@@ -184,23 +184,12 @@ class IndexApp {
"onclick": function (e) {
let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
- window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/protos'
+ window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds'
//page('/' + alias + '/worlds/protos');
- }),
- window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
- {
- "label": _l.t("my world states"),
- "onclick": function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
- window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/states'
- //page('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
- // page.redirect('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
- //_app.indexApp.getWorldsFromUserDB(alias);
- }
@@ -215,7 +204,7 @@ class IndexApp {
// class: "mdc-typography--headline4",
// $text: navigator.userAgent
// }
@@ -238,7 +227,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- async allWorldsProtosForUser(userAlias) {
+ async allWorldsForUser(userAlias) {
let userPub = await _app.helpers.getUserPub(userAlias);
//let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
@@ -293,72 +282,11 @@ class IndexApp {
- async allWorldsStatesForUser(userAlias, worldName, elID) {
- let userPub = await _app.helpers.getUserPub(userAlias);
- //let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
- let doc = elID ? document.querySelector("#" + elID) : document.querySelector("#worldsGUI");
- var worlds = {};
- if (userPub) {
- if (!worldName) {
- worlds = this.createWorldsGUI('state', userAlias, userPub)
- } else {
- worlds = this.createWorldsGUI('state', userAlias, userPub, worldName)
- }
- } else {
- worlds = {
- $type: 'div',
- $text: 'Could not find user with name: ' + userAlias,
- class: "mdc-typography--headline4"
- }
- }
- let components = [
- {
- $type: "div",
- class: "mdc-layout-grid",
- $components: [
- {
- $type: "div",
- class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner",
- $components: [
- {
- $type: "div",
- class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12",
- $components: [
- {
- $type: "h1",
- class: "mdc-typography--headline4",
- $text: _l.t("states for") + userAlias
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- $type: "div",
- class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12",
- $components: [].concat(worlds)
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- doc._refresh(components);
- }
authGUI() {
let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
let userEl = document.querySelector('#userGUI');
- userEl._status = _l.t("welcome") +', ' + alias + '!';
+ userEl._status = _l.t("welcome") + ', ' + alias + '!';
//userEl.style.backgroundColor = '#e6e6e6';
userEl._refresh(); //$update();
@@ -381,7 +309,7 @@ class IndexApp {
// });
let actionsGUI = document.querySelector('#worldActionsGUI');
- if (actionsGUI){
+ if (actionsGUI) {
actionsGUI._gen = _app.helpers.randId();
@@ -397,13 +325,9 @@ class IndexApp {
if (this.entry == 'index') {
//change for LiveCoding.space to 'app'
- this.allWorldsProtosForUser(alias)
+ this.allWorldsForUser(alias)
@@ -461,78 +385,22 @@ class IndexApp {
- // {
- // $type: "a",
- // class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
- // $text: 'World Protos', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
- // onclick: function (e) {
- // //console.log('clone');
- // let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
- // self.initWorldsProtosListForUser(searchName);
- // }
- // },
- // {
- // $type: "a",
- // class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
- // $text: 'World States', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
- // onclick: function (e) {
- // //console.log('clone');
- // let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
- // self.initWorldsStatesListForUser(searchName);
- // }
- // }
- "label": _l.t("world protos"),
+ "label": _l.t("world protos"),
"onclick": function (e) {
let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
if (searchName !== "")
- window.location.pathname = "/" + searchName + "/worlds/protos"
+ window.location.pathname = "/" + searchName + "/worlds"
- }
- }),
- _app.widgets.space,
- _app.widgets.buttonRaised(
- {
- "label": _l.t("world states"),
- "onclick": function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- //page("/app/worlds/states")
- let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
- if (searchName !== "")
- window.location.pathname = "/" + searchName + "/worlds/states"
- //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('states');
- },
- // window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
- // {
- // "label": 'Default World Protos',
- // "onclick": function (e) {
- // e.preventDefault();
- // //page("/app/worlds/protos")
- // window.location.pathname = "/app/worlds/protos"
- // //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('protos');
- // }
- // }),
- // window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
- // {
- // "label": 'Default World States',
- // "onclick": function (e) {
- // e.preventDefault();
- // //page("/app/worlds/states")
- // window.location.pathname = "/app/worlds/states"
- // //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('states');
- // }
- // })
+ }
this.$components = [
@@ -582,7 +450,7 @@ class IndexApp {
let instanceID = _app.helpers.getInstanceID(m[0]);
var link = "#";
- if(m[1].loadInfo.save_name){
+ if (m[1].loadInfo.save_name) {
link = "/" + m[1].user + "/" + worldName + "/" + instanceID + '/load/' + m[1].loadInfo.save_name;
} else {
link = "/" + m[1].user + "/" + worldName + "/" + instanceID; //m[0];
@@ -610,7 +478,7 @@ class IndexApp {
onclick: function (e) {
window.location.pathname = link
@@ -738,7 +606,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- console.log(res);
+ //console.log(res);
let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res);
@@ -765,59 +633,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- }
- // else if (worldType == 'state') {
- // let pathName = 'savestate_/' + this._worldName.protoName + '/' + this._worldName.stateName + '_info_vwf_json';
- // db.get('documents').get(this._worldName.protoName).path(pathName).on((res) => {
- // if (res) {
- // if (res.file) {
- // let doc = {
- // 'worldName': this._worldName.protoName + '/load/' + this._worldName.stateName,
- // 'created': undefined,
- // 'modified': undefined,
- // 'type': 'state',
- // 'userAlias': userAlias,
- // 'info': { title: 'Need to repair!' }
- // }
- // this._refresh(doc);
- // return
- // }
- // console.log(res);
- // let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res);
- // let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0];
- // var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en'];
- // let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale');
- // if (langID) {
- // appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID]
- // }
- // let doc = {
- // 'worldName': this._worldName.protoName + '/load/' + this._worldName.stateName,
- // 'created': undefined,
- // 'modified': undefined,
- // 'type': 'saveState',
- // 'userAlias': userAlias,
- // 'info': appInfo
- // }
- // this._refresh(doc);
- // //callback
- // if (cb)
- // cb(doc);
- // }
- // })
- // }
+ }
} else if (type == 'full') {
if (worldType == 'proto') {
@@ -840,9 +656,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- console.log(res);
+ //console.log(res);
let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res['info_json']);
@@ -879,63 +693,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- }
- // else if (worldType == 'state') {
- // let pathNameInfo = 'savestate_/' + this._worldName.protoName + '/' + this._worldName.stateName + '_info_vwf_json';
- // db.get('documents').get(this._worldName.protoName).path(pathNameInfo).on((res) => {
- // if (res) {
- // if (res.file) {
- // let doc = {
- // 'worldName': this._worldName.protoName + '/load/' + this._worldName.stateName,
- // 'created': undefined,
- // 'modified': undefined,
- // 'type': 'state',
- // 'userAlias': userAlias,
- // 'info': { title: 'Need to repair!' }
- // }
- // this._refresh(doc);
- // return
- // }
- // console.log(res);
- // let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res);
- // let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0];
- // var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en'];
- // let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale');
- // if (langID) {
- // appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID]
- // }
- // let settings = worldDesc[root]['settings'];
- // let doc = {
- // 'worldName': this._worldName.protoName + '/load/' + this._worldName.stateName,
- // 'created': undefined,
- // 'modified': undefined,
- // 'type': 'saveState',
- // 'userAlias': userAlias,
- // 'info': appInfo,
- // 'settings': settings
- // }
- // this._refresh(doc);
- // //callback
- // if (cb)
- // cb(doc);
- // } else {
- // //no world
- // this._refresh({})
- // }
- // })
- // }
+ }
$update: function () {
@@ -1028,26 +786,6 @@ class IndexApp {
if (desc.type == 'proto') {
cardInfo.title = desc.worldName;
- // userGUI.push(
- // {
- // $type: "a",
- // class: "mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action",
- // $text: "States",
- // onclick: async function (e) {
- // e.preventDefault();
- // window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/' + desc.worldName +'/about'
- // //console.log('clone');
- // // document.querySelector('#worldStatesGUI')._refresh({});
- // // let data = await _app.getSaveStates(desc.userAlias, desc.worldName);
- // // document.querySelector('#worldStatesGUI')._refresh(data);
- // }
- // }
- // )
@@ -1148,22 +886,13 @@ class IndexApp {
- createWorldsGUI(worldType, userAlias, userPub, worldName) {
+ createWorldsGUI(worldType, userAlias, userPub) {
let self = this;
let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
+ let id = "allWorlds_" + userAlias;
- var headerText = 'Worlds';
- if (worldType == 'state' && !worldName) {
- headerText = 'All World States for ' + userAlias;
- } else {
- headerText = worldName ? 'States for ' + worldName : 'All Worlds Protos'
- }
- let id = worldName ? worldName + '_' + userAlias : "allWorlds_" + userAlias
- //let headerText = worldName ? 'States for ' + worldName : 'All Worlds Protos'
let worldCards = {
$cell: true,
@@ -1171,10 +900,6 @@ class IndexApp {
$type: "div",
$components: [],
_cards: [],
- // _states: {},
- // _refresh: function (data) {
- // this._states = data;
- // },
$init: function () {
console.log('init lab...');
@@ -1182,7 +907,7 @@ class IndexApp {
.on((res, k) => {
- console.log('From world: ', k);
+ //console.log('From world: ', k);
//let doc = document.querySelector('#'+ k);
if (res) {
@@ -1197,90 +922,7 @@ class IndexApp {
- }
- // else if (worldType == 'state') {
- // //get states
- // if (!worldName) {
- // console.log('get states');
- // db.get('documents')
- // .map()
- // .on((res, k) => {
- // if (k !== 'id') {
- // console.log('From world: ', k);
- // let worldStatesInfo = Object.entries(res).filter(el => el[0].includes('_info_vwf_json'));
- // worldStatesInfo.map(el => {
- // let saveName = el[0].split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', "");
- // let stateEntry = 'savestate_/' + k + '/' + saveName + '_vwf_json';
- // if (res[stateEntry]) {
- // let cardID = userAlias + '_' + saveName + '_' + k;
- // console.log(cardID, ' - ', el);
- // let doc = this._cards.filter(el => el.$components[0].id == 'worldCard_' + cardID)[0];
- // if (!doc) {
- // doc = this._makeWorldCard({ protoName: k, stateName: saveName }, cardID);
- // this._cards.push(doc);
- // }
- // }
- // })
- // //let saveName = el.stateName.split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', "");
- // }
- // })
- // } else {
- // console.log('get states for ' + worldName);
- // db.get('documents')
- // .map((res, k) => { if (k == worldName) return res })
- // .on((res, k) => {
- // if (k !== 'id') {
- // console.log('From world: ', k);
- // let worldStatesInfo = Object.entries(res).filter(el => el[0].includes('_info_vwf_json'));
- // worldStatesInfo.map(el => {
- // let saveName = el[0].split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', "");
- // let stateEntry = 'savestate_/' + k + '/' + saveName + '_vwf_json';
- // if (res[stateEntry]) {
- // let cardID = userAlias + '_' + saveName + '_' + k;
- // console.log(cardID, ' - ', el);
- // let doc = this._cards.filter(el => el.$components[0].id == 'worldCard_' + cardID)[0];
- // if (!doc) {
- // doc = this._makeWorldCard({ protoName: k, stateName: saveName }, cardID);
- // this._cards.push(doc);
- // }
- // }
- // })
- // //let saveName = el.stateName.split('/')[2].replace('_info_vwf_json', "");
- // }
- // })
- // }
- // }
- //this._refresh();
+ }
_makeWorldCard: function (worldID, cardID) {
//let cardID = userAlias + '_' + worldID//data[1].userAlias + '_' + data[1].worldName + '_' + data[0];
@@ -1293,12 +935,6 @@ class IndexApp {
$update: function () {
- // let cards = Object.entries(this._states)
- // .filter(el => Object.keys(el[1]).length !== 0)
- // .sort(function (el1, el2) {
- // return parseInt(el2[1].created) - parseInt(el1[1].created)
- // })
- // .map(this._makeWorldCard);
this.$components = [
@@ -1327,10 +963,7 @@ class IndexApp {
$components: this._cards