_STRING + '|[^ \'"\\[\\{].*?) *\\:(\\s+(?<value>.+?))?\\s*$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_DECIMAL = new Pattern('\\d+');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_INDENT_SPACES = new Pattern('^ +');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_TRAILING_LINES = new Pattern('(\n*)$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_YAML_HEADER = new Pattern('^\\%YAML[: ][\\d\\.]+.*\n', 'm');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_LEADING_COMMENTS = new Pattern('^(\\#.*?\n)+', 'm');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_DOCUMENT_MARKER_START = new Pattern('^\\-\\-\\-.*?\n', 'm');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_DOCUMENT_MARKER_END = new Pattern('^\\.\\.\\.\\s*$', 'm');
- Parser.prototype.CONTEXT_NONE = 0;
- Parser.prototype.CONTEXT_SEQUENCE = 1;
- Parser.prototype.CONTEXT_MAPPING = 2;
- function Parser(offset) {
- this.offset = offset != null ? offset : 0;
- this.lines = [];
- this.currentLineNb = -1;
- this.currentLine = '';
- this.refs = {};
- }
- Parser.prototype.parse = function(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- var alias, allowOverwrite, block, c, context, data, e, error, error1, error2, first, i, indent, isRef, j, k, key, l, lastKey, len, len1, len2, len3, lineCount, m, matches, mergeNode, n, name, parsed, parsedItem, parser, ref, ref1, ref2, refName, refValue, val, values;
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectDecoder == null) {
- objectDecoder = null;
- }
- this.currentLineNb = -1;
- this.currentLine = '';
- this.lines = this.cleanup(value).split("\n");
- data = null;
- context = this.CONTEXT_NONE;
- allowOverwrite = false;
- while (this.moveToNextLine()) {
- if (this.isCurrentLineEmpty()) {
- continue;
- }
- if ("\t" === this.currentLine[0]) {
- throw new ParseException('A YAML file cannot contain tabs as indentation.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- isRef = mergeNode = false;
- if (values = this.PATTERN_SEQUENCE_ITEM.exec(this.currentLine)) {
- if (this.CONTEXT_MAPPING === context) {
- throw new ParseException('You cannot define a sequence item when in a mapping');
- }
- context = this.CONTEXT_SEQUENCE;
- if (data == null) {
- data = [];
- }
- if ((values.value != null) && (matches = this.PATTERN_ANCHOR_VALUE.exec(values.value))) {
- isRef = matches.ref;
- values.value = matches.value;
- }
- if (!(values.value != null) || '' === Utils.trim(values.value, ' ') || Utils.ltrim(values.value, ' ').indexOf('#') === 0) {
- if (this.currentLineNb < this.lines.length - 1 && !this.isNextLineUnIndentedCollection()) {
- c = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- parser = new Parser(c);
- parser.refs = this.refs;
- data.push(parser.parse(this.getNextEmbedBlock(null, true), exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder));
- } else {
- data.push(null);
- }
- } else {
- if (((ref = values.leadspaces) != null ? ref.length : void 0) && (matches = this.PATTERN_COMPACT_NOTATION.exec(values.value))) {
- c = this.getRealCurrentLineNb();
- parser = new Parser(c);
- parser.refs = this.refs;
- block = values.value;
- indent = this.getCurrentLineIndentation();
- if (this.isNextLineIndented(false)) {
- block += "\n" + this.getNextEmbedBlock(indent + values.leadspaces.length + 1, true);
- }
- data.push(parser.parse(block, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder));
- } else {
- data.push(this.parseValue(values.value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder));
- }
- }
- } else if ((values = this.PATTERN_MAPPING_ITEM.exec(this.currentLine)) && values.key.indexOf(' #') === -1) {
- if (this.CONTEXT_SEQUENCE === context) {
- throw new ParseException('You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence');
- }
- context = this.CONTEXT_MAPPING;
- if (data == null) {
- data = {};
- }
- Inline.configure(exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- try {
- key = Inline.parseScalar(values.key);
- } catch (error) {
- e = error;
- e.parsedLine = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- e.snippet = this.currentLine;
- throw e;
- }
- if ('<<' === key) {
- mergeNode = true;
- allowOverwrite = true;
- if (((ref1 = values.value) != null ? ref1.indexOf('*') : void 0) === 0) {
- refName = values.value.slice(1);
- if (this.refs[refName] == null) {
- throw new ParseException('Reference "' + refName + '" does not exist.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- refValue = this.refs[refName];
- if (typeof refValue !== 'object') {
- throw new ParseException('YAML merge keys used with a scalar value instead of an object.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- if (refValue instanceof Array) {
- for (i = j = 0, len = refValue.length; j < len; i = ++j) {
- value = refValue[i];
- if (data[name = String(i)] == null) {
- data[name] = value;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (key in refValue) {
- value = refValue[key];
- if (data[key] == null) {
- data[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ((values.value != null) && values.value !== '') {
- value = values.value;
- } else {
- value = this.getNextEmbedBlock();
- }
- c = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- parser = new Parser(c);
- parser.refs = this.refs;
- parsed = parser.parse(value, exceptionOnInvalidType);
- if (typeof parsed !== 'object') {
- throw new ParseException('YAML merge keys used with a scalar value instead of an object.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- if (parsed instanceof Array) {
- for (l = 0, len1 = parsed.length; l < len1; l++) {
- parsedItem = parsed[l];
- if (typeof parsedItem !== 'object') {
- throw new ParseException('Merge items must be objects.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, parsedItem);
- }
- if (parsedItem instanceof Array) {
- for (i = m = 0, len2 = parsedItem.length; m < len2; i = ++m) {
- value = parsedItem[i];
- k = String(i);
- if (!data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
- data[k] = value;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (key in parsedItem) {
- value = parsedItem[key];
- if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- data[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (key in parsed) {
- value = parsed[key];
- if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- data[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if ((values.value != null) && (matches = this.PATTERN_ANCHOR_VALUE.exec(values.value))) {
- isRef = matches.ref;
- values.value = matches.value;
- }
- if (mergeNode) {
- } else if (!(values.value != null) || '' === Utils.trim(values.value, ' ') || Utils.ltrim(values.value, ' ').indexOf('#') === 0) {
- if (!(this.isNextLineIndented()) && !(this.isNextLineUnIndentedCollection())) {
- if (allowOverwrite || data[key] === void 0) {
- data[key] = null;
- }
- } else {
- c = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- parser = new Parser(c);
- parser.refs = this.refs;
- val = parser.parse(this.getNextEmbedBlock(), exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- if (allowOverwrite || data[key] === void 0) {
- data[key] = val;
- }
- }
- } else {
- val = this.parseValue(values.value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- if (allowOverwrite || data[key] === void 0) {
- data[key] = val;
- }
- }
- } else {
- lineCount = this.lines.length;
- if (1 === lineCount || (2 === lineCount && Utils.isEmpty(this.lines[1]))) {
- try {
- value = Inline.parse(this.lines[0], exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- } catch (error1) {
- e = error1;
- e.parsedLine = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- e.snippet = this.currentLine;
- throw e;
- }
- if (typeof value === 'object') {
- if (value instanceof Array) {
- first = value[0];
- } else {
- for (key in value) {
- first = value[key];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (typeof first === 'string' && first.indexOf('*') === 0) {
- data = [];
- for (n = 0, len3 = value.length; n < len3; n++) {
- alias = value[n];
- data.push(this.refs[alias.slice(1)]);
- }
- value = data;
- }
- }
- return value;
- } else if ((ref2 = Utils.ltrim(value).charAt(0)) === '[' || ref2 === '{') {
- try {
- return Inline.parse(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- } catch (error2) {
- e = error2;
- e.parsedLine = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- e.snippet = this.currentLine;
- throw e;
- }
- }
- throw new ParseException('Unable to parse.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- if (isRef) {
- if (data instanceof Array) {
- this.refs[isRef] = data[data.length - 1];
- } else {
- lastKey = null;
- for (key in data) {
- lastKey = key;
- }
- this.refs[isRef] = data[lastKey];
- }
- }
- }
- if (Utils.isEmpty(data)) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return data;
- }
- };
- Parser.prototype.getRealCurrentLineNb = function() {
- return this.currentLineNb + this.offset;
- };
- Parser.prototype.getCurrentLineIndentation = function() {
- return this.currentLine.length - Utils.ltrim(this.currentLine, ' ').length;
- };
- Parser.prototype.getNextEmbedBlock = function(indentation, includeUnindentedCollection) {
- var data, indent, isItUnindentedCollection, newIndent, removeComments, removeCommentsPattern, unindentedEmbedBlock;
- if (indentation == null) {
- indentation = null;
- }
- if (includeUnindentedCollection == null) {
- includeUnindentedCollection = false;
- }
- this.moveToNextLine();
- if (indentation == null) {
- newIndent = this.getCurrentLineIndentation();
- unindentedEmbedBlock = this.isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem(this.currentLine);
- if (!(this.isCurrentLineEmpty()) && 0 === newIndent && !unindentedEmbedBlock) {
- throw new ParseException('Indentation problem.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- } else {
- newIndent = indentation;
- }
- data = [this.currentLine.slice(newIndent)];
- if (!includeUnindentedCollection) {
- isItUnindentedCollection = this.isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem(this.currentLine);
- }
- removeCommentsPattern = this.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_END;
- removeComments = !removeCommentsPattern.test(this.currentLine);
- while (this.moveToNextLine()) {
- indent = this.getCurrentLineIndentation();
- if (indent === newIndent) {
- removeComments = !removeCommentsPattern.test(this.currentLine);
- }
- if (removeComments && this.isCurrentLineComment()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (this.isCurrentLineBlank()) {
- data.push(this.currentLine.slice(newIndent));
- continue;
- }
- if (isItUnindentedCollection && !this.isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem(this.currentLine) && indent === newIndent) {
- this.moveToPreviousLine();
- break;
- }
- if (indent >= newIndent) {
- data.push(this.currentLine.slice(newIndent));
- } else if (Utils.ltrim(this.currentLine).charAt(0) === '#') {
- } else if (0 === indent) {
- this.moveToPreviousLine();
- break;
- } else {
- throw new ParseException('Indentation problem.', this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1, this.currentLine);
- }
- }
- return data.join("\n");
- };
- Parser.prototype.moveToNextLine = function() {
- if (this.currentLineNb >= this.lines.length - 1) {
- return false;
- }
- this.currentLine = this.lines[++this.currentLineNb];
- return true;
- };
- Parser.prototype.moveToPreviousLine = function() {
- this.currentLine = this.lines[--this.currentLineNb];
- };
- Parser.prototype.parseValue = function(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- var e, error, foldedIndent, matches, modifiers, pos, ref, ref1, val;
- if (0 === value.indexOf('*')) {
- pos = value.indexOf('#');
- if (pos !== -1) {
- value = value.substr(1, pos - 2);
- } else {
- value = value.slice(1);
- }
- if (this.refs[value] === void 0) {
- throw new ParseException('Reference "' + value + '" does not exist.', this.currentLine);
- }
- return this.refs[value];
- }
- if (matches = this.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_ALL.exec(value)) {
- modifiers = (ref = matches.modifiers) != null ? ref : '';
- foldedIndent = Math.abs(parseInt(modifiers));
- if (isNaN(foldedIndent)) {
- foldedIndent = 0;
- }
- val = this.parseFoldedScalar(matches.separator, this.PATTERN_DECIMAL.replace(modifiers, ''), foldedIndent);
- if (matches.type != null) {
- Inline.configure(exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- return Inline.parseScalar(matches.type + ' ' + val);
- } else {
- return val;
- }
- }
- if ((ref1 = value.charAt(0)) === '[' || ref1 === '{' || ref1 === '"' || ref1 === "'") {
- while (true) {
- try {
- return Inline.parse(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- } catch (error) {
- e = error;
- if (e instanceof ParseMore && this.moveToNextLine()) {
- value += "\n" + Utils.trim(this.currentLine, ' ');
- } else {
- e.parsedLine = this.getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1;
- e.snippet = this.currentLine;
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (this.isNextLineIndented()) {
- value += "\n" + this.getNextEmbedBlock();
- }
- return Inline.parse(value, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- }
- };
- Parser.prototype.parseFoldedScalar = function(separator, indicator, indentation) {
- var isCurrentLineBlank, j, len, line, matches, newText, notEOF, pattern, ref, text;
- if (indicator == null) {
- indicator = '';
- }
- if (indentation == null) {
- indentation = 0;
- }
- notEOF = this.moveToNextLine();
- if (!notEOF) {
- return '';
- }
- isCurrentLineBlank = this.isCurrentLineBlank();
- text = '';
- while (notEOF && isCurrentLineBlank) {
- if (notEOF = this.moveToNextLine()) {
- text += "\n";
- isCurrentLineBlank = this.isCurrentLineBlank();
- }
- }
- if (0 === indentation) {
- if (matches = this.PATTERN_INDENT_SPACES.exec(this.currentLine)) {
- indentation = matches[0].length;
- }
- }
- if (indentation > 0) {
- pattern = this.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_BY_INDENTATION[indentation];
- if (pattern == null) {
- pattern = new Pattern('^ {' + indentation + '}(.*)$');
- Parser.prototype.PATTERN_FOLDED_SCALAR_BY_INDENTATION[indentation] = pattern;
- }
- while (notEOF && (isCurrentLineBlank || (matches = pattern.exec(this.currentLine)))) {
- if (isCurrentLineBlank) {
- text += this.currentLine.slice(indentation);
- } else {
- text += matches[1];
- }
- if (notEOF = this.moveToNextLine()) {
- text += "\n";
- isCurrentLineBlank = this.isCurrentLineBlank();
- }
- }
- } else if (notEOF) {
- text += "\n";
- }
- if (notEOF) {
- this.moveToPreviousLine();
- }
- if ('>' === separator) {
- newText = '';
- ref = text.split("\n");
- for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {
- line = ref[j];
- if (line.length === 0 || line.charAt(0) === ' ') {
- newText = Utils.rtrim(newText, ' ') + line + "\n";
- } else {
- newText += line + ' ';
- }
- }
- text = newText;
- }
- if ('+' !== indicator) {
- text = Utils.rtrim(text);
- }
- if ('' === indicator) {
- text = this.PATTERN_TRAILING_LINES.replace(text, "\n");
- } else if ('-' === indicator) {
- text = this.PATTERN_TRAILING_LINES.replace(text, '');
- }
- return text;
- };
- Parser.prototype.isNextLineIndented = function(ignoreComments) {
- var EOF, currentIndentation, ret;
- if (ignoreComments == null) {
- ignoreComments = true;
- }
- currentIndentation = this.getCurrentLineIndentation();
- EOF = !this.moveToNextLine();
- if (ignoreComments) {
- while (!EOF && this.isCurrentLineEmpty()) {
- EOF = !this.moveToNextLine();
- }
- } else {
- while (!EOF && this.isCurrentLineBlank()) {
- EOF = !this.moveToNextLine();
- }
- }
- if (EOF) {
- return false;
- }
- ret = false;
- if (this.getCurrentLineIndentation() > currentIndentation) {
- ret = true;
- }
- this.moveToPreviousLine();
- return ret;
- };
- Parser.prototype.isCurrentLineEmpty = function() {
- var trimmedLine;
- trimmedLine = Utils.trim(this.currentLine, ' ');
- return trimmedLine.length === 0 || trimmedLine.charAt(0) === '#';
- };
- Parser.prototype.isCurrentLineBlank = function() {
- return '' === Utils.trim(this.currentLine, ' ');
- };
- Parser.prototype.isCurrentLineComment = function() {
- var ltrimmedLine;
- ltrimmedLine = Utils.ltrim(this.currentLine, ' ');
- return ltrimmedLine.charAt(0) === '#';
- };
- Parser.prototype.cleanup = function(value) {
- var count, i, indent, j, l, len, len1, line, lines, ref, ref1, ref2, smallestIndent, trimmedValue;
- if (value.indexOf("\r") !== -1) {
- value = value.split("\r\n").join("\n").split("\r").join("\n");
- }
- count = 0;
- ref = this.PATTERN_YAML_HEADER.replaceAll(value, ''), value = ref[0], count = ref[1];
- this.offset += count;
- ref1 = this.PATTERN_LEADING_COMMENTS.replaceAll(value, '', 1), trimmedValue = ref1[0], count = ref1[1];
- if (count === 1) {
- this.offset += Utils.subStrCount(value, "\n") - Utils.subStrCount(trimmedValue, "\n");
- value = trimmedValue;
- }
- ref2 = this.PATTERN_DOCUMENT_MARKER_START.replaceAll(value, '', 1), trimmedValue = ref2[0], count = ref2[1];
- if (count === 1) {
- this.offset += Utils.subStrCount(value, "\n") - Utils.subStrCount(trimmedValue, "\n");
- value = trimmedValue;
- value = this.PATTERN_DOCUMENT_MARKER_END.replace(value, '');
- }
- lines = value.split("\n");
- smallestIndent = -1;
- for (j = 0, len = lines.length; j < len; j++) {
- line = lines[j];
- if (Utils.trim(line, ' ').length === 0) {
- continue;
- }
- indent = line.length - Utils.ltrim(line).length;
- if (smallestIndent === -1 || indent < smallestIndent) {
- smallestIndent = indent;
- }
- }
- if (smallestIndent > 0) {
- for (i = l = 0, len1 = lines.length; l < len1; i = ++l) {
- line = lines[i];
- lines[i] = line.slice(smallestIndent);
- }
- value = lines.join("\n");
- }
- return value;
- };
- Parser.prototype.isNextLineUnIndentedCollection = function(currentIndentation) {
- var notEOF, ret;
- if (currentIndentation == null) {
- currentIndentation = null;
- }
- if (currentIndentation == null) {
- currentIndentation = this.getCurrentLineIndentation();
- }
- notEOF = this.moveToNextLine();
- while (notEOF && this.isCurrentLineEmpty()) {
- notEOF = this.moveToNextLine();
- }
- if (false === notEOF) {
- return false;
- }
- ret = false;
- if (this.getCurrentLineIndentation() === currentIndentation && this.isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem(this.currentLine)) {
- ret = true;
- }
- this.moveToPreviousLine();
- return ret;
- };
- Parser.prototype.isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem = function() {
- return this.currentLine === '-' || this.currentLine.slice(0, 2) === '- ';
- };
- return Parser;
-module.exports = Parser;
-var Pattern;
-Pattern = (function() {
- Pattern.prototype.regex = null;
- Pattern.prototype.rawRegex = null;
- Pattern.prototype.cleanedRegex = null;
- Pattern.prototype.mapping = null;
- function Pattern(rawRegex, modifiers) {
- var _char, capturingBracketNumber, cleanedRegex, i, len, mapping, name, part, subChar;
- if (modifiers == null) {
- modifiers = '';
- }
- cleanedRegex = '';
- len = rawRegex.length;
- mapping = null;
- capturingBracketNumber = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (i < len) {
- _char = rawRegex.charAt(i);
- if (_char === '\\') {
- cleanedRegex += rawRegex.slice(i, +(i + 1) + 1 || 9e9);
- i++;
- } else if (_char === '(') {
- if (i < len - 2) {
- part = rawRegex.slice(i, +(i + 2) + 1 || 9e9);
- if (part === '(?:') {
- i += 2;
- cleanedRegex += part;
- } else if (part === '(?<') {
- capturingBracketNumber++;
- i += 2;
- name = '';
- while (i + 1 < len) {
- subChar = rawRegex.charAt(i + 1);
- if (subChar === '>') {
- cleanedRegex += '(';
- i++;
- if (name.length > 0) {
- if (mapping == null) {
- mapping = {};
- }
- mapping[name] = capturingBracketNumber;
- }
- break;
- } else {
- name += subChar;
- }
- i++;
- }
- } else {
- cleanedRegex += _char;
- capturingBracketNumber++;
- }
- } else {
- cleanedRegex += _char;
- }
- } else {
- cleanedRegex += _char;
- }
- i++;
- }
- this.rawRegex = rawRegex;
- this.cleanedRegex = cleanedRegex;
- this.regex = new RegExp(this.cleanedRegex, 'g' + modifiers.replace('g', ''));
- this.mapping = mapping;
- }
- Pattern.prototype.exec = function(str) {
- var index, matches, name, ref;
- this.regex.lastIndex = 0;
- matches = this.regex.exec(str);
- if (matches == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (this.mapping != null) {
- ref = this.mapping;
- for (name in ref) {
- index = ref[name];
- matches[name] = matches[index];
- }
- }
- return matches;
- };
- Pattern.prototype.test = function(str) {
- this.regex.lastIndex = 0;
- return this.regex.test(str);
- };
- Pattern.prototype.replace = function(str, replacement) {
- this.regex.lastIndex = 0;
- return str.replace(this.regex, replacement);
- };
- Pattern.prototype.replaceAll = function(str, replacement, limit) {
- var count;
- if (limit == null) {
- limit = 0;
- }
- this.regex.lastIndex = 0;
- count = 0;
- while (this.regex.test(str) && (limit === 0 || count < limit)) {
- this.regex.lastIndex = 0;
- str = str.replace(this.regex, replacement);
- count++;
- }
- return [str, count];
- };
- return Pattern;
-module.exports = Pattern;
-var Pattern, Unescaper, Utils;
-Utils = require('./Utils');
-Pattern = require('./Pattern');
-Unescaper = (function() {
- function Unescaper() {}
- Unescaper.PATTERN_ESCAPED_CHARACTER = new Pattern('\\\\([0abt\tnvfre "\\/\\\\N_LP]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})');
- Unescaper.unescapeSingleQuotedString = function(value) {
- return value.replace(/\'\'/g, '\'');
- };
- Unescaper.unescapeDoubleQuotedString = function(value) {
- if (this._unescapeCallback == null) {
- this._unescapeCallback = (function(_this) {
- return function(str) {
- return _this.unescapeCharacter(str);
- };
- })(this);
- }
- return this.PATTERN_ESCAPED_CHARACTER.replace(value, this._unescapeCallback);
- };
- Unescaper.unescapeCharacter = function(value) {
- var ch;
- ch = String.fromCharCode;
- switch (value.charAt(1)) {
- case '0':
- return ch(0);
- case 'a':
- return ch(7);
- case 'b':
- return ch(8);
- case 't':
- return "\t";
- case "\t":
- return "\t";
- case 'n':
- return "\n";
- case 'v':
- return ch(11);
- case 'f':
- return ch(12);
- case 'r':
- return ch(13);
- case 'e':
- return ch(27);
- case ' ':
- return ' ';
- case '"':
- return '"';
- case '/':
- return '/';
- case '\\':
- return '\\';
- case 'N':
- return ch(0x0085);
- case '_':
- return ch(0x00A0);
- case 'L':
- return ch(0x2028);
- case 'P':
- return ch(0x2029);
- case 'x':
- return Utils.utf8chr(Utils.hexDec(value.substr(2, 2)));
- case 'u':
- return Utils.utf8chr(Utils.hexDec(value.substr(2, 4)));
- case 'U':
- return Utils.utf8chr(Utils.hexDec(value.substr(2, 8)));
- default:
- return '';
- }
- };
- return Unescaper;
-module.exports = Unescaper;
-var Pattern, Utils,
- hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-Pattern = require('./Pattern');
-Utils = (function() {
- function Utils() {}
- Utils.REGEX_SPACES = /\s+/g;
- Utils.REGEX_DIGITS = /^\d+$/;
- Utils.REGEX_OCTAL = /[^0-7]/gi;
- Utils.REGEX_HEXADECIMAL = /[^a-f0-9]/gi;
- Utils.PATTERN_DATE = new Pattern('^' + '(?<year>[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + '-(?<month>[0-9][0-9]?)' + '-(?<day>[0-9][0-9]?)' + '(?:(?:[Tt]|[ \t]+)' + '(?<hour>[0-9][0-9]?)' + ':(?<minute>[0-9][0-9])' + ':(?<second>[0-9][0-9])' + '(?:\.(?<fraction>[0-9]*))?' + '(?:[ \t]*(?<tz>Z|(?<tz_sign>[-+])(?<tz_hour>[0-9][0-9]?)' + '(?::(?<tz_minute>[0-9][0-9]))?))?)?' + '$', 'i');
- Utils.LOCAL_TIMEZONE_OFFSET = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
- Utils.trim = function(str, _char) {
- var regexLeft, regexRight;
- if (_char == null) {
- _char = '\\s';
- }
- regexLeft = this.REGEX_LEFT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char];
- if (regexLeft == null) {
- this.REGEX_LEFT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char] = regexLeft = new RegExp('^' + _char + '' + _char + '*');
- }
- regexLeft.lastIndex = 0;
- regexRight = this.REGEX_RIGHT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char];
- if (regexRight == null) {
- this.REGEX_RIGHT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char] = regexRight = new RegExp(_char + '' + _char + '*$');
- }
- regexRight.lastIndex = 0;
- return str.replace(regexLeft, '').replace(regexRight, '');
- };
- Utils.ltrim = function(str, _char) {
- var regexLeft;
- if (_char == null) {
- _char = '\\s';
- }
- regexLeft = this.REGEX_LEFT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char];
- if (regexLeft == null) {
- this.REGEX_LEFT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char] = regexLeft = new RegExp('^' + _char + '' + _char + '*');
- }
- regexLeft.lastIndex = 0;
- return str.replace(regexLeft, '');
- };
- Utils.rtrim = function(str, _char) {
- var regexRight;
- if (_char == null) {
- _char = '\\s';
- }
- regexRight = this.REGEX_RIGHT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char];
- if (regexRight == null) {
- this.REGEX_RIGHT_TRIM_BY_CHAR[_char] = regexRight = new RegExp(_char + '' + _char + '*$');
- }
- regexRight.lastIndex = 0;
- return str.replace(regexRight, '');
- };
- Utils.isEmpty = function(value) {
- return !value || value === '' || value === '0' || (value instanceof Array && value.length === 0) || this.isEmptyObject(value);
- };
- Utils.isEmptyObject = function(value) {
- var k;
- return value instanceof Object && ((function() {
- var results;
- results = [];
- for (k in value) {
- if (!hasProp.call(value, k)) continue;
- results.push(k);
- }
- return results;
- })()).length === 0;
- };
- Utils.subStrCount = function(string, subString, start, length) {
- var c, i, j, len, ref, sublen;
- c = 0;
- string = '' + string;
- subString = '' + subString;
- if (start != null) {
- string = string.slice(start);
- }
- if (length != null) {
- string = string.slice(0, length);
- }
- len = string.length;
- sublen = subString.length;
- for (i = j = 0, ref = len; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
- if (subString === string.slice(i, sublen)) {
- c++;
- i += sublen - 1;
- }
- }
- return c;
- };
- Utils.isDigits = function(input) {
- this.REGEX_DIGITS.lastIndex = 0;
- return this.REGEX_DIGITS.test(input);
- };
- Utils.octDec = function(input) {
- this.REGEX_OCTAL.lastIndex = 0;
- return parseInt((input + '').replace(this.REGEX_OCTAL, ''), 8);
- };
- Utils.hexDec = function(input) {
- this.REGEX_HEXADECIMAL.lastIndex = 0;
- input = this.trim(input);
- if ((input + '').slice(0, 2) === '0x') {
- input = (input + '').slice(2);
- }
- return parseInt((input + '').replace(this.REGEX_HEXADECIMAL, ''), 16);
- };
- Utils.utf8chr = function(c) {
- var ch;
- ch = String.fromCharCode;
- if (0x80 > (c %= 0x200000)) {
- return ch(c);
- }
- if (0x800 > c) {
- return ch(0xC0 | c >> 6) + ch(0x80 | c & 0x3F);
- }
- if (0x10000 > c) {
- return ch(0xE0 | c >> 12) + ch(0x80 | c >> 6 & 0x3F) + ch(0x80 | c & 0x3F);
- }
- return ch(0xF0 | c >> 18) + ch(0x80 | c >> 12 & 0x3F) + ch(0x80 | c >> 6 & 0x3F) + ch(0x80 | c & 0x3F);
- };
- Utils.parseBoolean = function(input, strict) {
- var lowerInput;
- if (strict == null) {
- strict = true;
- }
- if (typeof input === 'string') {
- lowerInput = input.toLowerCase();
- if (!strict) {
- if (lowerInput === 'no') {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (lowerInput === '0') {
- return false;
- }
- if (lowerInput === 'false') {
- return false;
- }
- if (lowerInput === '') {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return !!input;
- };
- Utils.isNumeric = function(input) {
- this.REGEX_SPACES.lastIndex = 0;
- return typeof input === 'number' || typeof input === 'string' && !isNaN(input) && input.replace(this.REGEX_SPACES, '') !== '';
- };
- Utils.stringToDate = function(str) {
- var date, day, fraction, hour, info, minute, month, second, tz_hour, tz_minute, tz_offset, year;
- if (!(str != null ? str.length : void 0)) {
- return null;
- }
- info = this.PATTERN_DATE.exec(str);
- if (!info) {
- return null;
- }
- year = parseInt(info.year, 10);
- month = parseInt(info.month, 10) - 1;
- day = parseInt(info.day, 10);
- if (info.hour == null) {
- date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
- return date;
- }
- hour = parseInt(info.hour, 10);
- minute = parseInt(info.minute, 10);
- second = parseInt(info.second, 10);
- if (info.fraction != null) {
- fraction = info.fraction.slice(0, 3);
- while (fraction.length < 3) {
- fraction += '0';
- }
- fraction = parseInt(fraction, 10);
- } else {
- fraction = 0;
- }
- if (info.tz != null) {
- tz_hour = parseInt(info.tz_hour, 10);
- if (info.tz_minute != null) {
- tz_minute = parseInt(info.tz_minute, 10);
- } else {
- tz_minute = 0;
- }
- tz_offset = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 60000;
- if ('-' === info.tz_sign) {
- tz_offset *= -1;
- }
- }
- date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction));
- if (tz_offset) {
- date.setTime(date.getTime() - tz_offset);
- }
- return date;
- };
- Utils.strRepeat = function(str, number) {
- var i, res;
- res = '';
- i = 0;
- while (i < number) {
- res += str;
- i++;
- }
- return res;
- };
- Utils.getStringFromFile = function(path, callback) {
- var data, fs, j, len1, name, ref, req, xhr;
- if (callback == null) {
- callback = null;
- }
- xhr = null;
- if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) {
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
- xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
- ref = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
- for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
- name = ref[j];
- try {
- xhr = new ActiveXObject(name);
- } catch (undefined) {}
- }
- }
- }
- if (xhr != null) {
- if (callback != null) {
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
- return callback(xhr.responseText);
- } else {
- return callback(null);
- }
- }
- };
- xhr.open('GET', path, true);
- return xhr.send(null);
- } else {
- xhr.open('GET', path, false);
- xhr.send(null);
- if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
- return xhr.responseText;
- }
- return null;
- }
- } else {
- req = require;
- fs = req('fs');
- if (callback != null) {
- return fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(null);
- } else {
- return callback(String(data));
- }
- });
- } else {
- data = fs.readFileSync(path);
- if (data != null) {
- return String(data);
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
- return Utils;
-module.exports = Utils;
-var Dumper, Parser, Utils, Yaml;
-Parser = require('./Parser');
-Dumper = require('./Dumper');
-Utils = require('./Utils');
-Yaml = (function() {
- function Yaml() {}
- Yaml.parse = function(input, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectDecoder == null) {
- objectDecoder = null;
- }
- return new Parser().parse(input, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- };
- Yaml.parseFile = function(path, callback, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- var input;
- if (callback == null) {
- callback = null;
- }
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectDecoder == null) {
- objectDecoder = null;
- }
- if (callback != null) {
- return Utils.getStringFromFile(path, (function(_this) {
- return function(input) {
- var result;
- result = null;
- if (input != null) {
- result = _this.parse(input, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- }
- callback(result);
- };
- })(this));
- } else {
- input = Utils.getStringFromFile(path);
- if (input != null) {
- return this.parse(input, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- Yaml.dump = function(input, inline, indent, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) {
- var yaml;
- if (inline == null) {
- inline = 2;
- }
- if (indent == null) {
- indent = 4;
- }
- if (exceptionOnInvalidType == null) {
- exceptionOnInvalidType = false;
- }
- if (objectEncoder == null) {
- objectEncoder = null;
- }
- yaml = new Dumper();
- yaml.indentation = indent;
- return yaml.dump(input, inline, 0, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder);
- };
- Yaml.stringify = function(input, inline, indent, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder) {
- return this.dump(input, inline, indent, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectEncoder);
- };
- Yaml.load = function(path, callback, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder) {
- return this.parseFile(path, callback, exceptionOnInvalidType, objectDecoder);
- };
- return Yaml;
-if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null) {
- window.YAML = Yaml;
-if (typeof window === "undefined" || window === null) {
- this.YAML = Yaml;
-module.exports = Yaml;