@@ -1,2247 +1,2247 @@
- var root;
- if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ root = window }
- if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ root = global }
- root = root || {};
- var console = root.console || {log: function(){}};
- function USE(arg, req){
- return req? require(arg) : arg.slice? USE[R(arg)] : function(mod, path){
- arg(mod = {exports: {}});
- USE[R(path)] = mod.exports;
- }
- function R(p){
- return p.split('/').slice(-1).toString().replace('.js','');
- }
- }
- if(typeof module !== "undefined"){ var common = module }
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = {};
- Type.fn = {is: function(fn){ return (!!fn && 'function' == typeof fn) }}
- Type.bi = {is: function(b){ return (b instanceof Boolean || typeof b == 'boolean') }}
- Type.num = {is: function(n){ return !list_is(n) && ((n - parseFloat(n) + 1) >= 0 || Infinity === n || -Infinity === n) }}
- Type.text = {is: function(t){ return (typeof t == 'string') }}
- Type.text.ify = function(t){
- if(Type.text.is(t)){ return t }
- if(typeof JSON !== "undefined"){ return JSON.stringify(t) }
- return (t && t.toString)? t.toString() : t;
- }
- Type.text.random = function(l, c){
- var s = '';
- l = l || 24;
- c = c || '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- while(l > 0){ s += c.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * c.length)); l-- }
- return s;
- }
- Type.text.match = function(t, o){ var tmp, u;
- if('string' !== typeof t){ return false }
- if('string' == typeof o){ o = {'=': o} }
- o = o || {};
- tmp = (o['='] || o['*'] || o['>'] || o['<']);
- if(t === tmp){ return true }
- if(u !== o['=']){ return false }
- tmp = (o['*'] || o['>'] || o['<']);
- if(t.slice(0, (tmp||'').length) === tmp){ return true }
- if(u !== o['*']){ return false }
- if(u !== o['>'] && u !== o['<']){
- return (t >= o['>'] && t <= o['<'])? true : false;
- }
- if(u !== o['>'] && t >= o['>']){ return true }
- if(u !== o['<'] && t <= o['<']){ return true }
- return false;
- }
- Type.list = {is: function(l){ return (l instanceof Array) }}
- Type.list.slit = Array.prototype.slice;
- Type.list.sort = function(k){
- return function(A,B){
- if(!A || !B){ return 0 } A = A[k]; B = B[k];
- if(A < B){ return -1 }else if(A > B){ return 1 }
- else { return 0 }
- }
- }
- Type.list.map = function(l, c, _){ return obj_map(l, c, _) }
- Type.list.index = 1;
- Type.obj = {is: function(o){ return o? (o instanceof Object && o.constructor === Object) || Object.prototype.toString.call(o).match(/^\[object (\w+)\]$/)[1] === 'Object' : false }}
- Type.obj.put = function(o, k, v){ return (o||{})[k] = v, o }
- Type.obj.has = function(o, k){ return o && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k) }
- Type.obj.del = function(o, k){
- if(!o){ return }
- o[k] = null;
- delete o[k];
- return o;
- }
- Type.obj.as = function(o, k, v, u){ return o[k] = o[k] || (u === v? {} : v) }
- Type.obj.ify = function(o){
- if(obj_is(o)){ return o }
- try{o = JSON.parse(o);
- }catch(e){o={}};
- return o;
- }
- ;(function(){ var u;
- function map(v,k){
- if(obj_has(this,k) && u !== this[k]){ return }
- this[k] = v;
- }
- Type.obj.to = function(from, to){
- to = to || {};
- obj_map(from, map, to);
- return to;
- }
- }());
- Type.obj.copy = function(o){
- return !o? o : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
- }
- ;(function(){
- function empty(v,i){ var n = this.n;
- if(n && (i === n || (obj_is(n) && obj_has(n, i)))){ return }
- if(i){ return true }
- }
- Type.obj.empty = function(o, n){
- if(!o){ return true }
- return obj_map(o,empty,{n:n})? false : true;
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- function t(k,v){
- if(2 === arguments.length){
- t.r = t.r || {};
- t.r[k] = v;
- return;
- } t.r = t.r || [];
- t.r.push(k);
- };
- var keys = Object.keys;
- Type.obj.map = function(l, c, _){
- var u, i = 0, x, r, ll, lle, f = fn_is(c);
- t.r = null;
- if(keys && obj_is(l)){
- ll = keys(l); lle = true;
- }
- if(list_is(l) || ll){
- x = (ll || l).length;
- for(;i < x; i++){
- var ii = (i + Type.list.index);
- if(f){
- r = lle? c.call(_ || this, l[ll[i]], ll[i], t) : c.call(_ || this, l[i], ii, t);
- if(r !== u){ return r }
- } else {
- if(c === l[lle? ll[i] : i]){ return ll? ll[i] : ii }
- }
- }
- } else {
- for(i in l){
- if(f){
- if(obj_has(l,i)){
- r = _? c.call(_, l[i], i, t) : c(l[i], i, t);
- if(r !== u){ return r }
- }
- } else {
- if(c === l[i]){ return i }
- }
- }
- }
- return f? t.r : Type.list.index? 0 : -1;
- }
- }());
- Type.time = {};
- Type.time.is = function(t){ return t? t instanceof Date : (+new Date().getTime()) }
- var fn_is = Type.fn.is;
- var list_is = Type.list.is;
- var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_has = obj.has, obj_map = obj.map;
- module.exports = Type;
- })(USE, './type');
- ;USE(function(module){
- module.exports = function onto(tag, arg, as){
- if(!tag){ return {to: onto} }
- var u, tag = (this.tag || (this.tag = {}))[tag] ||
- (this.tag[tag] = {tag: tag, to: onto._ = {
- next: function(arg){ var tmp;
- if((tmp = this.to)){
- tmp.next(arg);
- }}
- }});
- if(arg instanceof Function){
- var be = {
- off: onto.off ||
- (onto.off = function(){
- if(this.next === onto._.next){ return !0 }
- if(this === this.the.last){
- this.the.last = this.back;
- }
- this.to.back = this.back;
- this.next = onto._.next;
- this.back.to = this.to;
- if(this.the.last === this.the){
- delete this.on.tag[this.the.tag];
- }
- }),
- to: onto._,
- next: arg,
- the: tag,
- on: this,
- as: as,
- };
- (be.back = tag.last || tag).to = be;
- return tag.last = be;
- }
- if((tag = tag.to) && u !== arg){ tag.next(arg) }
- return tag;
- };
- })(USE, './onto');
- ;USE(function(module){
- function HAM(machineState, incomingState, currentState, incomingValue, currentValue){
- if(machineState < incomingState){
- return {defer: true};
- }
- if(incomingState < currentState){
- return {historical: true};
- }
- if(currentState < incomingState){
- return {converge: true, incoming: true};
- }
- if(incomingState === currentState){
- incomingValue = Lexical(incomingValue) || "";
- currentValue = Lexical(currentValue) || "";
- if(incomingValue === currentValue){
- return {state: true};
- }
- The following is a naive implementation, but will always work.
- Never change it unless you have specific needs that absolutely require it.
- If changed, your data will diverge unless you guarantee every peer's algorithm has also been changed to be the same.
- As a result, it is highly discouraged to modify despite the fact that it is naive,
- because convergence (data integrity) is generally more important.
- Any difference in this algorithm must be given a new and different name.
- */
- if(incomingValue < currentValue){
- return {converge: true, current: true};
- }
- if(currentValue < incomingValue){
- return {converge: true, incoming: true};
- }
- }
- return {err: "Invalid CRDT Data: "+ incomingValue +" to "+ currentValue +" at "+ incomingState +" to "+ currentState +"!"};
- }
- if(typeof JSON === 'undefined'){
- throw new Error(
- 'JSON is not included in this browser. Please load it first: ' +
- 'ajax.cdnjs.com/ajax/libs/json2/20110223/json2.js'
- );
- }
- var Lexical = JSON.stringify, undefined;
- module.exports = HAM;
- })(USE, './HAM');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = USE('./type');
- var Val = {};
- Val.is = function(v){
- if(v === u){ return false }
- if(v === null){ return true }
- if(v === Infinity){ return false }
- if(text_is(v)
- || bi_is(v)
- || num_is(v)){
- return true;
- }
- return Val.link.is(v) || false;
- }
- Val.link = Val.rel = {_: '#'};
- ;(function(){
- Val.link.is = function(v){
- if(v && v[rel_] && !v._ && obj_is(v)){
- var o = {};
- obj_map(v, map, o);
- if(o.id){
- return o.id;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function map(s, k){ var o = this;
- if(o.id){ return o.id = false }
- if(k == rel_ && text_is(s)){
- o.id = s;
- } else {
- return o.id = false;
- }
- }
- }());
- Val.link.ify = function(t){ return obj_put({}, rel_, t) }
- Type.obj.has._ = '.';
- var rel_ = Val.link._, u;
- var bi_is = Type.bi.is;
- var num_is = Type.num.is;
- var text_is = Type.text.is;
- var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map;
- module.exports = Val;
- })(USE, './val');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = USE('./type');
- var Val = USE('./val');
- var Node = {_: '_'};
- Node.soul = function(n, o){ return (n && n._ && n._[o || soul_]) }
- Node.soul.ify = function(n, o){
- o = (typeof o === 'string')? {soul: o} : o || {};
- n = n || {};
- n._ = n._ || {};
- n._[soul_] = o.soul || n._[soul_] || text_random();
- return n;
- }
- Node.soul._ = Val.link._;
- ;(function(){
- Node.is = function(n, cb, as){ var s;
- if(!obj_is(n)){ return false }
- if(s = Node.soul(n)){
- return !obj_map(n, map, {as:as,cb:cb,s:s,n:n});
- }
- return false;
- }
- function map(v, k){
- if(k === Node._){ return }
- if(!Val.is(v)){ return true }
- if(this.cb){ this.cb.call(this.as, v, k, this.n, this.s) }
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- Node.ify = function(obj, o, as){
- if(!o){ o = {} }
- else if(typeof o === 'string'){ o = {soul: o} }
- else if(o instanceof Function){ o = {map: o} }
- if(o.map){ o.node = o.map.call(as, obj, u, o.node || {}) }
- if(o.node = Node.soul.ify(o.node || {}, o)){
- obj_map(obj, map, {o:o,as:as});
- }
- return o.node;
- }
- function map(v, k){ var o = this.o, tmp, u;
- if(o.map){
- tmp = o.map.call(this.as, v, ''+k, o.node);
- if(u === tmp){
- obj_del(o.node, k);
- } else
- if(o.node){ o.node[k] = tmp }
- return;
- }
- if(Val.is(v)){
- o.node[k] = v;
- }
- }
- }());
- var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_del = obj.del, obj_map = obj.map;
- var text = Type.text, text_random = text.random;
- var soul_ = Node.soul._;
- var u;
- module.exports = Node;
- })(USE, './node');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = USE('./type');
- var Node = USE('./node');
- function State(){
- var t;
- t = start + perf.now();
- } else {*/
- t = time();
- if(last < t){
- return N = 0, last = t + State.drift;
- }
- return last = t + ((N += 1) / D) + State.drift;
- }
- var time = Type.time.is, last = -Infinity, N = 0, D = 1000;
- var perf = (typeof performance !== 'undefined')? (performance.timing && performance) : false, start = (perf && perf.timing && perf.timing.navigationStart) || (perf = false);
- State._ = '>';
- State.drift = 0;
- State.is = function(n, k, o){
- var tmp = (k && n && n[N_] && n[N_][State._]) || o;
- if(!tmp){ return }
- return num_is(tmp = tmp[k])? tmp : -Infinity;
- }
- State.lex = function(){ return State().toString(36).replace('.','') }
- State.ify = function(n, k, s, v, soul){
- if(!n || !n[N_]){
- if(!soul){
- return;
- }
- n = Node.soul.ify(n, soul);
- }
- var tmp = obj_as(n[N_], State._);
- if(u !== k && k !== N_){
- if(num_is(s)){
- tmp[k] = s;
- }
- if(u !== v){
- n[k] = v;
- }
- }
- return n;
- }
- State.to = function(from, k, to){
- var val = (from||{})[k];
- if(obj_is(val)){
- val = obj_copy(val);
- }
- return State.ify(to, k, State.is(from, k), val, Node.soul(from));
- }
- ;(function(){
- State.map = function(cb, s, as){ var u;
- var o = obj_is(o = cb || s)? o : null;
- cb = fn_is(cb = cb || s)? cb : null;
- if(o && !cb){
- s = num_is(s)? s : State();
- o[N_] = o[N_] || {};
- obj_map(o, map, {o:o,s:s});
- return o;
- }
- as = as || obj_is(s)? s : u;
- s = num_is(s)? s : State();
- return function(v, k, o, opt){
- if(!cb){
- map.call({o: o, s: s}, v,k);
- return v;
- }
- cb.call(as || this || {}, v, k, o, opt);
- if(obj_has(o,k) && u === o[k]){ return }
- map.call({o: o, s: s}, v,k);
- }
- }
- function map(v,k){
- if(N_ === k){ return }
- State.ify(this.o, k, this.s) ;
- }
- }());
- var obj = Type.obj, obj_as = obj.as, obj_has = obj.has, obj_is = obj.is, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
- var num = Type.num, num_is = num.is;
- var fn = Type.fn, fn_is = fn.is;
- var N_ = Node._, u;
- module.exports = State;
- })(USE, './state');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = USE('./type');
- var Val = USE('./val');
- var Node = USE('./node');
- var Graph = {};
- ;(function(){
- Graph.is = function(g, cb, fn, as){
- if(!g || !obj_is(g) || obj_empty(g)){ return false }
- return !obj_map(g, map, {cb:cb,fn:fn,as:as});
- }
- function map(n, s){
- if(!n || s !== Node.soul(n) || !Node.is(n, this.fn, this.as)){ return true }
- if(!this.cb){ return }
- nf.n = n; nf.as = this.as;
- this.cb.call(nf.as, n, s, nf);
- }
- function nf(fn){
- if(fn){ Node.is(nf.n, fn, nf.as) }
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- Graph.ify = function(obj, env, as){
- var at = {path: [], obj: obj};
- if(!env){
- env = {};
- } else
- if(typeof env === 'string'){
- env = {soul: env};
- } else
- if(env instanceof Function){
- env.map = env;
- }
- if(env.soul){
- at.link = Val.link.ify(env.soul);
- }
- env.shell = (as||{}).shell;
- env.graph = env.graph || {};
- env.seen = env.seen || [];
- env.as = env.as || as;
- node(env, at);
- env.root = at.node;
- return env.graph;
- }
- function node(env, at){ var tmp;
- if(tmp = seen(env, at)){ return tmp }
- at.env = env;
- at.soul = soul;
- if(Node.ify(at.obj, map, at)){
- at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(Node.soul(at.node));
- if(at.obj !== env.shell){
- env.graph[Val.link.is(at.link)] = at.node;
- }
- }
- return at;
- }
- function map(v,k,n){
- var at = this, env = at.env, is, tmp;
- if(Node._ === k && obj_has(v,Val.link._)){
- return n._;
- }
- if(!(is = valid(v,k,n, at,env))){ return }
- if(!k){
- at.node = at.node || n || {};
- if(obj_has(v, Node._) && Node.soul(v)){
- at.node._ = obj_copy(v._);
- }
- at.node = Node.soul.ify(at.node, Val.link.is(at.link));
- at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(Node.soul(at.node));
- }
- if(tmp = env.map){
- tmp.call(env.as || {}, v,k,n, at);
- if(obj_has(n,k)){
- v = n[k];
- if(u === v){
- obj_del(n, k);
- return;
- }
- if(!(is = valid(v,k,n, at,env))){ return }
- }
- }
- if(!k){ return at.node }
- if(true === is){
- return v;
- }
- tmp = node(env, {obj: v, path: at.path.concat(k)});
- if(!tmp.node){ return }
- return tmp.link;
- }
- function soul(id){ var at = this;
- var prev = Val.link.is(at.link), graph = at.env.graph;
- at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(id);
- at.link[Val.link._] = id;
- if(at.node && at.node[Node._]){
- at.node[Node._][Val.link._] = id;
- }
- if(obj_has(graph, prev)){
- graph[id] = graph[prev];
- obj_del(graph, prev);
- }
- }
- function valid(v,k,n, at,env){ var tmp;
- if(Val.is(v)){ return true }
- if(obj_is(v)){ return 1 }
- if(tmp = env.invalid){
- v = tmp.call(env.as || {}, v,k,n);
- return valid(v,k,n, at,env);
- }
- env.err = "Invalid value at '" + at.path.concat(k).join('.') + "'!";
- if(Type.list.is(v)){ env.err += " Use `.set(item)` instead of an Array." }
- }
- function seen(env, at){
- var arr = env.seen, i = arr.length, has;
- while(i--){ has = arr[i];
- if(at.obj === has.obj){ return has }
- }
- arr.push(at);
- }
- }());
- Graph.node = function(node){
- var soul = Node.soul(node);
- if(!soul){ return }
- return obj_put({}, soul, node);
- }
- ;(function(){
- Graph.to = function(graph, root, opt){
- if(!graph){ return }
- var obj = {};
- opt = opt || {seen: {}};
- obj_map(graph[root], map, {obj:obj, graph: graph, opt: opt});
- return obj;
- }
- function map(v,k){ var tmp, obj;
- if(Node._ === k){
- if(obj_empty(v, Val.link._)){
- return;
- }
- this.obj[k] = obj_copy(v);
- return;
- }
- if(!(tmp = Val.link.is(v))){
- this.obj[k] = v;
- return;
- }
- if(obj = this.opt.seen[tmp]){
- this.obj[k] = obj;
- return;
- }
- this.obj[k] = this.opt.seen[tmp] = Graph.to(this.graph, tmp, this.opt);
- }
- }());
- var fn_is = Type.fn.is;
- var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_del = obj.del, obj_has = obj.has, obj_empty = obj.empty, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
- var u;
- module.exports = Graph;
- })(USE, './graph');
- ;USE(function(module){
- USE('./onto');
- module.exports = function ask(cb, as){
- if(!this.on){ return }
- if(!(cb instanceof Function)){
- if(!cb || !as){ return }
- var id = cb['#'] || cb, tmp = (this.tag||empty)[id];
- if(!tmp){ return }
- tmp = this.on(id, as);
- clearTimeout(tmp.err);
- return true;
- }
- var id = (as && as['#']) || Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
- if(!cb){ return id }
- var to = this.on(id, cb, as);
- to.err = to.err || setTimeout(function(){
- to.next({err: "Error: No ACK received yet.", lack: true});
- to.off();
- }, (this.opt||{}).lack || 9000);
- return id;
- }
- })(USE, './ask');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Type = USE('./type');
- function Dup(opt){
- var dup = {s:{}};
- opt = opt || {max: 1000, age: 1000 * 9};
- dup.check = function(id){ var tmp;
- if(!(tmp = dup.s[id])){ return false }
- if(tmp.pass){ return tmp.pass = false }
- return dup.track(id);
- }
- dup.track = function(id, pass){
- var it = dup.s[id] || (dup.s[id] = {});
- it.was = time_is();
- if(pass){ it.pass = true }
- if(!dup.to){
- dup.to = setTimeout(function(){
- var now = time_is();
- Type.obj.map(dup.s, function(it, id){
- if(it && opt.age > (now - it.was)){ return }
- Type.obj.del(dup.s, id);
- });
- dup.to = null;
- }, opt.age + 9);
- }
- return it;
- }
- return dup;
- }
- var time_is = Type.time.is;
- module.exports = Dup;
- })(USE, './dup');
- ;USE(function(module){
- function Gun(o){
- if(o instanceof Gun){ return (this._ = {gun: this, $: this}).$ }
- if(!(this instanceof Gun)){ return new Gun(o) }
- return Gun.create(this._ = {gun: this, $: this, opt: o});
- }
- Gun.is = function($){ return ($ instanceof Gun) || ($ && $._ && ($ === $._.$)) || false }
- Gun.version = 0.9;
- Gun.chain = Gun.prototype;
- Gun.chain.toJSON = function(){};
- var Type = USE('./type');
- Type.obj.to(Type, Gun);
- Gun.HAM = USE('./HAM');
- Gun.val = USE('./val');
- Gun.node = USE('./node');
- Gun.state = USE('./state');
- Gun.graph = USE('./graph');
- Gun.on = USE('./onto');
- Gun.ask = USE('./ask');
- Gun.dup = USE('./dup');
- ;(function(){
- Gun.create = function(at){
- at.root = at.root || at;
- at.graph = at.graph || {};
- at.on = at.on || Gun.on;
- at.ask = at.ask || Gun.ask;
- at.dup = at.dup || Gun.dup();
- var gun = at.$.opt(at.opt);
- if(!at.once){
- at.on('in', root, at);
- at.on('out', root, {at: at, out: root});
- Gun.on('create', at);
- at.on('create', at);
- }
- at.once = 1;
- return gun;
- }
- function root(msg){
- var ev = this, as = ev.as, at = as.at || as, gun = at.$, dup, tmp;
- if(!(tmp = msg['#'])){ tmp = msg['#'] = text_rand(9) }
- if((dup = at.dup).check(tmp)){
- if(as.out === msg.out){
- msg.out = u;
- ev.to.next(msg);
- }
- return;
- }
- dup.track(tmp);
- if(!at.ask(msg['@'], msg)){
- if(msg.get){
- Gun.on.get(msg, gun);
- }
- if(msg.put){
- Gun.on.put(msg, gun);
- }
- }
- ev.to.next(msg);
- if(!as.out){
- msg.out = root;
- at.on('out', msg);
- }
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- Gun.on.put = function(msg, gun){
- var at = gun._, ctx = {$: gun, graph: at.graph, put: {}, map: {}, souls: {}, machine: Gun.state(), ack: msg['@'], cat: at, stop: {}};
- if(!Gun.graph.is(msg.put, null, verify, ctx)){ ctx.err = "Error: Invalid graph!" }
- if(ctx.err){ return at.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], err: Gun.log(ctx.err) }) }
- obj_map(ctx.put, merge, ctx);
- if(!ctx.async){ obj_map(ctx.map, map, ctx) }
- if(u !== ctx.defer){
- setTimeout(function(){
- Gun.on.put(msg, gun);
- }, ctx.defer - ctx.machine);
- }
- if(!ctx.diff){ return }
- at.on('put', obj_to(msg, {put: ctx.diff}));
- };
- function verify(val, key, node, soul){ var ctx = this;
- var state = Gun.state.is(node, key), tmp;
- if(!state){ return ctx.err = "Error: No state on '"+key+"' in node '"+soul+"'!" }
- var vertex = ctx.graph[soul] || empty, was = Gun.state.is(vertex, key, true), known = vertex[key];
- var HAM = Gun.HAM(ctx.machine, state, was, val, known);
- if(!HAM.incoming){
- if(HAM.defer){
- ctx.defer = (state < (ctx.defer || Infinity))? state : ctx.defer;
- }
- return;
- }
- ctx.put[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, ctx.put[soul]);
- (ctx.diff || (ctx.diff = {}))[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, ctx.diff[soul]);
- ctx.souls[soul] = true;
- }
- function merge(node, soul){
- var ctx = this, cat = ctx.$._, at = (cat.next || empty)[soul];
- if(!at){
- if(!(cat.opt||empty).super){
- ctx.souls[soul] = false;
- return;
- }
- at = (ctx.$.get(soul)._);
- }
- var msg = ctx.map[soul] = {
- put: node,
- get: soul,
- $: at.$
- }, as = {ctx: ctx, msg: msg};
- ctx.async = !!cat.tag.node;
- if(ctx.ack){ msg['@'] = ctx.ack }
- obj_map(node, each, as);
- if(!ctx.async){ return }
- if(!ctx.and){
- cat.on('node', function(m){
- this.to.next(m);
- if(m !== ctx.map[m.get]){ return }
- ctx.souls[m.get] = false;
- obj_map(m.put, patch, m);
- if(obj_map(ctx.souls, function(v){ if(v){ return v } })){ return }
- if(ctx.c){ return } ctx.c = 1;
- this.off();
- obj_map(ctx.map, map, ctx);
- });
- }
- ctx.and = true;
- cat.on('node', msg);
- }
- function each(val, key){
- var ctx = this.ctx, graph = ctx.graph, msg = this.msg, soul = msg.get, node = msg.put, at = (msg.$._), tmp;
- graph[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, graph[soul]);
- if(ctx.async){ return }
- at.put = Gun.state.to(node, key, at.put);
- }
- function patch(val, key){
- var msg = this, node = msg.put, at = (msg.$._);
- at.put = Gun.state.to(node, key, at.put);
- }
- function map(msg, soul){
- if(!msg.$){ return }
- this.cat.stop = this.stop;
- (msg.$._).on('in', msg);
- this.cat.stop = null;
- }
- Gun.on.get = function(msg, gun){
- var root = gun._, get = msg.get, soul = get[_soul], node = root.graph[soul], has = get[_has], tmp;
- var next = root.next || (root.next = {}), at = next[soul];
- if(!node){ return root.on('get', msg) }
- if(has){
- if('string' != typeof has || !obj_has(node, has)){ return root.on('get', msg) }
- node = Gun.state.to(node, has);
- } else {
- node = Gun.obj.copy(node);
- }
- node = Gun.graph.node(node);
- tmp = (at||empty).ack;
- root.on('in', {
- '@': msg['#'],
- how: 'mem',
- put: node,
- $: gun
- });
- root.on('get', msg);
- }
- }());
- ;(function(){
- Gun.chain.opt = function(opt){
- opt = opt || {};
- var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp = opt.peers || opt;
- if(!obj_is(opt)){ opt = {} }
- if(!obj_is(at.opt)){ at.opt = opt }
- if(text_is(tmp)){ tmp = [tmp] }
- if(list_is(tmp)){
- tmp = obj_map(tmp, function(url, i, map){
- map(url, {url: url});
- });
- if(!obj_is(at.opt.peers)){ at.opt.peers = {}}
- at.opt.peers = obj_to(tmp, at.opt.peers);
- }
- at.opt.peers = at.opt.peers || {};
- obj_to(opt, at.opt);
- Gun.on('opt', at);
- at.opt.uuid = at.opt.uuid || function(){ return state_lex() + text_rand(12) }
- return gun;
- }
- }());
- var list_is = Gun.list.is;
- var text = Gun.text, text_is = text.is, text_rand = text.random;
- var obj = Gun.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_has = obj.has, obj_to = obj.to, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
- var state_lex = Gun.state.lex, _soul = Gun.val.link._, _has = '.', node_ = Gun.node._, rel_is = Gun.val.link.is;
- var empty = {}, u;
- console.debug = function(i, s){ return (console.debug.i && i === console.debug.i && console.debug.i++) && (console.log.apply(console, arguments) || s) };
- Gun.log = function(){ return (!Gun.log.off && console.log.apply(console, arguments)), [].slice.call(arguments).join(' ') }
- Gun.log.once = function(w,s,o){ return (o = Gun.log.once)[w] = o[w] || 0, o[w]++ || Gun.log(s) }
- ;"Please do not remove these messages unless you are paying for a monthly sponsorship, thanks!";
- Gun.log.once("welcome", "Hello wonderful person! :) Thanks for using GUN, feel free to ask for help on https://gitter.im/amark/gun and ask StackOverflow questions tagged with 'gun'!");
- ;"Please do not remove these messages unless you are paying for a monthly sponsorship, thanks!";
- if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ (window.GUN = window.Gun = Gun).window = window }
- try{ if(typeof common !== "undefined"){ common.exports = Gun } }catch(e){}
- module.exports = Gun;
- this.to.next(ctx);
- if(ctx.once){ return }
- ctx.on('node', function(msg){
- var to = this.to;
- setTimeout(function(){
- to.next(msg);
- },1);
- });
- });*/
- })(USE, './root');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./root');
- Gun.chain.back = function(n, opt){ var tmp;
- n = n || 1;
- if(-1 === n || Infinity === n){
- return this._.root.$;
- } else
- if(1 === n){
- return (this._.back || this._).$;
- }
- var gun = this, at = gun._;
- if(typeof n === 'string'){
- n = n.split('.');
- }
- if(n instanceof Array){
- var i = 0, l = n.length, tmp = at;
- for(i; i < l; i++){
- tmp = (tmp||empty)[n[i]];
- }
- if(u !== tmp){
- return opt? gun : tmp;
- } else
- if((tmp = at.back)){
- return tmp.$.back(n, opt);
- }
- return;
- }
- if(n instanceof Function){
- var yes, tmp = {back: at};
- while((tmp = tmp.back)
- && u === (yes = n(tmp, opt))){}
- return yes;
- }
- if(Gun.num.is(n)){
- return (at.back || at).$.back(n - 1);
- }
- return this;
- }
- var empty = {}, u;
- })(USE, './back');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./root');
- Gun.chain.chain = function(sub){
- var gun = this, at = gun._, chain = new (sub || gun).constructor(gun), cat = chain._, root;
- cat.root = root = at.root;
- cat.id = ++root.once;
- cat.back = gun._;
- cat.on = Gun.on;
- cat.on('in', input, cat);
- cat.on('out', output, cat);
- return chain;
- }
- function output(msg){
- var put, get, at = this.as, back = at.back, root = at.root, tmp;
- if(!msg.$){ msg.$ = at.$ }
- this.to.next(msg);
- if(get = msg.get){
- at.on('in', at);
- return;
- }*/
- if(at.lex){ msg.get = obj_to(at.lex, msg.get) }
- if(get['#'] || at.soul){
- get['#'] = get['#'] || at.soul;
- msg['#'] || (msg['#'] = text_rand(9));
- back = (root.$.get(get['#'])._);
- if(!(get = get['.'])){
- tmp = back.ack;
- if(!tmp){ back.ack = -1 }
- if(obj_has(back, 'put')){
- back.on('in', back);
- }
- if(tmp){ return }
- msg.$ = back.$;
- } else
- if(obj_has(back.put, get)){
- put = (back.$.get(get)._);
- if(!(tmp = put.ack)){ put.ack = -1 }
- back.on('in', {
- $: back.$,
- put: Gun.state.to(back.put, get),
- get: back.get
- });
- if(tmp){ return }
- } else
- if('string' != typeof get){
- var put = {}, meta = (back.put||{})._;
- Gun.obj.map(back.put, function(v,k){
- if(!Gun.text.match(k, get)){ return }
- put[k] = v;
- })
- if(!Gun.obj.empty(put)){
- put._ = meta;
- back.on('in', {$: back.$, put: put, get: back.get})
- }
- }
- root.ask(ack, msg);
- return root.on('in', msg);
- }
- if(root.now){ root.now[at.id] = root.now[at.id] || true; at.pass = {} }
- if(get['.']){
- if(at.get){
- msg = {get: {'.': at.get}, $: at.$};
- (back.ask || (back.ask = {}));
- back.ask[at.get] = msg.$._;
- return back.on('out', msg);
- }
- msg = {get: {}, $: at.$};
- return back.on('out', msg);
- }
- at.ack = at.ack || -1;
- if(at.get){
- msg.$ = at.$;
- get['.'] = at.get;
- (back.ask || (back.ask = {}))[at.get] = msg.$._;
- return back.on('out', msg);
- }
- }
- return back.on('out', msg);
- }
- function input(msg){
- var eve = this, cat = eve.as, root = cat.root, gun = msg.$, at = (gun||empty)._ || empty, change = msg.put, rel, tmp;
- if(cat.get && msg.get !== cat.get){
- msg = obj_to(msg, {get: cat.get});
- }
- if(cat.has && at !== cat){
- msg = obj_to(msg, {$: cat.$});
- if(at.ack){
- cat.ack = at.ack;
- }
- }
- if(u === change){
- tmp = at.put;
- eve.to.next(msg);
- if(cat.soul){ return }
- if(u === tmp && u !== at.put){ return }
- echo(cat, msg, eve);
- if(cat.has){
- not(cat, msg);
- }
- obj_del(at.echo, cat.id);
- obj_del(cat.map, at.id);
- return;
- }
- if(cat.soul){
- eve.to.next(msg);
- echo(cat, msg, eve);
- if(cat.next){ obj_map(change, map, {msg: msg, cat: cat}) }
- return;
- }
- if(!(rel = Gun.val.link.is(change))){
- if(Gun.val.is(change)){
- if(cat.has || cat.soul){
- not(cat, msg);
- } else
- if(at.has || at.soul){
- (at.echo || (at.echo = {}))[cat.id] = at.echo[at.id] || cat;
- (cat.map || (cat.map = {}))[at.id] = cat.map[at.id] || {at: at};
- }
- eve.to.next(msg);
- echo(cat, msg, eve);
- return;
- }
- if(cat.has && at !== cat && obj_has(at, 'put')){
- cat.put = at.put;
- };
- if((rel = Gun.node.soul(change)) && at.has){
- at.put = (cat.root.$.get(rel)._).put;
- }
- tmp = (root.stop || {})[at.id];
- eve.to.next(msg);
- relate(cat, msg, at, rel);
- echo(cat, msg, eve);
- if(cat.next){ obj_map(change, map, {msg: msg, cat: cat}) }
- return;
- }
- var was = root.stop;
- tmp = root.stop || {};
- tmp = tmp[at.id] || (tmp[at.id] = {});
- tmp.is = tmp.is || at.put;
- tmp[cat.id] = at.put || true;
- eve.to.next(msg)
- relate(cat, msg, at, rel);
- echo(cat, msg, eve);
- }
- function relate(at, msg, from, rel){
- if(!rel || node_ === at.get){ return }
- var tmp = (at.root.$.get(rel)._);
- if(at.has){
- from = tmp;
- } else
- if(from.has){
- relate(from, msg, from, rel);
- }
- if(from === at){ return }
- if(!from.$){ from = {} }
- (from.echo || (from.echo = {}))[at.id] = from.echo[at.id] || at;
- if(at.has && !(at.map||empty)[from.id]){
- not(at, msg);
- }
- tmp = from.id? ((at.map || (at.map = {}))[from.id] = at.map[from.id] || {at: from}) : {};
- if(rel === tmp.link){
- if(!(tmp.pass || at.pass)){
- return;
- }
- }
- if(at.pass){
- Gun.obj.map(at.map, function(tmp){ tmp.pass = true })
- obj_del(at, 'pass');
- }
- if(tmp.pass){ obj_del(tmp, 'pass') }
- if(at.has){ at.link = rel }
- ask(at, tmp.link = rel);
- }
- function echo(at, msg, ev){
- if(!at.echo){ return }
- obj_map(at.echo, reverb, msg);
- }
- function reverb(to){
- if(!to || !to.on){ return }
- to.on('in', this);
- }
- function map(data, key){
- var cat = this.cat, next = cat.next || empty, via = this.msg, chain, at, tmp;
- if(node_ === key && !next[key]){ return }
- if(!(at = next[key])){
- return;
- }
- if(at.has){
- if(u === at.put || !Gun.val.link.is(data)){
- at.put = data;
- }
- chain = at.$;
- } else
- if(tmp = via.$){
- tmp = (chain = via.$.get(key))._;
- if(u === tmp.put || !Gun.val.link.is(data)){
- tmp.put = data;
- }
- }
- at.on('in', {
- put: data,
- get: key,
- $: chain,
- via: via
- });
- }
- function not(at, msg){
- if(!(at.has || at.soul)){ return }
- var tmp = at.map, root = at.root;
- at.map = null;
- if(at.has){
- if(at.dub && at.root.stop){ at.dub = null }
- at.link = null;
- }
- if(!at.pass){
- if((!msg['@']) && null === tmp){ return }
- }
- if(u === tmp && Gun.val.link.is(at.put)){ return }
- obj_map(tmp, function(proxy){
- if(!(proxy = proxy.at)){ return }
- obj_del(proxy.echo, at.id);
- });
- tmp = at.put;
- obj_map(at.next, function(neat, key){
- if(u === tmp && u !== at.put){ return true }
- neat.put = u;
- if(neat.ack){
- neat.ack = -1;
- }
- neat.on('in', {
- get: key,
- $: neat.$,
- put: u
- });
- });
- }
- function ask(at, soul){
- var tmp = (at.root.$.get(soul)._), lex = at.lex;
- if(at.ack || lex){
- (lex = lex||{})['#'] = soul;
- tmp.on('out', {get: lex});
- if(!at.ask){ return }
- }
- tmp = at.ask; Gun.obj.del(at, 'ask');
- obj_map(tmp || at.next, function(neat, key){
- var lex = neat.lex || {}; lex['#'] = soul; lex['.'] = lex['.'] || key;
- neat.on('out', {get: lex});
- });
- Gun.obj.del(at, 'ask');
- }
- function ack(msg, ev){
- var as = this.as, get = as.get || empty, at = as.$._, tmp = (msg.put||empty)[get['#']];
- if(at.ack){ at.ack = (at.ack + 1) || 1; }
- if(!msg.put || ('string' == typeof get['.'] && !obj_has(tmp, at.get))){
- if(at.put !== u){ return }
- at.on('in', {
- get: at.get,
- put: at.put = u,
- $: at.$,
- '@': msg['@']
- });
- return;
- }
- if(node_ == get['.']){
- at.on('in', {get: at.get, put: Gun.val.link.ify(get['#']), $: at.$, '@': msg['@']});
- return;
- }
- Gun.on.put(msg, at.root.$);
- }
- var empty = {}, u;
- var obj = Gun.obj, obj_has = obj.has, obj_put = obj.put, obj_del = obj.del, obj_to = obj.to, obj_map = obj.map;
- var text_rand = Gun.text.random;
- var _soul = Gun.val.link._, node_ = Gun.node._;
- })(USE, './chain');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./root');
- Gun.chain.get = function(key, cb, as){
- var gun, tmp;
- if(typeof key === 'string'){
- var back = this, cat = back._;
- var next = cat.next || empty;
- if(!(gun = next[key])){
- gun = cache(key, back);
- }
- gun = gun.$;
- } else
- if(key instanceof Function){
- if(true === cb){ return soul(this, key, cb, as) }
- gun = this;
- var at = gun._, root = at.root, tmp = root.now, ev;
- as = cb || {};
- as.at = at;
- as.use = key;
- as.out = as.out || {};
- as.out.get = as.out.get || {};
- (ev = at.on('in', use, as)).rid = rid;
- (root.now = {$:1})[as.now = at.id] = ev;
- var mum = root.mum; root.mum = {};
- at.on('out', as.out);
- root.mum = mum;
- root.now = tmp;
- return gun;
- } else
- if(num_is(key)){
- return this.get(''+key, cb, as);
- } else
- if(tmp = rel.is(key)){
- return this.get(tmp, cb, as);
- } else
- if(obj.is(key)){
- gun = this;
- if(tmp = ((tmp = key['#'])||empty)['='] || tmp){ gun = gun.get(tmp) }
- gun._.lex = key;
- return gun;
- } else {
- (as = this.chain())._.err = {err: Gun.log('Invalid get request!', key)};
- if(cb){ cb.call(as, as._.err) }
- return as;
- }
- if(tmp = this._.stun){
- gun._.stun = gun._.stun || tmp;
- }
- if(cb && cb instanceof Function){
- gun.get(cb, as);
- }
- return gun;
- }
- function cache(key, back){
- var cat = back._, next = cat.next, gun = back.chain(), at = gun._;
- if(!next){ next = cat.next = {} }
- next[at.get = key] = at;
- if(back === cat.root.$){
- at.soul = key;
- } else
- if(cat.soul || cat.has){
- at.has = key;
- }
- return at;
- }
- function soul(gun, cb, opt, as){
- var cat = gun._, acks = 0, tmp;
- if(tmp = cat.soul || cat.link || cat.dub){ return cb(tmp, as, cat), gun }
- gun.get(function(msg, ev){
- if(u === msg.put && (tmp = (obj_map(cat.root.opt.peers, function(v,k,t){t(k)})||[]).length) && ++acks < tmp){
- return;
- }
- ev.rid(msg);
- var at = ((at = msg.$) && at._) || {};
- tmp = at.link || at.soul || rel.is(msg.put) || node_soul(msg.put) || at.dub;
- cb(tmp, as, msg, ev);
- }, {out: {get: {'.':true}}});
- return gun;
- }
- function use(msg){
- var eve = this, as = eve.as, cat = as.at, root = cat.root, gun = msg.$, at = (gun||{})._ || {}, data = msg.put || at.put, tmp;
- if((tmp = root.now) && eve !== tmp[as.now]){ return eve.to.next(msg) }
- if(eve.seen && at.id && eve.seen[at.id]){ return eve.to.next(msg) }
- if((tmp = data) && tmp[rel._] && (tmp = rel.is(tmp))){
- tmp = ((msg.$$ = at.root.gun.get(tmp))._);
- if(u !== tmp.put){
- msg = obj_to(msg, {put: data = tmp.put});
- }
- }
- if((tmp = root.mum) && at.id){
- var id = at.id + (eve.id || (eve.id = Gun.text.random(9)));
- if(tmp[id]){ return }
- if(u !== data && !rel.is(data)){ tmp[id] = true; }
- }
- as.use(msg, eve);
- if(eve.stun){
- eve.stun = null;
- return;
- }
- eve.to.next(msg);
- }
- function rid(at){
- var cat = this.on;
- if(!at || cat.soul || cat.has){ return this.off() }
- if(!(at = (at = (at = at.$ || at)._ || at).id)){ return }
- var map = cat.map, tmp, seen;
- if(tmp = (seen = this.seen || (this.seen = {}))[at]){ return true }
- seen[at] = true;
- return;
- return;
- }
- var obj = Gun.obj, obj_map = obj.map, obj_has = obj.has, obj_to = Gun.obj.to;
- var num_is = Gun.num.is;
- var rel = Gun.val.link, node_soul = Gun.node.soul, node_ = Gun.node._;
- var empty = {}, u;
- })(USE, './get');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./root');
- Gun.chain.put = function(data, cb, as){
- var gun = this, at = (gun._), root = at.root.$, ctx = root._, M = 100, tmp;
- if(!ctx.puta){ if(tmp = ctx.puts){ if(tmp > M){
- (ctx.stack || (ctx.stack = [])).push([gun, data, cb, as]);
- if(ctx.puto){ return }
- ctx.puto = setTimeout(function drain(){
- var d = ctx.stack.splice(0,M), i = 0, at; ctx.puta = true;
- while(at = d[i++]){ at[0].put(at[1], at[2], at[3]) } delete ctx.puta;
- if(ctx.stack.length){ return ctx.puto = setTimeout(drain, 0) }
- ctx.stack = ctx.puts = ctx.puto = null;
- }, 0);
- return gun;
- } ++ctx.puts } else { ctx.puts = 1 } }
- as = as || {};
- as.data = data;
- as.via = as.$ = as.via || as.$ || gun;
- if(typeof cb === 'string'){
- as.soul = cb;
- } else {
- as.ack = as.ack || cb;
- }
- if(at.soul){
- as.soul = at.soul;
- }
- if(as.soul || root === gun){
- if(!obj_is(as.data)){
- (as.ack||noop).call(as, as.out = {err: Gun.log("Data saved to the root level of the graph must be a node (an object), not a", (typeof as.data), 'of "' + as.data + '"!')});
- if(as.res){ as.res() }
- return gun;
- }
- as.soul = as.soul || (as.not = Gun.node.soul(as.data) || (as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)());
- if(!as.soul){
- as.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, soul){
- if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
- (as.ref||as.$).put(as.data, as.soul = soul, as);
- });
- return gun;
- }
- as.$ = root.get(as.soul);
- as.ref = as.$;
- ify(as);
- return gun;
- }
- if(Gun.is(data)){
- data.get(function(soul, o, msg){
- if(!soul){
- return Gun.log("The reference you are saving is a", typeof msg.put, '"'+ msg.put +'", not a node (object)!');
- }
- gun.put(Gun.val.link.ify(soul), cb, as);
- }, true);
- return gun;
- }
- if(at.has && (tmp = Gun.val.link.is(data))){ at.dub = tmp }
- as.ref = as.ref || (root._ === (tmp = at.back))? gun : tmp.$;
- if(as.ref._.soul && Gun.val.is(as.data) && at.get){
- as.data = obj_put({}, at.get, as.data);
- as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul, as);
- return gun;
- }
- as.ref.get(any, true, {as: as});
- if(!as.out){
- as.res = as.res || stun;
- as.$._.stun = as.ref._.stun;
- }
- return gun;
- };
- function ify(as){
- as.batch = batch;
- var opt = as.opt||{}, env = as.env = Gun.state.map(map, opt.state);
- env.soul = as.soul;
- as.graph = Gun.graph.ify(as.data, env, as);
- if(env.err){
- (as.ack||noop).call(as, as.out = {err: Gun.log(env.err)});
- if(as.res){ as.res() }
- return;
- }
- as.batch();
- }
- function stun(cb){
- if(cb){ cb() }
- return;
- var as = this;
- if(!as.ref){ return }
- if(cb){
- as.after = as.ref._.tag;
- as.now = as.ref._.tag = {};
- cb();
- return;
- }
- if(as.after){
- as.ref._.tag = as.after;
- }
- }
- function batch(){ var as = this;
- if(!as.graph || obj_map(as.stun, no)){ return }
- as.res = as.res || function(cb){ if(cb){ cb() } };
- as.res(function(){
- var cat = (as.$.back(-1)._), ask = cat.ask(function(ack){
- cat.root.on('ack', ack);
- if(ack.err){ Gun.log(ack) }
- if(!ack.lack){ this.off() }
- if(!as.ack){ return }
- as.ack(ack, this);
- }, as.opt);
- var tmp = cat.root.now; obj.del(cat.root, 'now');
- var mum = cat.root.mum; cat.root.mum = {};
- (as.ref._).on('out', {
- $: as.ref, put: as.out = as.env.graph, opt: as.opt, '#': ask
- });
- cat.root.mum = mum? obj.to(mum, cat.root.mum) : mum;
- cat.root.now = tmp;
- }, as);
- if(as.res){ as.res() }
- } function no(v,k){ if(v){ return true } }
- function map(v,k,n, at){ var as = this;
- var is = Gun.is(v);
- if(k || !at.path.length){ return }
- (as.res||iife)(function(){
- var path = at.path, ref = as.ref, opt = as.opt;
- var i = 0, l = path.length;
- for(i; i < l; i++){
- ref = ref.get(path[i]);
- }
- if(is){ ref = v }
- var id = (ref._).dub;
- if(id || (id = Gun.node.soul(at.obj))){
- ref.back(-1).get(id);
- at.soul(id);
- return;
- }
- (as.stun = as.stun || {})[path] = true;
- ref.get(soul, true, {as: {at: at, as: as, p:path}});
- }, {as: as, at: at});
- }
- function soul(id, as, msg, eve){
- var as = as.as, cat = as.at; as = as.as;
- var at = ((msg || {}).$ || {})._ || {};
- id = at.dub = at.dub || id || Gun.node.soul(cat.obj) || Gun.node.soul(msg.put || at.put) || Gun.val.link.is(msg.put || at.put) || (as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
- if(eve){ eve.stun = true }
- if(!id){
- at.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, id){
- if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
- solve(at, at.dub = at.dub || id, cat, as);
- });
- return;
- }
- solve(at, at.dub = id, cat, as);
- }
- function solve(at, id, cat, as){
- at.$.back(-1).get(id);
- cat.soul(id);
- as.stun[cat.path] = false;
- as.batch();
- }
- function any(soul, as, msg, eve){
- as = as.as;
- if(!msg.$ || !msg.$._){ return }
- if(msg.err){
- console.log("Please report this as an issue! Put.any.err");
- return;
- }
- var at = (msg.$._), data = at.put, opt = as.opt||{}, root, tmp;
- if((tmp = as.ref) && tmp._.now){ return }
- if(eve){ eve.stun = true }
- if(as.ref !== as.$){
- tmp = (as.$._).get || at.get;
- if(!tmp){
- console.log("Please report this as an issue! Put.no.get");
- return;
- }
- as.data = obj_put({}, tmp, as.data);
- tmp = null;
- }
- if(u === data){
- if(!at.get){ return }
- if(!soul){
- tmp = at.$.back(function(at){
- if(at.link || at.soul){ return at.link || at.soul }
- as.data = obj_put({}, at.get, as.data);
- });
- }
- tmp = tmp || at.soul || at.link || at.dub;
- at = tmp? (at.root.$.get(tmp)._) : at;
- as.soul = tmp;
- data = as.data;
- }
- if(!as.not && !(as.soul = as.soul || soul)){
- if(as.path && obj_is(as.data)){
- as.soul = (opt.uuid || as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
- } else {
- if(node_ == at.get){
- as.soul = (at.put||empty)['#'] || at.dub;
- }
- as.soul = as.soul || at.soul || at.link || (opt.uuid || as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
- }
- if(!as.soul){
- as.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, soul){
- if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
- as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul = soul, as);
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul, as);
- }
- var obj = Gun.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map;
- var u, empty = {}, noop = function(){}, iife = function(fn,as){fn.call(as||empty)};
- var node_ = Gun.node._;
- })(USE, './put');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./root');
- USE('./chain');
- USE('./back');
- USE('./put');
- USE('./get');
- module.exports = Gun;
- })(USE, './index');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./index');
- Gun.chain.on = function(tag, arg, eas, as){
- var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp, act, off;
- if(typeof tag === 'string'){
- if(!arg){ return at.on(tag) }
- act = at.on(tag, arg, eas || at, as);
- if(eas && eas.$){
- (eas.subs || (eas.subs = [])).push(act);
- }
- return gun;
- }
- var opt = arg;
- opt = (true === opt)? {change: true} : opt || {};
- opt.at = at;
- opt.ok = tag;
- gun.get(ok, opt);
- return gun;
- }
- function ok(msg, ev){ var opt = this;
- var gun = msg.$, at = (gun||{})._ || {}, data = at.put || msg.put, cat = opt.at, tmp;
- if(u === data){
- return;
- }
- if(tmp = msg.$$){
- tmp = (msg.$$._);
- if(u === tmp.put){
- return;
- }
- data = tmp.put;
- }
- if(opt.change){
- data = msg.put;
- }
- if(opt.as){
- opt.ok.call(opt.as, msg, ev);
- } else {
- opt.ok.call(gun, data, msg.get, msg, ev);
- }
- }
- Gun.chain.val = function(cb, opt){
- Gun.log.once("onceval", "Future Breaking API Change: .val -> .once, apologies unexpected.");
- return this.once(cb, opt);
- }
- Gun.chain.once = function(cb, opt){
- var gun = this, at = gun._, data = at.put;
- if(0 < at.ack && u !== data){
- (cb || noop).call(gun, data, at.get);
- return gun;
- }
- if(cb){
- (opt = opt || {}).ok = cb;
- opt.at = at;
- opt.out = {'#': Gun.text.random(9)};
- gun.get(val, {as: opt});
- opt.async = true;
- } else {
- Gun.log.once("valonce", "Chainable val is experimental, its behavior and API may change moving forward. Please play with it and report bugs and ideas on how to improve it.");
- var chain = gun.chain();
- chain._.nix = gun.once(function(){
- chain._.on('in', gun._);
- });
- return chain;
- }
- return gun;
- }
- function val(msg, eve, to){
- if(!msg.$){ eve.off(); return }
- var opt = this.as, cat = opt.at, gun = msg.$, at = gun._, data = at.put || msg.put, link, tmp;
- if(tmp = msg.$$){
- link = tmp = (msg.$$._);
- if(u !== link.put){
- data = link.put;
- }
- }
- if((tmp = eve.wait) && (tmp = tmp[at.id])){ clearTimeout(tmp) }
- if((!to && (u === data || at.soul || at.link || (link && !(0 < link.ack))))
- || (u === data && (tmp = (obj_map(at.root.opt.peers, function(v,k,t){t(k)})||[]).length) && (!to && (link||at).ack <= tmp))){
- tmp = (eve.wait = {})[at.id] = setTimeout(function(){
- val.call({as:opt}, msg, eve, tmp || 1);
- }, opt.wait || 99);
- return;
- }
- if(link && u === link.put && (tmp = rel.is(data))){ data = Gun.node.ify({}, tmp) }
- eve.rid(msg);
- opt.ok.call(gun || opt.$, data, msg.get);
- }
- Gun.chain.off = function(){
- var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp;
- var cat = at.back;
- if(!cat){ return }
- if(tmp = cat.next){
- if(tmp[at.get]){
- obj_del(tmp, at.get);
- } else {
- }
- }
- if(tmp = cat.ask){
- obj_del(tmp, at.get);
- }
- if(tmp = cat.put){
- obj_del(tmp, at.get);
- }
- if(tmp = at.soul){
- obj_del(cat.root.graph, tmp);
- }
- if(tmp = at.map){
- obj_map(tmp, function(at){
- if(at.link){
- cat.root.$.get(at.link).off();
- }
- });
- }
- if(tmp = at.next){
- obj_map(tmp, function(neat){
- neat.$.off();
- });
- }
- at.on('off', {});
- return gun;
- }
- var obj = Gun.obj, obj_map = obj.map, obj_has = obj.has, obj_del = obj.del, obj_to = obj.to;
- var rel = Gun.val.link;
- var empty = {}, noop = function(){}, u;
- })(USE, './on');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./index');
- Gun.chain.map = function(cb, opt, t){
- var gun = this, cat = gun._, chain;
- if(!cb){
- if(chain = cat.each){ return chain }
- cat.each = chain = gun.chain();
- chain._.nix = gun.back('nix');
- gun.on('in', map, chain._);
- return chain;
- }
- Gun.log.once("mapfn", "Map functions are experimental, their behavior and API may change moving forward. Please play with it and report bugs and ideas on how to improve it.");
- chain = gun.chain();
- gun.map().on(function(data, key, at, ev){
- var next = (cb||noop).call(this, data, key, at, ev);
- if(u === next){ return }
- if(data === next){ return chain._.on('in', at) }
- if(Gun.is(next)){ return chain._.on('in', next._) }
- chain._.on('in', {get: key, put: next});
- });
- return chain;
- }
- function map(msg){
- if(!msg.put || Gun.val.is(msg.put)){ return this.to.next(msg) }
- if(this.as.nix){ this.off() }
- obj_map(msg.put, each, {at: this.as, msg: msg});
- this.to.next(msg);
- }
- function each(v,k){
- if(n_ === k){ return }
- var msg = this.msg, gun = msg.$, at = gun._, cat = this.at, tmp = at.lex;
- if(tmp && !Gun.text.match(k, tmp['.'] || tmp['#'] || tmp)){ return }
- ((tmp = gun.get(k)._).echo || (tmp.echo = {}))[cat.id] = tmp.echo[cat.id] || cat;
- }
- var obj_map = Gun.obj.map, noop = function(){}, event = {stun: noop, off: noop}, n_ = Gun.node._, u;
- })(USE, './map');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('./index');
- Gun.chain.set = function(item, cb, opt){
- var gun = this, soul;
- cb = cb || function(){};
- opt = opt || {}; opt.item = opt.item || item;
- if(soul = Gun.node.soul(item)){ item = Gun.obj.put({}, soul, Gun.val.link.ify(soul)) }
- if(!Gun.is(item)){
- if(Gun.obj.is(item)){;
- item = gun.back(-1).get(soul = soul || Gun.node.soul(item) || gun.back('opt.uuid')()).put(item);
- }
- return gun.get(soul || (Gun.state.lex() + Gun.text.random(7))).put(item, cb, opt);
- }
- item.get(function(soul, o, msg){
- if(!soul){ return cb.call(gun, {err: Gun.log('Only a node can be linked! Not "' + msg.put + '"!')}) }
- gun.put(Gun.obj.put({}, soul, Gun.val.link.ify(soul)), cb, opt);
- },true);
- return item;
- }
- })(USE, './set');
- ;USE(function(module){
- if(typeof Gun === 'undefined'){ return }
- var root, noop = function(){}, store, u;
- try{store = (Gun.window||noop).localStorage}catch(e){}
- if(!store){
- console.log("Warning: No localStorage exists to persist data to!");
- store = {setItem: function(k,v){this[k]=v}, removeItem: function(k){delete this[k]}, getItem: function(k){return this[k]}};
- }
- NOTE: Both `lib/file.js` and `lib/memdisk.js` are based on this design!
- If you update anything here, consider updating the other adapters as well.
- */
- Gun.on('create', function(root){
- var ev = this.to, opt = root.opt;
- if(root.once){ return ev.next(root) }
- opt.prefix = opt.file || 'gun/';
- var gap = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem('gap/'+opt.prefix)) || {};
- var empty = Gun.obj.empty, id, to, go;
- if(!empty(gap)){
- var disk = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem(opt.prefix)) || {}, send = {};
- Gun.obj.map(gap, function(node, soul){
- Gun.obj.map(node, function(val, key){
- send[soul] = Gun.state.to(disk[soul], key, send[soul]);
- });
- });
- setTimeout(function(){
- root.on('out', {put: send, '#': root.ask(ack)});
- },1);
- }
- root.on('out', function(msg){
- if(msg.lS){ return }
- if(Gun.is(msg.$) && msg.put && !msg['@'] && !empty(opt.peers)){
- id = msg['#'];
- Gun.graph.is(msg.put, null, map);
- if(!to){ to = setTimeout(flush, opt.wait || 1) }
- }
- this.to.next(msg);
- });
- root.on('ack', ack);
- function ack(ack){
- if(ack.err || !ack.ok){ return }
- var id = ack['@'];
- setTimeout(function(){
- Gun.obj.map(gap, function(node, soul){
- Gun.obj.map(node, function(val, key){
- if(id !== val){ return }
- delete node[key];
- });
- if(empty(node)){
- delete gap[soul];
- }
- });
- flush();
- }, opt.wait || 1);
- };
- ev.next(root);
- var map = function(val, key, node, soul){
- (gap[soul] || (gap[soul] = {}))[key] = id;
- }
- var flush = function(){
- clearTimeout(to);
- to = false;
- try{store.setItem('gap/'+opt.prefix, JSON.stringify(gap));
- }catch(e){ Gun.log(err = e || "localStorage failure") }
- }
- });
- Gun.on('create', function(root){
- this.to.next(root);
- var opt = root.opt;
- if(root.once){ return }
- if(false === opt.localStorage){ return }
- opt.prefix = opt.file || 'gun/';
- var graph = root.graph, acks = {}, count = 0, to;
- var disk = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem(opt.prefix)) || {};
- var lS = function(){}, u;
- root.on('localStorage', disk);
- root.on('put', function(at){
- this.to.next(at);
- Gun.graph.is(at.put, null, map);
- if(!at['@']){ acks[at['#']] = true; }
- count += 1;
- if(count >= (opt.batch || 1000)){
- return flush();
- }
- if(to){ return }
- to = setTimeout(flush, opt.wait || 1);
- });
- root.on('get', function(msg){
- this.to.next(msg);
- var lex = msg.get, soul, data, u;
- function to(){
- if(!lex || !(soul = lex['#'])){ return }
- var has = lex['.'];
- data = disk[soul] || u;
- if(data && has){
- data = Gun.state.to(data, has);
- }
- if(!data && !Gun.obj.empty(opt.peers)){
- return;
- }
- root.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], put: Gun.graph.node(data), how: 'lS', lS: msg.$ || root.$});
- };
- Gun.debug? setTimeout(to,1) : to();
- });
- var map = function(val, key, node, soul){
- disk[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, disk[soul]);
- }
- var flush = function(data){
- var err;
- count = 0;
- clearTimeout(to);
- to = false;
- var ack = acks;
- acks = {};
- if(data){ disk = data }
- try{store.setItem(opt.prefix, JSON.stringify(disk));
- }catch(e){
- Gun.log(err = (e || "localStorage failure") + " Consider using GUN's IndexedDB plugin for RAD for more storage space, temporary example at https://github.com/amark/gun/blob/master/test/tmp/indexedDB.html .");
- root.on('localStorage:error', {err: err, file: opt.prefix, flush: disk, retry: flush});
- }
- if(!err && !Gun.obj.empty(opt.peers)){ return }
- Gun.obj.map(ack, function(yes, id){
- root.on('in', {
- '@': id,
- err: err,
- ok: 0
- });
- });
- }
- });
- })(USE, './adapters/localStorage');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('../index');
- var Type = USE('../type');
- function Mesh(ctx){
- var mesh = function(){};
- var opt = ctx.opt || {};
- opt.log = opt.log || console.log;
- opt.gap = opt.gap || opt.wait || 1;
- opt.pack = opt.pack || (opt.memory? (opt.memory * 1000 * 1000) : 1399000000) * 0.3;
- mesh.out = function(msg){ var tmp;
- if(this.to){ this.to.next(msg) }
- if((tmp = msg['@'])
- && (tmp = ctx.dup.s[tmp])
- && (tmp = tmp.it)
- && tmp._){
- mesh.say(msg, (tmp._).via, 1);
- tmp['##'] = msg['##'];
- return;
- }
- if (Gun.AXE) { Gun.AXE.say(msg, mesh.say, this); return; }
- mesh.say(msg);
- }
- ctx.on('create', function(root){
- root.opt.pid = root.opt.pid || Type.text.random(9);
- this.to.next(root);
- ctx.on('out', mesh.out);
- });
- mesh.hear = function(raw, peer){
- if(!raw){ return }
- var dup = ctx.dup, id, hash, msg, tmp = raw[0];
- if(opt.pack <= raw.length){ return mesh.say({dam: '!', err: "Message too big!"}, peer) }
- if('{' === tmp){
- try{msg = JSON.parse(raw);}catch(e){opt.log('DAM JSON parse error', e)}
- if(!msg){ return }
- mesh.hear.d += raw.length; ++mesh.hear.c;
- if(dup.check(id = msg['#'])){ return }
- dup.track(id, true).it = msg;
- if((tmp = msg['@']) && msg.put){
- hash = msg['##'] || (msg['##'] = mesh.hash(msg));
- if((tmp = tmp + hash) != id){
- if(dup.check(tmp)){ return }
- (tmp = dup.s)[hash] = tmp[id];
- }
- }
- (msg._ = function(){}).via = peer;
- if((tmp = msg['><'])){
- (msg._).to = Type.obj.map(tmp.split(','), tomap);
- }
- if(msg.dam){
- if(tmp = mesh.hear[msg.dam]){
- tmp(msg, peer, ctx);
- }
- return;
- }
- ctx.on('in', msg);
- return;
- } else
- if('[' === tmp){
- try{msg = JSON.parse(raw);}catch(e){opt.log('DAM JSON parse error', e)}
- if(!msg){ return }
- var i = 0, m;
- while(m = msg[i++]){
- mesh.hear(m, peer);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- mesh.hear.c = mesh.hear.d = 0;
- var tomap = function(k,i,m){m(k,true)};
- ;(function(){
- var message;
- function each(peer){ mesh.say(message, peer) }
- mesh.say = function(msg, peer, o){
- TODO: Plenty of performance optimizations
- that can be made just based off of ordering,
- and reducing function calls for cached writes.
- */
- if(!peer){ message = msg;
- Type.obj.map(opt.peers, each);
- return;
- }
- var tmp, wire = peer.wire || ((opt.wire) && opt.wire(peer)), msh, raw;
- if(!wire){ return }
- msh = (msg._) || empty;
- if(peer === msh.via){ return }
- if(!(raw = msh.raw)){ raw = mesh.raw(msg) }
- if((tmp = msg['@'])
- && (tmp = ctx.dup.s[tmp])
- && (tmp = tmp.it)){
- if(tmp.get && tmp['##'] && tmp['##'] === msg['##']){
- return;
- }
- }
- if((tmp = msh.to) && (tmp[peer.url] || tmp[peer.id]) && !o){ return }
- if(peer.batch){
- peer.tail = (peer.tail || 0) + raw.length;
- if(peer.tail <= opt.pack){
- peer.batch.push(raw);
- return;
- }
- flush(peer);
- }
- peer.batch = [];
- setTimeout(function(){flush(peer)}, opt.gap);
- send(raw, peer);
- }
- function flush(peer){
- var tmp = peer.batch;
- if(!tmp){ return }
- peer.batch = peer.tail = null;
- if(!tmp.length){ return }
- try{send(JSON.stringify(tmp), peer);
- }catch(e){opt.log('DAM JSON stringify error', e)}
- }
- function send(raw, peer){
- var wire = peer.wire;
- try{
- if(peer.say){
- peer.say(raw);
- } else
- if(wire.send){
- wire.send(raw);
- }
- mesh.say.d += raw.length; ++mesh.say.c;
- }catch(e){
- (peer.queue = peer.queue || []).push(raw);
- }
- }
- mesh.say.c = mesh.say.d = 0;
- }());
- ;(function(){
- mesh.raw = function(msg){
- if(!msg){ return '' }
- var dup = ctx.dup, msh = (msg._) || {}, put, hash, tmp;
- if(tmp = msh.raw){ return tmp }
- if(typeof msg === 'string'){ return msg }
- if(msg['@'] && (tmp = msg.put)){
- if(!(hash = msg['##'])){
- put = $(tmp, sort) || '';
- hash = mesh.hash(msg, put);
- msg['##'] = hash;
- }
- (tmp = dup.s)[hash = msg['@']+hash] = tmp[msg['#']];
- msg['#'] = hash || msg['#'];
- if(put){ (msg = Type.obj.to(msg)).put = _ }
- }
- var i = 0, to = []; Type.obj.map(opt.peers, function(p){
- to.push(p.url || p.id); if(++i > 9){ return true }
- }); msg['><'] = to.join();
- var raw = $(msg);
- if(u !== put){
- tmp = raw.indexOf(_, raw.indexOf('put'));
- raw = raw.slice(0, tmp-1) + put + raw.slice(tmp + _.length + 1);
- }
- if(msh){
- msh.raw = raw;
- }
- return raw;
- }
- mesh.hash = function(msg, hash){
- return Mesh.hash(hash || $(msg.put, sort) || '') || msg['#'] || Type.text.random(9);
- }
- function sort(k, v){ var tmp;
- if(!(v instanceof Object)){ return v }
- Type.obj.map(Object.keys(v).sort(), map, {to: tmp = {}, on: v});
- return tmp;
- }
- function map(k){
- this.to[k] = this.on[k];
- }
- var $ = JSON.stringify, _ = ':])([:';
- }());
- mesh.hi = function(peer){
- var tmp = peer.wire || {};
- if(peer.id || peer.url){
- opt.peers[peer.url || peer.id] = peer;
- } else {
- tmp = peer.id = tmp.pid = peer.id || Type.text.random(9);
- mesh.say({dam: '?'}, opt.peers[tmp] = peer);
- }
- if(!tmp.hied){ ctx.on(tmp.hied = 'hi', peer) }
- tmp = peer.queue; peer.queue = [];
- Type.obj.map(tmp, function(msg){
- mesh.say(msg, peer);
- });
- }
- mesh.bye = function(peer){
- Type.obj.del(opt.peers, peer.id);
- ctx.on('bye', peer);
- }
- mesh.hear['!'] = function(msg, peer){ opt.log('Error:', msg.err) }
- mesh.hear['?'] = function(msg, peer){
- if(!msg.pid){
- mesh.say({dam: '?', pid: opt.pid, '@': msg['#']}, peer);
- return;
- }
- if(!peer.wire){ return }
- if(!peer.wire.pid){ return }
- Type.obj.del(opt.peers, peer.wire.pid || peer.id);
- delete peer.wire.pid;
- peer.id = msg.pid;
- mesh.hi(peer);
- }
- return mesh;
- }
- Mesh.hash = function(s){
- if(typeof s !== 'string'){ return {err: 1} }
- var c = 0;
- if(!s.length){ return c }
- for(var i=0,l=s.length,n; i<l; ++i){
- n = s.charCodeAt(i);
- c = ((c<<5)-c)+n;
- c |= 0;
- }
- return c;
- }
- var empty = {}, u;
- Object.keys = Object.keys || function(o){ return map(o, function(v,k,t){t(k)}) }
- try{ module.exports = Mesh }catch(e){}
- })(USE, './adapters/mesh');
- ;USE(function(module){
- var Gun = USE('../index');
- Gun.Mesh = USE('./mesh');
- Gun.on('opt', function(root){
- this.to.next(root);
- var opt = root.opt;
- if(root.once){ return }
- if(false === opt.WebSocket){ return }
- var env;
- if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ env = window }
- if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ env = global }
- env = env || {};
- var websocket = opt.WebSocket || env.WebSocket || env.webkitWebSocket || env.mozWebSocket;
- if(!websocket){ return }
- opt.WebSocket = websocket;
- var mesh = opt.mesh = opt.mesh || Gun.Mesh(root);
- var wire = opt.wire;
- opt.wire = open;
- function open(peer){ try{
- if(!peer || !peer.url){ return wire && wire(peer) }
- var url = peer.url.replace('http', 'ws');
- var wire = peer.wire = new opt.WebSocket(url);
- wire.onclose = function(){
- opt.mesh.bye(peer);
- reconnect(peer);
- };
- wire.onerror = function(error){
- reconnect(peer);
- if(!error){ return }
- if(error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED'){
- }
- };
- wire.onopen = function(){
- opt.mesh.hi(peer);
- }
- wire.onmessage = function(msg){
- if(!msg){ return }
- opt.mesh.hear(msg.data || msg, peer);
- };
- return wire;
- }catch(e){}}
- function reconnect(peer){
- clearTimeout(peer.defer);
- peer.defer = setTimeout(function(){
- open(peer);
- }, 2 * 1000);
- }
- });
- var noop = function(){};
- })(USE, './adapters/websocket');
+ var root;
+ if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ root = window }
+ if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ root = global }
+ root = root || {};
+ var console = root.console || {log: function(){}};
+ function USE(arg, req){
+ return req? require(arg) : arg.slice? USE[R(arg)] : function(mod, path){
+ arg(mod = {exports: {}});
+ USE[R(path)] = mod.exports;
+ }
+ function R(p){
+ return p.split('/').slice(-1).toString().replace('.js','');
+ }
+ }
+ if(typeof module !== "undefined"){ var common = module }
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = {};
+ Type.fn = {is: function(fn){ return (!!fn && 'function' == typeof fn) }}
+ Type.bi = {is: function(b){ return (b instanceof Boolean || typeof b == 'boolean') }}
+ Type.num = {is: function(n){ return !list_is(n) && ((n - parseFloat(n) + 1) >= 0 || Infinity === n || -Infinity === n) }}
+ Type.text = {is: function(t){ return (typeof t == 'string') }}
+ Type.text.ify = function(t){
+ if(Type.text.is(t)){ return t }
+ if(typeof JSON !== "undefined"){ return JSON.stringify(t) }
+ return (t && t.toString)? t.toString() : t;
+ }
+ Type.text.random = function(l, c){
+ var s = '';
+ l = l || 24;
+ c = c || '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+ while(l > 0){ s += c.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * c.length)); l-- }
+ return s;
+ }
+ Type.text.match = function(t, o){ var tmp, u;
+ if('string' !== typeof t){ return false }
+ if('string' == typeof o){ o = {'=': o} }
+ o = o || {};
+ tmp = (o['='] || o['*'] || o['>'] || o['<']);
+ if(t === tmp){ return true }
+ if(u !== o['=']){ return false }
+ tmp = (o['*'] || o['>'] || o['<']);
+ if(t.slice(0, (tmp||'').length) === tmp){ return true }
+ if(u !== o['*']){ return false }
+ if(u !== o['>'] && u !== o['<']){
+ return (t >= o['>'] && t <= o['<'])? true : false;
+ }
+ if(u !== o['>'] && t >= o['>']){ return true }
+ if(u !== o['<'] && t <= o['<']){ return true }
+ return false;
+ }
+ Type.list = {is: function(l){ return (l instanceof Array) }}
+ Type.list.slit = Array.prototype.slice;
+ Type.list.sort = function(k){
+ return function(A,B){
+ if(!A || !B){ return 0 } A = A[k]; B = B[k];
+ if(A < B){ return -1 }else if(A > B){ return 1 }
+ else { return 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ Type.list.map = function(l, c, _){ return obj_map(l, c, _) }
+ Type.list.index = 1;
+ Type.obj = {is: function(o){ return o? (o instanceof Object && o.constructor === Object) || Object.prototype.toString.call(o).match(/^\[object (\w+)\]$/)[1] === 'Object' : false }}
+ Type.obj.put = function(o, k, v){ return (o||{})[k] = v, o }
+ Type.obj.has = function(o, k){ return o && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k) }
+ Type.obj.del = function(o, k){
+ if(!o){ return }
+ o[k] = null;
+ delete o[k];
+ return o;
+ }
+ Type.obj.as = function(o, k, v, u){ return o[k] = o[k] || (u === v? {} : v) }
+ Type.obj.ify = function(o){
+ if(obj_is(o)){ return o }
+ try{o = JSON.parse(o);
+ }catch(e){o={}};
+ return o;
+ }
+ ;(function(){ var u;
+ function map(v,k){
+ if(obj_has(this,k) && u !== this[k]){ return }
+ this[k] = v;
+ }
+ Type.obj.to = function(from, to){
+ to = to || {};
+ obj_map(from, map, to);
+ return to;
+ }
+ }());
+ Type.obj.copy = function(o){
+ return !o? o : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
+ }
+ ;(function(){
+ function empty(v,i){ var n = this.n;
+ if(n && (i === n || (obj_is(n) && obj_has(n, i)))){ return }
+ if(i){ return true }
+ }
+ Type.obj.empty = function(o, n){
+ if(!o){ return true }
+ return obj_map(o,empty,{n:n})? false : true;
+ }
+ }());
+ ;(function(){
+ function t(k,v){
+ if(2 === arguments.length){
+ t.r = t.r || {};
+ t.r[k] = v;
+ return;
+ } t.r = t.r || [];
+ t.r.push(k);
+ };
+ var keys = Object.keys;
+ Type.obj.map = function(l, c, _){
+ var u, i = 0, x, r, ll, lle, f = fn_is(c);
+ t.r = null;
+ if(keys && obj_is(l)){
+ ll = keys(l); lle = true;
+ }
+ if(list_is(l) || ll){
+ x = (ll || l).length;
+ for(;i < x; i++){
+ var ii = (i + Type.list.index);
+ if(f){
+ r = lle? c.call(_ || this, l[ll[i]], ll[i], t) : c.call(_ || this, l[i], ii, t);
+ if(r !== u){ return r }
+ } else {
+ if(c === l[lle? ll[i] : i]){ return ll? ll[i] : ii }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(i in l){
+ if(f){
+ if(obj_has(l,i)){
+ r = _? c.call(_, l[i], i, t) : c(l[i], i, t);
+ if(r !== u){ return r }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(c === l[i]){ return i }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return f? t.r : Type.list.index? 0 : -1;
+ }
+ }());
+ Type.time = {};
+ Type.time.is = function(t){ return t? t instanceof Date : (+new Date().getTime()) }
+ var fn_is = Type.fn.is;
+ var list_is = Type.list.is;
+ var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_has = obj.has, obj_map = obj.map;
+ module.exports = Type;
+ })(USE, './type');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ module.exports = function onto(tag, arg, as){
+ if(!tag){ return {to: onto} }
+ var u, tag = (this.tag || (this.tag = {}))[tag] ||
+ (this.tag[tag] = {tag: tag, to: onto._ = {
+ next: function(arg){ var tmp;
+ if((tmp = this.to)){
+ tmp.next(arg);
+ }}
+ }});
+ if(arg instanceof Function){
+ var be = {
+ off: onto.off ||
+ (onto.off = function(){
+ if(this.next === onto._.next){ return !0 }
+ if(this === this.the.last){
+ this.the.last = this.back;
+ }
+ this.to.back = this.back;
+ this.next = onto._.next;
+ this.back.to = this.to;
+ if(this.the.last === this.the){
+ delete this.on.tag[this.the.tag];
+ }
+ }),
+ to: onto._,
+ next: arg,
+ the: tag,
+ on: this,
+ as: as,
+ };
+ (be.back = tag.last || tag).to = be;
+ return tag.last = be;
+ }
+ if((tag = tag.to) && u !== arg){ tag.next(arg) }
+ return tag;
+ };
+ })(USE, './onto');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ function HAM(machineState, incomingState, currentState, incomingValue, currentValue){
+ if(machineState < incomingState){
+ return {defer: true};
+ }
+ if(incomingState < currentState){
+ return {historical: true};
+ }
+ if(currentState < incomingState){
+ return {converge: true, incoming: true};
+ }
+ if(incomingState === currentState){
+ incomingValue = Lexical(incomingValue) || "";
+ currentValue = Lexical(currentValue) || "";
+ if(incomingValue === currentValue){
+ return {state: true};
+ }
+ The following is a naive implementation, but will always work.
+ Never change it unless you have specific needs that absolutely require it.
+ If changed, your data will diverge unless you guarantee every peer's algorithm has also been changed to be the same.
+ As a result, it is highly discouraged to modify despite the fact that it is naive,
+ because convergence (data integrity) is generally more important.
+ Any difference in this algorithm must be given a new and different name.
+ */
+ if(incomingValue < currentValue){
+ return {converge: true, current: true};
+ }
+ if(currentValue < incomingValue){
+ return {converge: true, incoming: true};
+ }
+ }
+ return {err: "Invalid CRDT Data: "+ incomingValue +" to "+ currentValue +" at "+ incomingState +" to "+ currentState +"!"};
+ }
+ if(typeof JSON === 'undefined'){
+ throw new Error(
+ 'JSON is not included in this browser. Please load it first: ' +
+ 'ajax.cdnjs.com/ajax/libs/json2/20110223/json2.js'
+ );
+ }
+ var Lexical = JSON.stringify, undefined;
+ module.exports = HAM;
+ })(USE, './HAM');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ var Val = {};
+ Val.is = function(v){
+ if(v === u){ return false }
+ if(v === null){ return true }
+ if(v === Infinity){ return false }
+ if(text_is(v)
+ || bi_is(v)
+ || num_is(v)){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Val.link.is(v) || false;
+ }
+ Val.link = Val.rel = {_: '#'};
+ ;(function(){
+ Val.link.is = function(v){
+ if(v && v[rel_] && !v._ && obj_is(v)){
+ var o = {};
+ obj_map(v, map, o);
+ if(o.id){
+ return o.id;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function map(s, k){ var o = this;
+ if(o.id){ return o.id = false }
+ if(k == rel_ && text_is(s)){
+ o.id = s;
+ } else {
+ return o.id = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }());
+ Val.link.ify = function(t){ return obj_put({}, rel_, t) }
+ Type.obj.has._ = '.';
+ var rel_ = Val.link._, u;
+ var bi_is = Type.bi.is;
+ var num_is = Type.num.is;
+ var text_is = Type.text.is;
+ var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map;
+ module.exports = Val;
+ })(USE, './val');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ var Val = USE('./val');
+ var Node = {_: '_'};
+ Node.soul = function(n, o){ return (n && n._ && n._[o || soul_]) }
+ Node.soul.ify = function(n, o){
+ o = (typeof o === 'string')? {soul: o} : o || {};
+ n = n || {};
+ n._ = n._ || {};
+ n._[soul_] = o.soul || n._[soul_] || text_random();
+ return n;
+ }
+ Node.soul._ = Val.link._;
+ ;(function(){
+ Node.is = function(n, cb, as){ var s;
+ if(!obj_is(n)){ return false }
+ if(s = Node.soul(n)){
+ return !obj_map(n, map, {as:as,cb:cb,s:s,n:n});
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function map(v, k){
+ if(k === Node._){ return }
+ if(!Val.is(v)){ return true }
+ if(this.cb){ this.cb.call(this.as, v, k, this.n, this.s) }
+ }
+ }());
+ ;(function(){
+ Node.ify = function(obj, o, as){
+ if(!o){ o = {} }
+ else if(typeof o === 'string'){ o = {soul: o} }
+ else if(o instanceof Function){ o = {map: o} }
+ if(o.map){ o.node = o.map.call(as, obj, u, o.node || {}) }
+ if(o.node = Node.soul.ify(o.node || {}, o)){
+ obj_map(obj, map, {o:o,as:as});
+ }
+ return o.node;
+ }
+ function map(v, k){ var o = this.o, tmp, u;
+ if(o.map){
+ tmp = o.map.call(this.as, v, ''+k, o.node);
+ if(u === tmp){
+ obj_del(o.node, k);
+ } else
+ if(o.node){ o.node[k] = tmp }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(Val.is(v)){
+ o.node[k] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ }());
+ var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_del = obj.del, obj_map = obj.map;
+ var text = Type.text, text_random = text.random;
+ var soul_ = Node.soul._;
+ var u;
+ module.exports = Node;
+ })(USE, './node');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ var Node = USE('./node');
+ function State(){
+ var t;
+ t = start + perf.now();
+ } else {*/
+ t = time();
+ if(last < t){
+ return N = 0, last = t + State.drift;
+ }
+ return last = t + ((N += 1) / D) + State.drift;
+ }
+ var time = Type.time.is, last = -Infinity, N = 0, D = 1000;
+ var perf = (typeof performance !== 'undefined')? (performance.timing && performance) : false, start = (perf && perf.timing && perf.timing.navigationStart) || (perf = false);
+ State._ = '>';
+ State.drift = 0;
+ State.is = function(n, k, o){
+ var tmp = (k && n && n[N_] && n[N_][State._]) || o;
+ if(!tmp){ return }
+ return num_is(tmp = tmp[k])? tmp : -Infinity;
+ }
+ State.lex = function(){ return State().toString(36).replace('.','') }
+ State.ify = function(n, k, s, v, soul){
+ if(!n || !n[N_]){
+ if(!soul){
+ return;
+ }
+ n = Node.soul.ify(n, soul);
+ }
+ var tmp = obj_as(n[N_], State._);
+ if(u !== k && k !== N_){
+ if(num_is(s)){
+ tmp[k] = s;
+ }
+ if(u !== v){
+ n[k] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ State.to = function(from, k, to){
+ var val = (from||{})[k];
+ if(obj_is(val)){
+ val = obj_copy(val);
+ }
+ return State.ify(to, k, State.is(from, k), val, Node.soul(from));
+ }
+ ;(function(){
+ State.map = function(cb, s, as){ var u;
+ var o = obj_is(o = cb || s)? o : null;
+ cb = fn_is(cb = cb || s)? cb : null;
+ if(o && !cb){
+ s = num_is(s)? s : State();
+ o[N_] = o[N_] || {};
+ obj_map(o, map, {o:o,s:s});
+ return o;
+ }
+ as = as || obj_is(s)? s : u;
+ s = num_is(s)? s : State();
+ return function(v, k, o, opt){
+ if(!cb){
+ map.call({o: o, s: s}, v,k);
+ return v;
+ }
+ cb.call(as || this || {}, v, k, o, opt);
+ if(obj_has(o,k) && u === o[k]){ return }
+ map.call({o: o, s: s}, v,k);
+ }
+ }
+ function map(v,k){
+ if(N_ === k){ return }
+ State.ify(this.o, k, this.s) ;
+ }
+ }());
+ var obj = Type.obj, obj_as = obj.as, obj_has = obj.has, obj_is = obj.is, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
+ var num = Type.num, num_is = num.is;
+ var fn = Type.fn, fn_is = fn.is;
+ var N_ = Node._, u;
+ module.exports = State;
+ })(USE, './state');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ var Val = USE('./val');
+ var Node = USE('./node');
+ var Graph = {};
+ ;(function(){
+ Graph.is = function(g, cb, fn, as){
+ if(!g || !obj_is(g) || obj_empty(g)){ return false }
+ return !obj_map(g, map, {cb:cb,fn:fn,as:as});
+ }
+ function map(n, s){
+ if(!n || s !== Node.soul(n) || !Node.is(n, this.fn, this.as)){ return true }
+ if(!this.cb){ return }
+ nf.n = n; nf.as = this.as;
+ this.cb.call(nf.as, n, s, nf);
+ }
+ function nf(fn){
+ if(fn){ Node.is(nf.n, fn, nf.as) }
+ }
+ }());
+ ;(function(){
+ Graph.ify = function(obj, env, as){
+ var at = {path: [], obj: obj};
+ if(!env){
+ env = {};
+ } else
+ if(typeof env === 'string'){
+ env = {soul: env};
+ } else
+ if(env instanceof Function){
+ env.map = env;
+ }
+ if(env.soul){
+ at.link = Val.link.ify(env.soul);
+ }
+ env.shell = (as||{}).shell;
+ env.graph = env.graph || {};
+ env.seen = env.seen || [];
+ env.as = env.as || as;
+ node(env, at);
+ env.root = at.node;
+ return env.graph;
+ }
+ function node(env, at){ var tmp;
+ if(tmp = seen(env, at)){ return tmp }
+ at.env = env;
+ at.soul = soul;
+ if(Node.ify(at.obj, map, at)){
+ at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(Node.soul(at.node));
+ if(at.obj !== env.shell){
+ env.graph[Val.link.is(at.link)] = at.node;
+ }
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ function map(v,k,n){
+ var at = this, env = at.env, is, tmp;
+ if(Node._ === k && obj_has(v,Val.link._)){
+ return n._;
+ }
+ if(!(is = valid(v,k,n, at,env))){ return }
+ if(!k){
+ at.node = at.node || n || {};
+ if(obj_has(v, Node._) && Node.soul(v)){
+ at.node._ = obj_copy(v._);
+ }
+ at.node = Node.soul.ify(at.node, Val.link.is(at.link));
+ at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(Node.soul(at.node));
+ }
+ if(tmp = env.map){
+ tmp.call(env.as || {}, v,k,n, at);
+ if(obj_has(n,k)){
+ v = n[k];
+ if(u === v){
+ obj_del(n, k);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(is = valid(v,k,n, at,env))){ return }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!k){ return at.node }
+ if(true === is){
+ return v;
+ }
+ tmp = node(env, {obj: v, path: at.path.concat(k)});
+ if(!tmp.node){ return }
+ return tmp.link;
+ }
+ function soul(id){ var at = this;
+ var prev = Val.link.is(at.link), graph = at.env.graph;
+ at.link = at.link || Val.link.ify(id);
+ at.link[Val.link._] = id;
+ if(at.node && at.node[Node._]){
+ at.node[Node._][Val.link._] = id;
+ }
+ if(obj_has(graph, prev)){
+ graph[id] = graph[prev];
+ obj_del(graph, prev);
+ }
+ }
+ function valid(v,k,n, at,env){ var tmp;
+ if(Val.is(v)){ return true }
+ if(obj_is(v)){ return 1 }
+ if(tmp = env.invalid){
+ v = tmp.call(env.as || {}, v,k,n);
+ return valid(v,k,n, at,env);
+ }
+ env.err = "Invalid value at '" + at.path.concat(k).join('.') + "'!";
+ if(Type.list.is(v)){ env.err += " Use `.set(item)` instead of an Array." }
+ }
+ function seen(env, at){
+ var arr = env.seen, i = arr.length, has;
+ while(i--){ has = arr[i];
+ if(at.obj === has.obj){ return has }
+ }
+ arr.push(at);
+ }
+ }());
+ Graph.node = function(node){
+ var soul = Node.soul(node);
+ if(!soul){ return }
+ return obj_put({}, soul, node);
+ }
+ ;(function(){
+ Graph.to = function(graph, root, opt){
+ if(!graph){ return }
+ var obj = {};
+ opt = opt || {seen: {}};
+ obj_map(graph[root], map, {obj:obj, graph: graph, opt: opt});
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function map(v,k){ var tmp, obj;
+ if(Node._ === k){
+ if(obj_empty(v, Val.link._)){
+ return;
+ }
+ this.obj[k] = obj_copy(v);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(tmp = Val.link.is(v))){
+ this.obj[k] = v;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(obj = this.opt.seen[tmp]){
+ this.obj[k] = obj;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.obj[k] = this.opt.seen[tmp] = Graph.to(this.graph, tmp, this.opt);
+ }
+ }());
+ var fn_is = Type.fn.is;
+ var obj = Type.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_del = obj.del, obj_has = obj.has, obj_empty = obj.empty, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
+ var u;
+ module.exports = Graph;
+ })(USE, './graph');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ USE('./onto');
+ module.exports = function ask(cb, as){
+ if(!this.on){ return }
+ if(!(cb instanceof Function)){
+ if(!cb || !as){ return }
+ var id = cb['#'] || cb, tmp = (this.tag||empty)[id];
+ if(!tmp){ return }
+ tmp = this.on(id, as);
+ clearTimeout(tmp.err);
+ return true;
+ }
+ var id = (as && as['#']) || Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
+ if(!cb){ return id }
+ var to = this.on(id, cb, as);
+ to.err = to.err || setTimeout(function(){
+ to.next({err: "Error: No ACK received yet.", lack: true});
+ to.off();
+ }, (this.opt||{}).lack || 9000);
+ return id;
+ }
+ })(USE, './ask');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ function Dup(opt){
+ var dup = {s:{}};
+ opt = opt || {max: 1000, age: 1000 * 9};
+ dup.check = function(id){ var tmp;
+ if(!(tmp = dup.s[id])){ return false }
+ if(tmp.pass){ return tmp.pass = false }
+ return dup.track(id);
+ }
+ dup.track = function(id, pass){
+ var it = dup.s[id] || (dup.s[id] = {});
+ it.was = time_is();
+ if(pass){ it.pass = true }
+ if(!dup.to){
+ dup.to = setTimeout(function(){
+ var now = time_is();
+ Type.obj.map(dup.s, function(it, id){
+ if(it && opt.age > (now - it.was)){ return }
+ Type.obj.del(dup.s, id);
+ });
+ dup.to = null;
+ }, opt.age + 9);
+ }
+ return it;
+ }
+ return dup;
+ }
+ var time_is = Type.time.is;
+ module.exports = Dup;
+ })(USE, './dup');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ function Gun(o){
+ if(o instanceof Gun){ return (this._ = {gun: this, $: this}).$ }
+ if(!(this instanceof Gun)){ return new Gun(o) }
+ return Gun.create(this._ = {gun: this, $: this, opt: o});
+ }
+ Gun.is = function($){ return ($ instanceof Gun) || ($ && $._ && ($ === $._.$)) || false }
+ Gun.version = 0.9;
+ Gun.chain = Gun.prototype;
+ Gun.chain.toJSON = function(){};
+ var Type = USE('./type');
+ Type.obj.to(Type, Gun);
+ Gun.HAM = USE('./HAM');
+ Gun.val = USE('./val');
+ Gun.node = USE('./node');
+ Gun.state = USE('./state');
+ Gun.graph = USE('./graph');
+ Gun.on = USE('./onto');
+ Gun.ask = USE('./ask');
+ Gun.dup = USE('./dup');
+ ;(function(){
+ Gun.create = function(at){
+ at.root = at.root || at;
+ at.graph = at.graph || {};
+ at.on = at.on || Gun.on;
+ at.ask = at.ask || Gun.ask;
+ at.dup = at.dup || Gun.dup();
+ var gun = at.$.opt(at.opt);
+ if(!at.once){
+ at.on('in', root, at);
+ at.on('out', root, {at: at, out: root});
+ Gun.on('create', at);
+ at.on('create', at);
+ }
+ at.once = 1;
+ return gun;
+ }
+ function root(msg){
+ var ev = this, as = ev.as, at = as.at || as, gun = at.$, dup, tmp;
+ if(!(tmp = msg['#'])){ tmp = msg['#'] = text_rand(9) }
+ if((dup = at.dup).check(tmp)){
+ if(as.out === msg.out){
+ msg.out = u;
+ ev.to.next(msg);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ dup.track(tmp);
+ if(!at.ask(msg['@'], msg)){
+ if(msg.get){
+ Gun.on.get(msg, gun);
+ }
+ if(msg.put){
+ Gun.on.put(msg, gun);
+ }
+ }
+ ev.to.next(msg);
+ if(!as.out){
+ msg.out = root;
+ at.on('out', msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }());
+ ;(function(){
+ Gun.on.put = function(msg, gun){
+ var at = gun._, ctx = {$: gun, graph: at.graph, put: {}, map: {}, souls: {}, machine: Gun.state(), ack: msg['@'], cat: at, stop: {}};
+ if(!Gun.graph.is(msg.put, null, verify, ctx)){ ctx.err = "Error: Invalid graph!" }
+ if(ctx.err){ return at.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], err: Gun.log(ctx.err) }) }
+ obj_map(ctx.put, merge, ctx);
+ if(!ctx.async){ obj_map(ctx.map, map, ctx) }
+ if(u !== ctx.defer){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ Gun.on.put(msg, gun);
+ }, ctx.defer - ctx.machine);
+ }
+ if(!ctx.diff){ return }
+ at.on('put', obj_to(msg, {put: ctx.diff}));
+ };
+ function verify(val, key, node, soul){ var ctx = this;
+ var state = Gun.state.is(node, key), tmp;
+ if(!state){ return ctx.err = "Error: No state on '"+key+"' in node '"+soul+"'!" }
+ var vertex = ctx.graph[soul] || empty, was = Gun.state.is(vertex, key, true), known = vertex[key];
+ var HAM = Gun.HAM(ctx.machine, state, was, val, known);
+ if(!HAM.incoming){
+ if(HAM.defer){
+ ctx.defer = (state < (ctx.defer || Infinity))? state : ctx.defer;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.put[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, ctx.put[soul]);
+ (ctx.diff || (ctx.diff = {}))[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, ctx.diff[soul]);
+ ctx.souls[soul] = true;
+ }
+ function merge(node, soul){
+ var ctx = this, cat = ctx.$._, at = (cat.next || empty)[soul];
+ if(!at){
+ if(!(cat.opt||empty).super){
+ ctx.souls[soul] = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ at = (ctx.$.get(soul)._);
+ }
+ var msg = ctx.map[soul] = {
+ put: node,
+ get: soul,
+ $: at.$
+ }, as = {ctx: ctx, msg: msg};
+ ctx.async = !!cat.tag.node;
+ if(ctx.ack){ msg['@'] = ctx.ack }
+ obj_map(node, each, as);
+ if(!ctx.async){ return }
+ if(!ctx.and){
+ cat.on('node', function(m){
+ this.to.next(m);
+ if(m !== ctx.map[m.get]){ return }
+ ctx.souls[m.get] = false;
+ obj_map(m.put, patch, m);
+ if(obj_map(ctx.souls, function(v){ if(v){ return v } })){ return }
+ if(ctx.c){ return } ctx.c = 1;
+ this.off();
+ obj_map(ctx.map, map, ctx);
+ });
+ }
+ ctx.and = true;
+ cat.on('node', msg);
+ }
+ function each(val, key){
+ var ctx = this.ctx, graph = ctx.graph, msg = this.msg, soul = msg.get, node = msg.put, at = (msg.$._), tmp;
+ graph[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, graph[soul]);
+ if(ctx.async){ return }
+ at.put = Gun.state.to(node, key, at.put);
+ }
+ function patch(val, key){
+ var msg = this, node = msg.put, at = (msg.$._);
+ at.put = Gun.state.to(node, key, at.put);
+ }
+ function map(msg, soul){
+ if(!msg.$){ return }
+ this.cat.stop = this.stop;
+ (msg.$._).on('in', msg);
+ this.cat.stop = null;
+ }
+ Gun.on.get = function(msg, gun){
+ var root = gun._, get = msg.get, soul = get[_soul], node = root.graph[soul], has = get[_has], tmp;
+ var next = root.next || (root.next = {}), at = next[soul];
+ if(!node){ return root.on('get', msg) }
+ if(has){
+ if('string' != typeof has || !obj_has(node, has)){ return root.on('get', msg) }
+ node = Gun.state.to(node, has);
+ } else {
+ node = Gun.obj.copy(node);
+ }
+ node = Gun.graph.node(node);
+ tmp = (at||empty).ack;
+ root.on('in', {
+ '@': msg['#'],
+ how: 'mem',
+ put: node,
+ $: gun
+ });
+ root.on('get', msg);
+ }
+ }());
+ ;(function(){
+ Gun.chain.opt = function(opt){
+ opt = opt || {};
+ var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp = opt.peers || opt;
+ if(!obj_is(opt)){ opt = {} }
+ if(!obj_is(at.opt)){ at.opt = opt }
+ if(text_is(tmp)){ tmp = [tmp] }
+ if(list_is(tmp)){
+ tmp = obj_map(tmp, function(url, i, map){
+ i = {}; i.id = i.url = url; map(url, i);
+ });
+ if(!obj_is(at.opt.peers)){ at.opt.peers = {}}
+ at.opt.peers = obj_to(tmp, at.opt.peers);
+ }
+ at.opt.peers = at.opt.peers || {};
+ obj_to(opt, at.opt);
+ Gun.on('opt', at);
+ at.opt.uuid = at.opt.uuid || function(){ return state_lex() + text_rand(12) }
+ return gun;
+ }
+ }());
+ var list_is = Gun.list.is;
+ var text = Gun.text, text_is = text.is, text_rand = text.random;
+ var obj = Gun.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_has = obj.has, obj_to = obj.to, obj_map = obj.map, obj_copy = obj.copy;
+ var state_lex = Gun.state.lex, _soul = Gun.val.link._, _has = '.', node_ = Gun.node._, rel_is = Gun.val.link.is;
+ var empty = {}, u;
+ console.debug = function(i, s){ return (console.debug.i && i === console.debug.i && console.debug.i++) && (console.log.apply(console, arguments) || s) };
+ Gun.log = function(){ return (!Gun.log.off && console.log.apply(console, arguments)), [].slice.call(arguments).join(' ') }
+ Gun.log.once = function(w,s,o){ return (o = Gun.log.once)[w] = o[w] || 0, o[w]++ || Gun.log(s) }
+ ;"Please do not remove these messages unless you are paying for a monthly sponsorship, thanks!";
+ Gun.log.once("welcome", "Hello wonderful person! :) Thanks for using GUN, feel free to ask for help on https://gitter.im/amark/gun and ask StackOverflow questions tagged with 'gun'!");
+ ;"Please do not remove these messages unless you are paying for a monthly sponsorship, thanks!";
+ if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ (window.GUN = window.Gun = Gun).window = window }
+ try{ if(typeof common !== "undefined"){ common.exports = Gun } }catch(e){}
+ module.exports = Gun;
+ this.to.next(ctx);
+ if(ctx.once){ return }
+ ctx.on('node', function(msg){
+ var to = this.to;
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ to.next(msg);
+ },1);
+ });
+ });*/
+ })(USE, './root');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./root');
+ Gun.chain.back = function(n, opt){ var tmp;
+ n = n || 1;
+ if(-1 === n || Infinity === n){
+ return this._.root.$;
+ } else
+ if(1 === n){
+ return (this._.back || this._).$;
+ }
+ var gun = this, at = gun._;
+ if(typeof n === 'string'){
+ n = n.split('.');
+ }
+ if(n instanceof Array){
+ var i = 0, l = n.length, tmp = at;
+ for(i; i < l; i++){
+ tmp = (tmp||empty)[n[i]];
+ }
+ if(u !== tmp){
+ return opt? gun : tmp;
+ } else
+ if((tmp = at.back)){
+ return tmp.$.back(n, opt);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(n instanceof Function){
+ var yes, tmp = {back: at};
+ while((tmp = tmp.back)
+ && u === (yes = n(tmp, opt))){}
+ return yes;
+ }
+ if(Gun.num.is(n)){
+ return (at.back || at).$.back(n - 1);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ var empty = {}, u;
+ })(USE, './back');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./root');
+ Gun.chain.chain = function(sub){
+ var gun = this, at = gun._, chain = new (sub || gun).constructor(gun), cat = chain._, root;
+ cat.root = root = at.root;
+ cat.id = ++root.once;
+ cat.back = gun._;
+ cat.on = Gun.on;
+ cat.on('in', input, cat);
+ cat.on('out', output, cat);
+ return chain;
+ }
+ function output(msg){
+ var put, get, at = this.as, back = at.back, root = at.root, tmp;
+ if(!msg.$){ msg.$ = at.$ }
+ this.to.next(msg);
+ if(get = msg.get){
+ at.on('in', at);
+ return;
+ }*/
+ if(at.lex){ msg.get = obj_to(at.lex, msg.get) }
+ if(get['#'] || at.soul){
+ get['#'] = get['#'] || at.soul;
+ msg['#'] || (msg['#'] = text_rand(9));
+ back = (root.$.get(get['#'])._);
+ if(!(get = get['.'])){
+ tmp = back.ack;
+ if(!tmp){ back.ack = -1 }
+ if(obj_has(back, 'put')){
+ back.on('in', back);
+ }
+ if(tmp){ return }
+ msg.$ = back.$;
+ } else
+ if(obj_has(back.put, get)){
+ put = (back.$.get(get)._);
+ if(!(tmp = put.ack)){ put.ack = -1 }
+ back.on('in', {
+ $: back.$,
+ put: Gun.state.to(back.put, get),
+ get: back.get
+ });
+ if(tmp){ return }
+ } else
+ if('string' != typeof get){
+ var put = {}, meta = (back.put||{})._;
+ Gun.obj.map(back.put, function(v,k){
+ if(!Gun.text.match(k, get)){ return }
+ put[k] = v;
+ })
+ if(!Gun.obj.empty(put)){
+ put._ = meta;
+ back.on('in', {$: back.$, put: put, get: back.get})
+ }
+ }
+ root.ask(ack, msg);
+ return root.on('in', msg);
+ }
+ if(root.now){ root.now[at.id] = root.now[at.id] || true; at.pass = {} }
+ if(get['.']){
+ if(at.get){
+ msg = {get: {'.': at.get}, $: at.$};
+ (back.ask || (back.ask = {}));
+ back.ask[at.get] = msg.$._;
+ return back.on('out', msg);
+ }
+ msg = {get: {}, $: at.$};
+ return back.on('out', msg);
+ }
+ at.ack = at.ack || -1;
+ if(at.get){
+ msg.$ = at.$;
+ get['.'] = at.get;
+ (back.ask || (back.ask = {}))[at.get] = msg.$._;
+ return back.on('out', msg);
+ }
+ }
+ return back.on('out', msg);
+ }
+ function input(msg){
+ var eve = this, cat = eve.as, root = cat.root, gun = msg.$, at = (gun||empty)._ || empty, change = msg.put, rel, tmp;
+ if(cat.get && msg.get !== cat.get){
+ msg = obj_to(msg, {get: cat.get});
+ }
+ if(cat.has && at !== cat){
+ msg = obj_to(msg, {$: cat.$});
+ if(at.ack){
+ cat.ack = at.ack;
+ }
+ }
+ if(u === change){
+ tmp = at.put;
+ eve.to.next(msg);
+ if(cat.soul){ return }
+ if(u === tmp && u !== at.put){ return }
+ echo(cat, msg, eve);
+ if(cat.has){
+ not(cat, msg);
+ }
+ obj_del(at.echo, cat.id);
+ obj_del(cat.map, at.id);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cat.soul){
+ eve.to.next(msg);
+ echo(cat, msg, eve);
+ if(cat.next){ obj_map(change, map, {msg: msg, cat: cat}) }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(rel = Gun.val.link.is(change))){
+ if(Gun.val.is(change)){
+ if(cat.has || cat.soul){
+ not(cat, msg);
+ } else
+ if(at.has || at.soul){
+ (at.echo || (at.echo = {}))[cat.id] = at.echo[at.id] || cat;
+ (cat.map || (cat.map = {}))[at.id] = cat.map[at.id] || {at: at};
+ }
+ eve.to.next(msg);
+ echo(cat, msg, eve);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(cat.has && at !== cat && obj_has(at, 'put')){
+ cat.put = at.put;
+ };
+ if((rel = Gun.node.soul(change)) && at.has){
+ at.put = (cat.root.$.get(rel)._).put;
+ }
+ tmp = (root.stop || {})[at.id];
+ eve.to.next(msg);
+ relate(cat, msg, at, rel);
+ echo(cat, msg, eve);
+ if(cat.next){ obj_map(change, map, {msg: msg, cat: cat}) }
+ return;
+ }
+ var was = root.stop;
+ tmp = root.stop || {};
+ tmp = tmp[at.id] || (tmp[at.id] = {});
+ tmp.is = tmp.is || at.put;
+ tmp[cat.id] = at.put || true;
+ eve.to.next(msg)
+ relate(cat, msg, at, rel);
+ echo(cat, msg, eve);
+ }
+ function relate(at, msg, from, rel){
+ if(!rel || node_ === at.get){ return }
+ var tmp = (at.root.$.get(rel)._);
+ if(at.has){
+ from = tmp;
+ } else
+ if(from.has){
+ relate(from, msg, from, rel);
+ }
+ if(from === at){ return }
+ if(!from.$){ from = {} }
+ (from.echo || (from.echo = {}))[at.id] = from.echo[at.id] || at;
+ if(at.has && !(at.map||empty)[from.id]){
+ not(at, msg);
+ }
+ tmp = from.id? ((at.map || (at.map = {}))[from.id] = at.map[from.id] || {at: from}) : {};
+ if(rel === tmp.link){
+ if(!(tmp.pass || at.pass)){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(at.pass){
+ Gun.obj.map(at.map, function(tmp){ tmp.pass = true })
+ obj_del(at, 'pass');
+ }
+ if(tmp.pass){ obj_del(tmp, 'pass') }
+ if(at.has){ at.link = rel }
+ ask(at, tmp.link = rel);
+ }
+ function echo(at, msg, ev){
+ if(!at.echo){ return }
+ obj_map(at.echo, reverb, msg);
+ }
+ function reverb(to){
+ if(!to || !to.on){ return }
+ to.on('in', this);
+ }
+ function map(data, key){
+ var cat = this.cat, next = cat.next || empty, via = this.msg, chain, at, tmp;
+ if(node_ === key && !next[key]){ return }
+ if(!(at = next[key])){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(at.has){
+ if(u === at.put || !Gun.val.link.is(data)){
+ at.put = data;
+ }
+ chain = at.$;
+ } else
+ if(tmp = via.$){
+ tmp = (chain = via.$.get(key))._;
+ if(u === tmp.put || !Gun.val.link.is(data)){
+ tmp.put = data;
+ }
+ }
+ at.on('in', {
+ put: data,
+ get: key,
+ $: chain,
+ via: via
+ });
+ }
+ function not(at, msg){
+ if(!(at.has || at.soul)){ return }
+ var tmp = at.map, root = at.root;
+ at.map = null;
+ if(at.has){
+ if(at.dub && at.root.stop){ at.dub = null }
+ at.link = null;
+ }
+ if(!at.pass){
+ if((!msg['@']) && null === tmp){ return }
+ }
+ if(u === tmp && Gun.val.link.is(at.put)){ return }
+ obj_map(tmp, function(proxy){
+ if(!(proxy = proxy.at)){ return }
+ obj_del(proxy.echo, at.id);
+ });
+ tmp = at.put;
+ obj_map(at.next, function(neat, key){
+ if(u === tmp && u !== at.put){ return true }
+ neat.put = u;
+ if(neat.ack){
+ neat.ack = -1;
+ }
+ neat.on('in', {
+ get: key,
+ $: neat.$,
+ put: u
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function ask(at, soul){
+ var tmp = (at.root.$.get(soul)._), lex = at.lex;
+ if(at.ack || lex){
+ (lex = lex||{})['#'] = soul;
+ tmp.on('out', {get: lex});
+ if(!at.ask){ return }
+ }
+ tmp = at.ask; Gun.obj.del(at, 'ask');
+ obj_map(tmp || at.next, function(neat, key){
+ var lex = neat.lex || {}; lex['#'] = soul; lex['.'] = lex['.'] || key;
+ neat.on('out', {get: lex});
+ });
+ Gun.obj.del(at, 'ask');
+ }
+ function ack(msg, ev){
+ var as = this.as, get = as.get || empty, at = as.$._, tmp = (msg.put||empty)[get['#']];
+ if(at.ack){ at.ack = (at.ack + 1) || 1; }
+ if(!msg.put || ('string' == typeof get['.'] && !obj_has(tmp, at.get))){
+ if(at.put !== u){ return }
+ at.on('in', {
+ get: at.get,
+ put: at.put = u,
+ $: at.$,
+ '@': msg['@']
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if(node_ == get['.']){
+ at.on('in', {get: at.get, put: Gun.val.link.ify(get['#']), $: at.$, '@': msg['@']});
+ return;
+ }
+ Gun.on.put(msg, at.root.$);
+ }
+ var empty = {}, u;
+ var obj = Gun.obj, obj_has = obj.has, obj_put = obj.put, obj_del = obj.del, obj_to = obj.to, obj_map = obj.map;
+ var text_rand = Gun.text.random;
+ var _soul = Gun.val.link._, node_ = Gun.node._;
+ })(USE, './chain');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./root');
+ Gun.chain.get = function(key, cb, as){
+ var gun, tmp;
+ if(typeof key === 'string'){
+ var back = this, cat = back._;
+ var next = cat.next || empty;
+ if(!(gun = next[key])){
+ gun = cache(key, back);
+ }
+ gun = gun.$;
+ } else
+ if(key instanceof Function){
+ if(true === cb){ return soul(this, key, cb, as) }
+ gun = this;
+ var at = gun._, root = at.root, tmp = root.now, ev;
+ as = cb || {};
+ as.at = at;
+ as.use = key;
+ as.out = as.out || {};
+ as.out.get = as.out.get || {};
+ (ev = at.on('in', use, as)).rid = rid;
+ (root.now = {$:1})[as.now = at.id] = ev;
+ var mum = root.mum; root.mum = {};
+ at.on('out', as.out);
+ root.mum = mum;
+ root.now = tmp;
+ return gun;
+ } else
+ if(num_is(key)){
+ return this.get(''+key, cb, as);
+ } else
+ if(tmp = rel.is(key)){
+ return this.get(tmp, cb, as);
+ } else
+ if(obj.is(key)){
+ gun = this;
+ if(tmp = ((tmp = key['#'])||empty)['='] || tmp){ gun = gun.get(tmp) }
+ gun._.lex = key;
+ return gun;
+ } else {
+ (as = this.chain())._.err = {err: Gun.log('Invalid get request!', key)};
+ if(cb){ cb.call(as, as._.err) }
+ return as;
+ }
+ if(tmp = this._.stun){
+ gun._.stun = gun._.stun || tmp;
+ }
+ if(cb && cb instanceof Function){
+ gun.get(cb, as);
+ }
+ return gun;
+ }
+ function cache(key, back){
+ var cat = back._, next = cat.next, gun = back.chain(), at = gun._;
+ if(!next){ next = cat.next = {} }
+ next[at.get = key] = at;
+ if(back === cat.root.$){
+ at.soul = key;
+ } else
+ if(cat.soul || cat.has){
+ at.has = key;
+ }
+ return at;
+ }
+ function soul(gun, cb, opt, as){
+ var cat = gun._, acks = 0, tmp;
+ if(tmp = cat.soul || cat.link || cat.dub){ return cb(tmp, as, cat), gun }
+ gun.get(function(msg, ev){
+ if(u === msg.put && (tmp = (obj_map(cat.root.opt.peers, function(v,k,t){t(k)})||[]).length) && ++acks < tmp){
+ return;
+ }
+ ev.rid(msg);
+ var at = ((at = msg.$) && at._) || {};
+ tmp = at.link || at.soul || rel.is(msg.put) || node_soul(msg.put) || at.dub;
+ cb(tmp, as, msg, ev);
+ }, {out: {get: {'.':true}}});
+ return gun;
+ }
+ function use(msg){
+ var eve = this, as = eve.as, cat = as.at, root = cat.root, gun = msg.$, at = (gun||{})._ || {}, data = msg.put || at.put, tmp;
+ if((tmp = root.now) && eve !== tmp[as.now]){ return eve.to.next(msg) }
+ if(eve.seen && at.id && eve.seen[at.id]){ return eve.to.next(msg) }
+ if((tmp = data) && tmp[rel._] && (tmp = rel.is(tmp))){
+ tmp = ((msg.$$ = at.root.gun.get(tmp))._);
+ if(u !== tmp.put){
+ msg = obj_to(msg, {put: data = tmp.put});
+ }
+ }
+ if((tmp = root.mum) && at.id){
+ var id = at.id + (eve.id || (eve.id = Gun.text.random(9)));
+ if(tmp[id]){ return }
+ if(u !== data && !rel.is(data)){ tmp[id] = true; }
+ }
+ as.use(msg, eve);
+ if(eve.stun){
+ eve.stun = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ eve.to.next(msg);
+ }
+ function rid(at){
+ var cat = this.on;
+ if(!at || cat.soul || cat.has){ return this.off() }
+ if(!(at = (at = (at = at.$ || at)._ || at).id)){ return }
+ var map = cat.map, tmp, seen;
+ if(tmp = (seen = this.seen || (this.seen = {}))[at]){ return true }
+ seen[at] = true;
+ return;
+ return;
+ }
+ var obj = Gun.obj, obj_map = obj.map, obj_has = obj.has, obj_to = Gun.obj.to;
+ var num_is = Gun.num.is;
+ var rel = Gun.val.link, node_soul = Gun.node.soul, node_ = Gun.node._;
+ var empty = {}, u;
+ })(USE, './get');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./root');
+ Gun.chain.put = function(data, cb, as){
+ var gun = this, at = (gun._), root = at.root.$, ctx = root._, M = 100, tmp;
+ if(!ctx.puta){ if(tmp = ctx.puts){ if(tmp > M){
+ (ctx.stack || (ctx.stack = [])).push([gun, data, cb, as]);
+ if(ctx.puto){ return }
+ ctx.puto = setTimeout(function drain(){
+ var d = ctx.stack.splice(0,M), i = 0, at; ctx.puta = true;
+ while(at = d[i++]){ at[0].put(at[1], at[2], at[3]) } delete ctx.puta;
+ if(ctx.stack.length){ return ctx.puto = setTimeout(drain, 0) }
+ ctx.stack = ctx.puts = ctx.puto = null;
+ }, 0);
+ return gun;
+ } ++ctx.puts } else { ctx.puts = 1 } }
+ as = as || {};
+ as.data = data;
+ as.via = as.$ = as.via || as.$ || gun;
+ if(typeof cb === 'string'){
+ as.soul = cb;
+ } else {
+ as.ack = as.ack || cb;
+ }
+ if(at.soul){
+ as.soul = at.soul;
+ }
+ if(as.soul || root === gun){
+ if(!obj_is(as.data)){
+ (as.ack||noop).call(as, as.out = {err: Gun.log("Data saved to the root level of the graph must be a node (an object), not a", (typeof as.data), 'of "' + as.data + '"!')});
+ if(as.res){ as.res() }
+ return gun;
+ }
+ as.soul = as.soul || (as.not = Gun.node.soul(as.data) || (as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)());
+ if(!as.soul){
+ as.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, soul){
+ if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
+ (as.ref||as.$).put(as.data, as.soul = soul, as);
+ });
+ return gun;
+ }
+ as.$ = root.get(as.soul);
+ as.ref = as.$;
+ ify(as);
+ return gun;
+ }
+ if(Gun.is(data)){
+ data.get(function(soul, o, msg){
+ if(!soul){
+ return Gun.log("The reference you are saving is a", typeof msg.put, '"'+ msg.put +'", not a node (object)!');
+ }
+ gun.put(Gun.val.link.ify(soul), cb, as);
+ }, true);
+ return gun;
+ }
+ if(at.has && (tmp = Gun.val.link.is(data))){ at.dub = tmp }
+ as.ref = as.ref || (root._ === (tmp = at.back))? gun : tmp.$;
+ if(as.ref._.soul && Gun.val.is(as.data) && at.get){
+ as.data = obj_put({}, at.get, as.data);
+ as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul, as);
+ return gun;
+ }
+ as.ref.get(any, true, {as: as});
+ if(!as.out){
+ as.res = as.res || stun;
+ as.$._.stun = as.ref._.stun;
+ }
+ return gun;
+ };
+ function ify(as){
+ as.batch = batch;
+ var opt = as.opt||{}, env = as.env = Gun.state.map(map, opt.state);
+ env.soul = as.soul;
+ as.graph = Gun.graph.ify(as.data, env, as);
+ if(env.err){
+ (as.ack||noop).call(as, as.out = {err: Gun.log(env.err)});
+ if(as.res){ as.res() }
+ return;
+ }
+ as.batch();
+ }
+ function stun(cb){
+ if(cb){ cb() }
+ return;
+ var as = this;
+ if(!as.ref){ return }
+ if(cb){
+ as.after = as.ref._.tag;
+ as.now = as.ref._.tag = {};
+ cb();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(as.after){
+ as.ref._.tag = as.after;
+ }
+ }
+ function batch(){ var as = this;
+ if(!as.graph || obj_map(as.stun, no)){ return }
+ as.res = as.res || function(cb){ if(cb){ cb() } };
+ as.res(function(){
+ var cat = (as.$.back(-1)._), ask = cat.ask(function(ack){
+ cat.root.on('ack', ack);
+ if(ack.err){ Gun.log(ack) }
+ if(++acks > (as.acks || 0)){ this.off() }
+ if(!as.ack){ return }
+ as.ack(ack, this);
+ }, as.opt), acks = 0;
+ var tmp = cat.root.now; obj.del(cat.root, 'now');
+ var mum = cat.root.mum; cat.root.mum = {};
+ (as.ref._).on('out', {
+ $: as.ref, put: as.out = as.env.graph, opt: as.opt, '#': ask
+ });
+ cat.root.mum = mum? obj.to(mum, cat.root.mum) : mum;
+ cat.root.now = tmp;
+ }, as);
+ if(as.res){ as.res() }
+ } function no(v,k){ if(v){ return true } }
+ function map(v,k,n, at){ var as = this;
+ var is = Gun.is(v);
+ if(k || !at.path.length){ return }
+ (as.res||iife)(function(){
+ var path = at.path, ref = as.ref, opt = as.opt;
+ var i = 0, l = path.length;
+ for(i; i < l; i++){
+ ref = ref.get(path[i]);
+ }
+ if(is){ ref = v }
+ var id = (ref._).dub;
+ if(id || (id = Gun.node.soul(at.obj))){
+ ref.back(-1).get(id);
+ at.soul(id);
+ return;
+ }
+ (as.stun = as.stun || {})[path] = true;
+ ref.get(soul, true, {as: {at: at, as: as, p:path}});
+ }, {as: as, at: at});
+ }
+ function soul(id, as, msg, eve){
+ var as = as.as, cat = as.at; as = as.as;
+ var at = ((msg || {}).$ || {})._ || {};
+ id = at.dub = at.dub || id || Gun.node.soul(cat.obj) || Gun.node.soul(msg.put || at.put) || Gun.val.link.is(msg.put || at.put) || (as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
+ if(eve){ eve.stun = true }
+ if(!id){
+ at.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, id){
+ if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
+ solve(at, at.dub = at.dub || id, cat, as);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ solve(at, at.dub = id, cat, as);
+ }
+ function solve(at, id, cat, as){
+ at.$.back(-1).get(id);
+ cat.soul(id);
+ as.stun[cat.path] = false;
+ as.batch();
+ }
+ function any(soul, as, msg, eve){
+ as = as.as;
+ if(!msg.$ || !msg.$._){ return }
+ if(msg.err){
+ console.log("Please report this as an issue! Put.any.err");
+ return;
+ }
+ var at = (msg.$._), data = at.put, opt = as.opt||{}, root, tmp;
+ if((tmp = as.ref) && tmp._.now){ return }
+ if(eve){ eve.stun = true }
+ if(as.ref !== as.$){
+ tmp = (as.$._).get || at.get;
+ if(!tmp){
+ console.log("Please report this as an issue! Put.no.get");
+ return;
+ }
+ as.data = obj_put({}, tmp, as.data);
+ tmp = null;
+ }
+ if(u === data){
+ if(!at.get){ return }
+ if(!soul){
+ tmp = at.$.back(function(at){
+ if(at.link || at.soul){ return at.link || at.soul }
+ as.data = obj_put({}, at.get, as.data);
+ });
+ }
+ tmp = tmp || at.soul || at.link || at.dub;
+ at = tmp? (at.root.$.get(tmp)._) : at;
+ as.soul = tmp;
+ data = as.data;
+ }
+ if(!as.not && !(as.soul = as.soul || soul)){
+ if(as.path && obj_is(as.data)){
+ as.soul = (opt.uuid || as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
+ } else {
+ if(node_ == at.get){
+ as.soul = (at.put||empty)['#'] || at.dub;
+ }
+ as.soul = as.soul || at.soul || at.link || (opt.uuid || as.via.back('opt.uuid') || Gun.text.random)();
+ }
+ if(!as.soul){
+ as.via.back('opt.uuid')(function(err, soul){
+ if(err){ return Gun.log(err) }
+ as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul = soul, as);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ as.ref.put(as.data, as.soul, as);
+ }
+ var obj = Gun.obj, obj_is = obj.is, obj_put = obj.put, obj_map = obj.map;
+ var u, empty = {}, noop = function(){}, iife = function(fn,as){fn.call(as||empty)};
+ var node_ = Gun.node._;
+ })(USE, './put');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./root');
+ USE('./chain');
+ USE('./back');
+ USE('./put');
+ USE('./get');
+ module.exports = Gun;
+ })(USE, './index');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./index');
+ Gun.chain.on = function(tag, arg, eas, as){
+ var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp, act, off;
+ if(typeof tag === 'string'){
+ if(!arg){ return at.on(tag) }
+ act = at.on(tag, arg, eas || at, as);
+ if(eas && eas.$){
+ (eas.subs || (eas.subs = [])).push(act);
+ }
+ return gun;
+ }
+ var opt = arg;
+ opt = (true === opt)? {change: true} : opt || {};
+ opt.at = at;
+ opt.ok = tag;
+ gun.get(ok, opt);
+ return gun;
+ }
+ function ok(msg, ev){ var opt = this;
+ var gun = msg.$, at = (gun||{})._ || {}, data = at.put || msg.put, cat = opt.at, tmp;
+ if(u === data){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(tmp = msg.$$){
+ tmp = (msg.$$._);
+ if(u === tmp.put){
+ return;
+ }
+ data = tmp.put;
+ }
+ if(opt.change){
+ data = msg.put;
+ }
+ if(opt.as){
+ opt.ok.call(opt.as, msg, ev);
+ } else {
+ opt.ok.call(gun, data, msg.get, msg, ev);
+ }
+ }
+ Gun.chain.val = function(cb, opt){
+ Gun.log.once("onceval", "Future Breaking API Change: .val -> .once, apologies unexpected.");
+ return this.once(cb, opt);
+ }
+ Gun.chain.once = function(cb, opt){
+ var gun = this, at = gun._, data = at.put;
+ if(0 < at.ack && u !== data){
+ (cb || noop).call(gun, data, at.get);
+ return gun;
+ }
+ if(cb){
+ (opt = opt || {}).ok = cb;
+ opt.at = at;
+ opt.out = {'#': Gun.text.random(9)};
+ gun.get(val, {as: opt});
+ opt.async = true;
+ } else {
+ Gun.log.once("valonce", "Chainable val is experimental, its behavior and API may change moving forward. Please play with it and report bugs and ideas on how to improve it.");
+ var chain = gun.chain();
+ chain._.nix = gun.once(function(){
+ chain._.on('in', gun._);
+ });
+ return chain;
+ }
+ return gun;
+ }
+ function val(msg, eve, to){
+ if(!msg.$){ eve.off(); return }
+ var opt = this.as, cat = opt.at, gun = msg.$, at = gun._, data = at.put || msg.put, link, tmp;
+ if(tmp = msg.$$){
+ link = tmp = (msg.$$._);
+ if(u !== link.put){
+ data = link.put;
+ }
+ }
+ if((tmp = eve.wait) && (tmp = tmp[at.id])){ clearTimeout(tmp) }
+ if((!to && (u === data || at.soul || at.link || (link && !(0 < link.ack))))
+ || (u === data && (tmp = (obj_map(at.root.opt.peers, function(v,k,t){t(k)})||[]).length) && (!to && (link||at).ack <= tmp))){
+ tmp = (eve.wait = {})[at.id] = setTimeout(function(){
+ val.call({as:opt}, msg, eve, tmp || 1);
+ }, opt.wait || 99);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(link && u === link.put && (tmp = rel.is(data))){ data = Gun.node.ify({}, tmp) }
+ eve.rid(msg);
+ opt.ok.call(gun || opt.$, data, msg.get);
+ }
+ Gun.chain.off = function(){
+ var gun = this, at = gun._, tmp;
+ var cat = at.back;
+ if(!cat){ return }
+ at.ack = 0;
+ if(tmp = cat.next){
+ if(tmp[at.get]){
+ obj_del(tmp, at.get);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmp = cat.ask){
+ obj_del(tmp, at.get);
+ }
+ if(tmp = cat.put){
+ obj_del(tmp, at.get);
+ }
+ if(tmp = at.soul){
+ obj_del(cat.root.graph, tmp);
+ }
+ if(tmp = at.map){
+ obj_map(tmp, function(at){
+ if(at.link){
+ cat.root.$.get(at.link).off();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(tmp = at.next){
+ obj_map(tmp, function(neat){
+ neat.$.off();
+ });
+ }
+ at.on('off', {});
+ return gun;
+ }
+ var obj = Gun.obj, obj_map = obj.map, obj_has = obj.has, obj_del = obj.del, obj_to = obj.to;
+ var rel = Gun.val.link;
+ var empty = {}, noop = function(){}, u;
+ })(USE, './on');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./index');
+ Gun.chain.map = function(cb, opt, t){
+ var gun = this, cat = gun._, chain;
+ if(!cb){
+ if(chain = cat.each){ return chain }
+ cat.each = chain = gun.chain();
+ chain._.nix = gun.back('nix');
+ gun.on('in', map, chain._);
+ return chain;
+ }
+ Gun.log.once("mapfn", "Map functions are experimental, their behavior and API may change moving forward. Please play with it and report bugs and ideas on how to improve it.");
+ chain = gun.chain();
+ gun.map().on(function(data, key, at, ev){
+ var next = (cb||noop).call(this, data, key, at, ev);
+ if(u === next){ return }
+ if(data === next){ return chain._.on('in', at) }
+ if(Gun.is(next)){ return chain._.on('in', next._) }
+ chain._.on('in', {get: key, put: next});
+ });
+ return chain;
+ }
+ function map(msg){
+ if(!msg.put || Gun.val.is(msg.put)){ return this.to.next(msg) }
+ if(this.as.nix){ this.off() }
+ obj_map(msg.put, each, {at: this.as, msg: msg});
+ this.to.next(msg);
+ }
+ function each(v,k){
+ if(n_ === k){ return }
+ var msg = this.msg, gun = msg.$, at = gun._, cat = this.at, tmp = at.lex;
+ if(tmp && !Gun.text.match(k, tmp['.'] || tmp['#'] || tmp)){ return }
+ ((tmp = gun.get(k)._).echo || (tmp.echo = {}))[cat.id] = tmp.echo[cat.id] || cat;
+ }
+ var obj_map = Gun.obj.map, noop = function(){}, event = {stun: noop, off: noop}, n_ = Gun.node._, u;
+ })(USE, './map');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('./index');
+ Gun.chain.set = function(item, cb, opt){
+ var gun = this, soul;
+ cb = cb || function(){};
+ opt = opt || {}; opt.item = opt.item || item;
+ if(soul = Gun.node.soul(item)){ item = Gun.obj.put({}, soul, Gun.val.link.ify(soul)) }
+ if(!Gun.is(item)){
+ if(Gun.obj.is(item)){;
+ item = gun.back(-1).get(soul = soul || Gun.node.soul(item) || gun.back('opt.uuid')()).put(item);
+ }
+ return gun.get(soul || (Gun.state.lex() + Gun.text.random(7))).put(item, cb, opt);
+ }
+ item.get(function(soul, o, msg){
+ if(!soul){ return cb.call(gun, {err: Gun.log('Only a node can be linked! Not "' + msg.put + '"!')}) }
+ gun.put(Gun.obj.put({}, soul, Gun.val.link.ify(soul)), cb, opt);
+ },true);
+ return item;
+ }
+ })(USE, './set');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ if(typeof Gun === 'undefined'){ return }
+ var root, noop = function(){}, store, u;
+ try{store = (Gun.window||noop).localStorage}catch(e){}
+ if(!store){
+ console.log("Warning: No localStorage exists to persist data to!");
+ store = {setItem: function(k,v){this[k]=v}, removeItem: function(k){delete this[k]}, getItem: function(k){return this[k]}};
+ }
+ NOTE: Both `lib/file.js` and `lib/memdisk.js` are based on this design!
+ If you update anything here, consider updating the other adapters as well.
+ */
+ Gun.on('create', function(root){
+ var ev = this.to, opt = root.opt;
+ if(root.once){ return ev.next(root) }
+ opt.prefix = opt.file || 'gun/';
+ var gap = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem('gap/'+opt.prefix)) || {};
+ var empty = Gun.obj.empty, id, to, go;
+ if(!empty(gap)){
+ var disk = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem(opt.prefix)) || {}, send = {};
+ Gun.obj.map(gap, function(node, soul){
+ Gun.obj.map(node, function(val, key){
+ send[soul] = Gun.state.to(disk[soul], key, send[soul]);
+ });
+ });
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ root.on('out', {put: send, '#': root.ask(ack)});
+ },1);
+ }
+ root.on('out', function(msg){
+ if(msg.lS){ return }
+ if(Gun.is(msg.$) && msg.put && !msg['@']){
+ id = msg['#'];
+ Gun.graph.is(msg.put, null, map);
+ if(!to){ to = setTimeout(flush, opt.wait || 1) }
+ }
+ this.to.next(msg);
+ });
+ root.on('ack', ack);
+ function ack(ack){
+ if(ack.err || !ack.ok){ return }
+ var id = ack['@'];
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ Gun.obj.map(gap, function(node, soul){
+ Gun.obj.map(node, function(val, key){
+ if(id !== val){ return }
+ delete node[key];
+ });
+ if(empty(node)){
+ delete gap[soul];
+ }
+ });
+ flush();
+ }, opt.wait || 1);
+ };
+ ev.next(root);
+ var map = function(val, key, node, soul){
+ (gap[soul] || (gap[soul] = {}))[key] = id;
+ }
+ var flush = function(){
+ clearTimeout(to);
+ to = false;
+ try{store.setItem('gap/'+opt.prefix, JSON.stringify(gap));
+ }catch(e){ Gun.log(err = e || "localStorage failure") }
+ }
+ });
+ Gun.on('create', function(root){
+ this.to.next(root);
+ var opt = root.opt;
+ if(root.once){ return }
+ if(false === opt.localStorage){ return }
+ opt.prefix = opt.file || 'gun/';
+ var graph = root.graph, acks = {}, count = 0, to;
+ var disk = Gun.obj.ify(store.getItem(opt.prefix)) || {};
+ var lS = function(){}, u;
+ root.on('localStorage', disk);
+ root.on('put', function(at){
+ this.to.next(at);
+ Gun.graph.is(at.put, null, map);
+ if(!at['@']){ acks[at['#']] = true; }
+ count += 1;
+ if(count >= (opt.batch || 1000)){
+ return flush();
+ }
+ if(to){ return }
+ to = setTimeout(flush, opt.wait || 1);
+ });
+ root.on('get', function(msg){
+ this.to.next(msg);
+ var lex = msg.get, soul, data, u;
+ function to(){
+ if(!lex || !(soul = lex['#'])){ return }
+ var has = lex['.'];
+ data = disk[soul] || u;
+ if(data && has){
+ data = Gun.state.to(data, has);
+ }
+ root.on('in', {'@': msg['#'], put: Gun.graph.node(data), how: 'lS', lS: msg.$});
+ };
+ Gun.debug? setTimeout(to,1) : to();
+ });
+ var map = function(val, key, node, soul){
+ disk[soul] = Gun.state.to(node, key, disk[soul]);
+ }
+ var flush = function(data){
+ var err;
+ count = 0;
+ clearTimeout(to);
+ to = false;
+ var ack = acks;
+ acks = {};
+ if(data){ disk = data }
+ try{store.setItem(opt.prefix, JSON.stringify(disk));
+ }catch(e){
+ Gun.log(err = (e || "localStorage failure") + " Consider using GUN's IndexedDB plugin for RAD for more storage space, temporary example at https://github.com/amark/gun/blob/master/test/tmp/indexedDB.html .");
+ root.on('localStorage:error', {err: err, file: opt.prefix, flush: disk, retry: flush});
+ }
+ if(!err && !Gun.obj.empty(opt.peers)){ return }
+ Gun.obj.map(ack, function(yes, id){
+ root.on('in', {
+ '@': id,
+ err: err,
+ ok: 0
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ })(USE, './adapters/localStorage');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Type = USE('../type');
+ function Mesh(root){
+ var mesh = function(){};
+ var opt = root.opt || {};
+ opt.log = opt.log || console.log;
+ opt.gap = opt.gap || opt.wait || 1;
+ opt.pack = opt.pack || (opt.memory? (opt.memory * 1000 * 1000) : 1399000000) * 0.3;
+ var dup = root.dup;
+ mesh.hear = function(raw, peer){
+ if(!raw){ return }
+ var msg, id, hash, tmp = raw[0];
+ if(opt.pack <= raw.length){ return mesh.say({dam: '!', err: "Message too big!"}, peer) }
+ if('{' != raw[2]){ mesh.hear.d += raw.length||0; ++mesh.hear.c; }
+ if('[' === tmp){
+ try{msg = JSON.parse(raw);}catch(e){opt.log('DAM JSON parse error', e)}
+ if(!msg){ return }
+ var i = 0, m;
+ while(m = msg[i++]){
+ mesh.hear(m, peer);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if('{' === tmp || (Type.obj.is(raw) && (msg = raw))){
+ try{msg = msg || JSON.parse(raw);
+ }catch(e){return opt.log('DAM JSON parse error', e)}
+ if(!msg){ return }
+ if(!(id = msg['#'])){ id = msg['#'] = Type.text.random(9) }
+ if(dup.check(id)){ return }
+ dup.track(id, true).it = msg;
+ if(!(hash = msg['##']) && u !== msg.put){ hash = msg['##'] = Type.obj.hash(msg.put) }
+ if(hash && (tmp = msg['@'] || (msg.get && id))){
+ if(dup.check(tmp+hash)){ return }
+ dup.track(tmp+hash, true).it = msg;
+ }
+ (msg._ = function(){}).via = peer;
+ if(tmp = msg['><']){ (msg._).to = Type.obj.map(tmp.split(','), tomap) }
+ if(msg.dam){
+ if(tmp = mesh.hear[msg.dam]){
+ tmp(msg, peer, root);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ root.on('in', msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var tomap = function(k,i,m){m(k,true)};
+ mesh.hear.c = mesh.hear.d = 0;
+ ;(function(){
+ var message;
+ function each(peer){ mesh.say(message, peer) }
+ mesh.say = function(msg, peer){
+ if(this.to){ this.to.next(msg) }
+ if(!msg){ return false }
+ var id, hash, tmp, raw;
+ var meta = msg._||(msg._=function(){});
+ if(!(id = msg['#'])){ id = msg['#'] = Type.text.random(9) }
+ if(!(hash = msg['##']) && u !== msg.put){ hash = msg['##'] = Type.obj.hash(msg.put) }
+ if(!(raw = meta.raw)){
+ raw = meta.raw = mesh.raw(msg);
+ if(hash && (tmp = msg['@'])){
+ dup.track(tmp+hash).it = msg;
+ if(tmp = (dup.s[tmp]||ok).it){
+ if(hash === tmp['##']){ return false }
+ tmp['##'] = hash;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dup.track(id).it = msg;
+ if(!peer){ peer = (tmp = dup.s[msg['@']]) && (tmp = tmp.it) && (tmp = tmp._) && (tmp = tmp.via) }
+ if(!peer && mesh.way){ return mesh.way(msg) }
+ if(!peer || !peer.id){ message = msg;
+ if(!Type.obj.is(peer || opt.peers)){ return false }
+ Type.obj.map(peer || opt.peers, each);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!peer.wire && mesh.wire){ mesh.wire(peer) }
+ if(peer === meta.via){ return false }
+ if((tmp = meta.to) && (tmp[peer.url] || tmp[peer.pid] || tmp[peer.id]) ){ return false }
+ if(peer.batch){
+ peer.tail = (tmp = peer.tail || 0) + raw.length;
+ if(peer.tail <= opt.pack){
+ peer.batch.push(raw);
+ return;
+ }
+ flush(peer);
+ }
+ peer.batch = [];
+ setTimeout(function(){flush(peer)}, opt.gap);
+ send(raw, peer);
+ }
+ function flush(peer){
+ var tmp = peer.batch;
+ peer.batch = peer.tail = null;
+ if(!tmp){ return }
+ if(!tmp.length){ return }
+ try{tmp = (1 === tmp.length? tmp[0] : JSON.stringify(tmp));
+ }catch(e){return opt.log('DAM JSON stringify error', e)}
+ if(!tmp){ return }
+ send(tmp, peer);
+ }
+ mesh.say.c = mesh.say.d = 0;
+ }());
+ function send(raw, peer){ try{
+ var wire = peer.wire;
+ if(peer.say){
+ peer.say(raw);
+ } else
+ if(wire.send){
+ wire.send(raw);
+ }
+ mesh.say.d += raw.length||0; ++mesh.say.c;
+ }catch(e){
+ (peer.queue = peer.queue || []).push(raw);
+ }}
+ ;(function(){
+ mesh.raw = function(msg){
+ if(!msg){ return '' }
+ var meta = (msg._) || {}, put, hash, tmp;
+ if(tmp = meta.raw){ return tmp }
+ if(typeof msg === 'string'){ return msg }
+ if(!msg.dam){
+ var i = 0, to = []; Type.obj.map(opt.peers, function(p){
+ to.push(p.url || p.pid || p.id); if(++i > 9){ return true }
+ }); if(i > 1){ msg['><'] = to.join() }
+ }
+ var raw = $(msg);
+ tmp = raw.indexOf(_, raw.indexOf('put'));
+ raw = raw.slice(0, tmp-1) + put + raw.slice(tmp + _.length + 1);
+ }*/
+ if(meta){ meta.raw = raw }
+ return raw;
+ }
+ var $ = JSON.stringify, _ = ':])([:';
+ }());
+ mesh.hi = function(peer){
+ var tmp = peer.wire || {};
+ if(peer.id){
+ opt.peers[peer.url || peer.id] = peer;
+ } else {
+ tmp = peer.id = peer.id || Type.text.random(9);
+ mesh.say({dam: '?'}, opt.peers[tmp] = peer);
+ }
+ peer.met = peer.met || +(new Date);
+ if(!tmp.hied){ root.on(tmp.hied = 'hi', peer) }
+ tmp = peer.queue; peer.queue = [];
+ Type.obj.map(tmp, function(msg){
+ send(msg, peer);
+ });
+ }
+ mesh.bye = function(peer){
+ Type.obj.del(opt.peers, peer.id);
+ root.on('bye', peer);
+ var tmp = +(new Date); tmp = (tmp - (peer.met||tmp));
+ mesh.bye.time = ((mesh.bye.time || tmp) + tmp) / 2;
+ }
+ mesh.hear['!'] = function(msg, peer){ opt.log('Error:', msg.err) }
+ mesh.hear['?'] = function(msg, peer){
+ if(!msg.pid){
+ mesh.say({dam: '?', pid: opt.pid, '@': msg['#']}, peer);
+ Type.obj.map(tmp, function(msg){
+ mesh.say(msg, peer);
+ }); */
+ return;
+ }
+ if(peer.pid){ return }
+ peer.pid = msg.pid;
+ }
+ root.on('create', function(root){
+ root.opt.pid = root.opt.pid || Type.text.random(9);
+ this.to.next(root);
+ root.on('out', mesh.say);
+ });
+ var gets = {};
+ root.on('bye', function(peer, tmp){ this.to.next(peer);
+ if(!(tmp = peer.url)){ return } gets[tmp] = true;
+ setTimeout(function(){ delete gets[tmp] },opt.lack || 9000);
+ });
+ root.on('hi', function(peer, tmp){ this.to.next(peer);
+ if(!(tmp = peer.url) || !gets[tmp]){ return } delete gets[tmp];
+ Type.obj.map(root.next, function(node, soul){
+ tmp = {}; tmp[soul] = root.graph[soul];
+ mesh.say({'##': Type.obj.hash(tmp), get: {'#': soul}}, peer);
+ })
+ });
+ return mesh;
+ }
+ ;(function(){
+ Type.text.hash = function(s){
+ if(typeof s !== 'string'){ return {err: 1} }
+ var c = 0;
+ if(!s.length){ return c }
+ for(var i=0,l=s.length,n; i<l; ++i){
+ n = s.charCodeAt(i);
+ c = ((c<<5)-c)+n;
+ c |= 0;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var $ = JSON.stringify, u;
+ Type.obj.hash = function(obj, hash){
+ if(!hash && u === (obj = $(obj, sort))){ return }
+ return Type.text.hash(hash || obj || '');
+ }
+ function sort(k, v){ var tmp;
+ if(!(v instanceof Object)){ return v }
+ Type.obj.map(Object.keys(v).sort(), map, {to: tmp = {}, on: v});
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ Type.obj.hash.sort = sort;
+ function map(k){
+ this.to[k] = this.on[k];
+ }
+ }());
+ var empty = {}, ok = true, u;
+ Object.keys = Object.keys || function(o){ return map(o, function(v,k,t){t(k)}) }
+ try{ module.exports = Mesh }catch(e){}
+ })(USE, './adapters/mesh');
+ ;USE(function(module){
+ var Gun = USE('../index');
+ Gun.Mesh = USE('./mesh');
+ Gun.on('opt', function(root){
+ this.to.next(root);
+ var opt = root.opt;
+ if(root.once){ return }
+ if(false === opt.WebSocket){ return }
+ var env;
+ if(typeof window !== "undefined"){ env = window }
+ if(typeof global !== "undefined"){ env = global }
+ env = env || {};
+ var websocket = opt.WebSocket || env.WebSocket || env.webkitWebSocket || env.mozWebSocket;
+ if(!websocket){ return }
+ opt.WebSocket = websocket;
+ var mesh = opt.mesh = opt.mesh || Gun.Mesh(root);
+ var wire = mesh.wire || opt.wire;
+ mesh.wire = opt.wire = open;
+ function open(peer){ try{
+ if(!peer || !peer.url){ return wire && wire(peer) }
+ var url = peer.url.replace('http', 'ws');
+ var wire = peer.wire = new opt.WebSocket(url);
+ wire.onclose = function(){
+ opt.mesh.bye(peer);
+ reconnect(peer);
+ };
+ wire.onerror = function(error){
+ reconnect(peer);
+ if(!error){ return }
+ if(error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED'){
+ }
+ };
+ wire.onopen = function(){
+ opt.mesh.hi(peer);
+ }
+ wire.onmessage = function(msg){
+ if(!msg){ return }
+ opt.mesh.hear(msg.data || msg, peer);
+ };
+ return wire;
+ }catch(e){}}
+ var wait = 2 * 1000;
+ function reconnect(peer){
+ clearTimeout(peer.defer);
+ if(doc && peer.retry <= 0){ return } peer.retry = (peer.retry || opt.retry || 60) - 1;
+ peer.defer = setTimeout(function to(){
+ if(doc && doc.hidden){ return setTimeout(to,wait) }
+ open(peer);
+ }, wait);
+ }
+ var doc = 'undefined' !== typeof document && document;
+ });
+ var noop = function(){};
+ })(USE, './adapters/websocket');