@@ -165,96 +165,73 @@
var crypto = USE('crypto', 1);
- const { subtle } = USE('@trust/webcrypto', 1) // All but ECDH
const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = USE('text-encoding', 1)
Object.assign(api, {
- subtle,
+ //subtle,
random: (len) => Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(len))
- const WebCrypto = USE('node-webcrypto-ossl', 1)
- api.ossl = new WebCrypto({directory: 'ossl'}).subtle // ECDH
+ const WebCrypto = USE('node-webcrypto-ossl', 1);
+ api.ossl = api.subtle = new WebCrypto({directory: 'ossl'}).subtle // ECDH
//console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl is optionally needed for ECDH, please install if needed.");
- console.log("@trust/webcrypto and text-encoding are not included by default, you must add it to your package.json!");
- console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl is temporarily needed for ECDSA signature verification, and optionally needed for ECDH, please install if needed (currently necessary so add them to your package.json for now).");
+ console.log("node-webcrypto-ossl and text-encoding may not be included by default, please add it to your package.json!");
module.exports = api
})(USE, './shim');
- const SEA = USE('./root');
- const Buffer = USE('./buffer')
- const settings = {}
- // Encryption parameters
- const pbkdf2 = { hash: 'SHA-256', iter: 100000, ks: 64 }
- const ecdsaSignProps = { name: 'ECDSA', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }
- const ecdsaKeyProps = { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }
- const ecdhKeyProps = { name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: 'P-256' }
+ var SEA = USE('./root');
+ var Buffer = USE('./buffer');
+ var s = {};
+ s.pbkdf2 = {hash: 'SHA-256', iter: 100000, ks: 64};
+ s.ecdsa = {
+ pair: {name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256'},
+ sign: {name: 'ECDSA', hash: {name: 'SHA-256'}}
+ };
+ s.ecdh = {name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: 'P-256'};
- const _initial_authsettings = {
- validity: 12 * 60 * 60, // internally in seconds : 12 hours
- hook: (props) => props // { iat, exp, alias, remember }
- // or return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(props)
- }
- // These are used to persist user's authentication "session"
- const authsettings = Object.assign({}, _initial_authsettings)
// This creates Web Cryptography API compliant JWK for sign/verify purposes
- const keysToEcdsaJwk = (pub, d) => { // d === priv
- //const [ x, y ] = Buffer.from(pub, 'base64').toString('utf8').split(':') // old
- const [ x, y ] = pub.split('.') // new
- var jwk = { kty: "EC", crv: "P-256", x: x, y: y, ext: true }
+ s.jwk = function(pub, d){ // d === priv
+ pub = pub.split('.');
+ var x = pub[0], y = pub[1];
+ var jwk = {kty: "EC", crv: "P-256", x: x, y: y, ext: true};
jwk.key_ops = d ? ['sign'] : ['verify'];
if(d){ jwk.d = d }
return jwk;
+ };
+ s.recall = {
+ validity: 12 * 60 * 60, // internally in seconds : 12 hours
+ hook: function(props){ return props } // { iat, exp, alias, remember } // or return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(props)
+ };
+ s.check = function(t){ return (typeof t == 'string') && ('SEA{' === t.slice(0,4)) }
+ s.parse = function p(t){ try {
+ var yes = (typeof t == 'string');
+ if(yes && 'SEA{' === t.slice(0,4)){ t = t.slice(3) }
+ return yes ? JSON.parse(t) : t;
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return t;
- Object.assign(settings, {
- pbkdf2: pbkdf2,
- ecdsa: {
- pair: ecdsaKeyProps,
- sign: ecdsaSignProps
- },
- ecdh: ecdhKeyProps,
- jwk: keysToEcdsaJwk,
- recall: authsettings
- })
- SEA.opt = settings;
- module.exports = settings
+ SEA.opt = s;
+ module.exports = s
})(USE, './settings');
- module.exports = (props) => {
- try {
- if(props.slice && 'SEA{' === props.slice(0,4)){
- props = props.slice(3);
- }
- return props.slice ? JSON.parse(props) : props
- } catch (e) {} //eslint-disable-line no-empty
- return props
- }
- })(USE, './parse');
- ;USE(function(module){
- const shim = USE('./shim');
- const Buffer = USE('./buffer')
- const parse = USE('./parse')
- const { pbkdf2 } = USE('./settings')
- // This internal func returns SHA-256 hashed data for signing
- const sha256hash = async (mm) => {
- const m = parse(mm)
- const hash = await shim.subtle.digest({name: pbkdf2.hash}, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(m))
- return Buffer.from(hash)
+ var shim = USE('./shim');
+ module.exports = async function(d, o){
+ var t = (typeof d == 'string')? d : JSON.stringify(d);
+ var hash = await shim.subtle.digest({name: o||'SHA-256'}, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(t));
+ return shim.Buffer.from(hash);
- module.exports = sha256hash
})(USE, './sha256');
@@ -281,25 +258,25 @@
salt = u;
salt = salt || shim.random(9);
- if('SHA-256' === opt.name){
- var rsha = shim.Buffer.from(await sha(data), 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')
+ data = (typeof data == 'string')? data : JSON.stringify(data);
+ if('sha' === (opt.name||'').toLowerCase().slice(0,3)){
+ var rsha = shim.Buffer.from(await sha(data, opt.name), 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')
if(cb){ try{ cb(rsha) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return rsha;
- const key = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey(
- 'raw', new shim.TextEncoder().encode(data), { name: opt.name || 'PBKDF2' }, false, ['deriveBits']
- )
- const result = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).deriveBits({
+ var key = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('raw', new shim.TextEncoder().encode(data), {name: opt.name || 'PBKDF2'}, false, ['deriveBits']);
+ var work = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).deriveBits({
name: opt.name || 'PBKDF2',
iterations: opt.iterations || S.pbkdf2.iter,
salt: new shim.TextEncoder().encode(opt.salt || salt),
hash: opt.hash || S.pbkdf2.hash,
}, key, opt.length || (S.pbkdf2.ks * 8))
data = shim.random(data.length) // Erase data in case of passphrase
- const r = shim.Buffer.from(result, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')
+ var r = shim.Buffer.from(work, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
} catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
SEA.err = e;
if(SEA.throw){ throw e }
if(cb){ cb() }
@@ -313,7 +290,6 @@
var SEA = USE('./root');
var shim = USE('./shim');
var S = USE('./settings');
- var Buff = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined')? Buffer : shim.Buffer;
SEA.name = SEA.name || (async (cb, opt) => { try {
if(cb){ try{ cb() }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
@@ -329,17 +305,17 @@
//SEA.pair = async (data, proof, cb) => { try {
SEA.pair = SEA.pair || (async (cb, opt) => { try {
- const ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle
+ var ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle;
// First: ECDSA keys for signing/verifying...
var sa = await shim.subtle.generateKey(S.ecdsa.pair, true, [ 'sign', 'verify' ])
.then(async (keys) => {
// privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here!
//const { d: priv } = await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey)
- const key = {};
+ var key = {};
key.priv = (await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey)).d;
- const pub = await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey)
+ var pub = await shim.subtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey);
//const pub = Buff.from([ x, y ].join(':')).toString('base64') // old
- key.pub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y // new
+ key.pub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y; // new
// x and y are already base64
// pub is UTF8 but filename/URL safe (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt)
// but split on a non-base64 letter.
@@ -354,11 +330,11 @@
var dh = await ecdhSubtle.generateKey(S.ecdh, true, ['deriveKey'])
.then(async (keys) => {
// privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here!
- const key = {};
+ var key = {};
key.epriv = (await ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.privateKey)).d;
- const pub = await ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey)
+ var pub = await ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', keys.publicKey);
//const epub = Buff.from([ ex, ey ].join(':')).toString('base64') // old
- key.epub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y // new
+ key.epub = pub.x+'.'+pub.y; // new
// ex and ey are already base64
// epub is UTF8 but filename/URL safe (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt)
// but split on a non-base64 letter.
@@ -370,7 +346,7 @@
else { throw e }
} dh = dh || {};
- const r = { pub: sa.pub, priv: sa.priv, /* pubId, */ epub: dh.epub, epriv: dh.epriv }
+ var r = { pub: sa.pub, priv: sa.priv, /* pubId, */ epub: dh.epub, epriv: dh.epriv }
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
} catch(e) {
@@ -388,7 +364,7 @@
var SEA = USE('./root');
var shim = USE('./shim');
var S = USE('./settings');
- var sha256hash = USE('./sha256');
+ var sha = USE('./sha256');
var u;
SEA.sign = SEA.sign || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try {
@@ -396,13 +372,24 @@
pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'sign', why: opt.why});
- const pub = pair.pub
- const priv = pair.priv
- const jwk = S.jwk(pub, priv)
- const hash = await sha256hash(JSON.stringify(data))
- const sig = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['sign'])
+ if(u === data){ throw '`undefined` not allowed.' }
+ var json = S.parse(data);
+ var check = opt.check = opt.check || json;
+ if(SEA.verify && (SEA.opt.check(check) || (check && check.s && check.m))
+ && u !== await SEA.verify(check, pair)){ // don't sign if we already signed it.
+ var r = S.parse(check);
+ if(!opt.raw){ r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify(r) }
+ if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
+ return r;
+ }
+ var pub = pair.pub;
+ var priv = pair.priv;
+ var jwk = S.jwk(pub, priv);
+ var hash = await sha(json);
+ var sig = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['sign'])
.then((key) => (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).sign(S.ecdsa.sign, key, new Uint8Array(hash))) // privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here!
- const r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify({m: data, s: shim.Buffer.from(sig, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')});
+ var r = {m: json, s: shim.Buffer.from(sig, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64')}
+ if(!opt.raw){ r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify(r) }
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
@@ -421,38 +408,32 @@
var SEA = USE('./root');
var shim = USE('./shim');
var S = USE('./settings');
- var sha256hash = USE('./sha256');
- var parse = USE('./parse');
+ var sha = USE('./sha256');
var u;
SEA.verify = SEA.verify || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try {
- const json = parse(data)
+ var json = S.parse(data);
if(false === pair){ // don't verify!
- const raw = (json !== data)?
- (json.s && json.m)? parse(json.m) : data
- : json;
+ var raw = S.parse(json.m);
if(cb){ try{ cb(raw) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return raw;
opt = opt || {};
// SEA.I // verify is free! Requires no user permission.
- if(json === data){ throw "No signature on data." }
- const pub = pair.pub || pair
- const jwk = S.jwk(pub)
- const key = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['verify'])
- const hash = await sha256hash(json.m)
- var buf; var sig; var check; try{
- buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT!
- sig = new Uint8Array(buf)
- check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash))
+ var pub = pair.pub || pair;
+ var key = SEA.opt.slow_leak? await SEA.opt.slow_leak(pub) : await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey('jwk', jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ['verify']);
+ var hash = await sha(json.m);
+ var buf, sig, check, tmp; try{
+ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64'); // NEW DEFAULT!
+ sig = new Uint8Array(buf);
+ check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash));
if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." }
- buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, 'utf8') // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA!
- sig = new Uint8Array(buf)
- check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash))
- if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." }
+ if(SEA.opt.fallback){
+ return await SEA.opt.fall_verify(data, pair, cb, opt);
+ }
- const r = check? parse(json.m) : u;
+ var r = check? S.parse(json.m) : u;
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
@@ -465,6 +446,38 @@
module.exports = SEA.verify;
+ // legacy & ossl leak mitigation:
+ var knownKeys = {};
+ var keyForPair = SEA.opt.slow_leak = pair => {
+ if (knownKeys[pair]) return knownKeys[pair];
+ var jwk = S.jwk(pair);
+ knownKeys[pair] = (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).importKey("jwk", jwk, S.ecdsa.pair, false, ["verify"]);
+ return knownKeys[pair];
+ };
+ SEA.opt.fall_verify = async function(data, pair, cb, opt, f){
+ if(f === SEA.opt.fallback){ throw "Signature did not match" } f = f || 1;
+ var json = S.parse(data), pub = pair.pub || pair, key = await SEA.opt.slow_leak(pub);
+ var hash = (f <= SEA.opt.fallback)? shim.Buffer.from(await shim.subtle.digest({name: 'SHA-256'}, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(S.parse(json.m)))) : await sha(json.m); // this line is old bad buggy code but necessary for old compatibility.
+ var buf; var sig; var check; try{
+ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT!
+ sig = new Uint8Array(buf)
+ check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash))
+ if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." }
+ }catch(e){
+ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, 'utf8') // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA!
+ sig = new Uint8Array(buf)
+ check = await (shim.ossl || shim.subtle).verify(S.ecdsa.sign, key, sig, new Uint8Array(hash))
+ if(!check){ throw "Signature did not match." }
+ }
+ var r = check? S.parse(json.m) : u;
+ if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
+ return r;
+ }
+ SEA.opt.fallback = 2;
})(USE, './verify');
@@ -486,29 +499,32 @@
var shim = USE('./shim');
var S = USE('./settings');
var aeskey = USE('./aeskey');
+ var u;
SEA.encrypt = SEA.encrypt || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try {
opt = opt || {};
var key = (pair||opt).epriv || pair;
+ if(u === data){ throw '`undefined` not allowed.' }
pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'encrypt', why: opt.why});
key = pair.epriv || pair;
- const msg = JSON.stringify(data)
- const rand = {s: shim.random(8), iv: shim.random(16)};
- const ct = await aeskey(key, rand.s, opt)
- .then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).encrypt({ // Keeping the AES key scope as private as possible...
+ var msg = (typeof data == 'string')? data : JSON.stringify(data);
+ var rand = {s: shim.random(8), iv: shim.random(16)};
+ var ct = await aeskey(key, rand.s, opt).then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).encrypt({ // Keeping the AES key scope as private as possible...
name: opt.name || 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(rand.iv)
- }, aes, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(msg)))
- const r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify({
+ }, aes, new shim.TextEncoder().encode(msg)));
+ var r = {
ct: shim.Buffer.from(ct, 'binary').toString(opt.encode || 'base64'),
iv: rand.iv.toString(opt.encode || 'base64'),
s: rand.s.toString(opt.encode || 'base64')
- });
+ }
+ if(!opt.raw){ r = 'SEA'+JSON.stringify(r) }
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
} catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
SEA.err = e;
if(SEA.throw){ throw e }
if(cb){ cb() }
@@ -523,7 +539,6 @@
var shim = USE('./shim');
var S = USE('./settings');
var aeskey = USE('./aeskey');
- var parse = USE('./parse');
SEA.decrypt = SEA.decrypt || (async (data, pair, cb, opt) => { try {
opt = opt || {};
@@ -532,23 +547,26 @@
pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: data, how: 'decrypt', why: opt.why});
key = pair.epriv || pair;
- const json = parse(data)
- var buf; try{buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT!
- }catch(e){buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA!
- var bufiv; try{bufiv = shim.Buffer.from(json.iv, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT!
- }catch(e){bufiv = shim.Buffer.from(json.iv, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA!
- var bufct; try{bufct = shim.Buffer.from(json.ct, opt.encode || 'base64') // NEW DEFAULT!
- }catch(e){bufct = shim.Buffer.from(json.ct, 'utf8')} // AUTO BACKWARD OLD UTF8 DATA!
- const ct = await aeskey(key, buf, opt)
- .then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).decrypt({ // Keeping aesKey scope as private as possible...
- name: opt.name || 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(bufiv)
- }, aes, new Uint8Array(bufct)))
- const r = parse(new shim.TextDecoder('utf8').decode(ct))
+ var json = S.parse(data);
+ var buf, bufiv, bufct; try{
+ buf = shim.Buffer.from(json.s, opt.encode || 'base64');
+ bufiv = shim.Buffer.from(json.iv, opt.encode || 'base64');
+ bufct = shim.Buffer.from(json.ct, opt.encode || 'base64');
+ var ct = await aeskey(key, buf, opt).then((aes) => (/*shim.ossl ||*/ shim.subtle).decrypt({ // Keeping aesKey scope as private as possible...
+ name: opt.name || 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(bufiv)
+ }, aes, new Uint8Array(bufct)));
+ }catch(e){
+ if('utf8' === opt.encode){ throw "Could not decrypt" }
+ if(SEA.opt.fallback){
+ opt.encode = 'utf8';
+ return await SEA.decrypt(data, pair, cb, opt);
+ }
+ }
+ var r = S.parse(new shim.TextDecoder('utf8').decode(ct));
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
} catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
SEA.err = e;
if(SEA.throw){ throw e }
if(cb){ cb() }
@@ -568,36 +586,34 @@
if(!pair || !pair.epriv || !pair.epub){
pair = await SEA.I(null, {what: key, how: 'secret', why: opt.why});
- const pub = key.epub || key
- const epub = pair.epub
- const epriv = pair.epriv
- const ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle
- const pubKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(pub)
- const props = Object.assign(
- S.ecdh,
- { public: await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...pubKeyData, true, []) }
- )
- const privKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(epub, epriv)
- const derived = await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...privKeyData, false, ['deriveKey'])
- .then(async (privKey) => {
+ var pub = key.epub || key;
+ var epub = pair.epub;
+ var epriv = pair.epriv;
+ var ecdhSubtle = shim.ossl || shim.subtle;
+ var pubKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(pub);
+ var props = Object.assign(S.ecdh, { public: await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...pubKeyData, true, []) });
+ var privKeyData = keysToEcdhJwk(epub, epriv);
+ var derived = await ecdhSubtle.importKey(...privKeyData, false, ['deriveKey']).then(async (privKey) => {
// privateKey scope doesn't leak out from here!
- const derivedKey = await ecdhSubtle.deriveKey(props, privKey, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, true, [ 'encrypt', 'decrypt' ])
- return ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', derivedKey).then(({ k }) => k)
+ var derivedKey = await ecdhSubtle.deriveKey(props, privKey, { name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, true, [ 'encrypt', 'decrypt' ]);
+ return ecdhSubtle.exportKey('jwk', derivedKey).then(({ k }) => k);
- const r = derived;
+ var r = derived;
if(cb){ try{ cb(r) }catch(e){console.log(e)} }
return r;
- } catch(e) {
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
SEA.err = e;
if(SEA.throw){ throw e }
if(cb){ cb() }
- const keysToEcdhJwk = (pub, d) => { // d === priv
- //const [ x, y ] = Buffer.from(pub, 'base64').toString('utf8').split(':') // old
- const [ x, y ] = pub.split('.') // new
- const jwk = d ? { d: d } : {}
+ // can this be replaced with settings.jwk?
+ var keysToEcdhJwk = (pub, d) => { // d === priv
+ //var [ x, y ] = Buffer.from(pub, 'base64').toString('utf8').split(':') // old
+ var [ x, y ] = pub.split('.') // new
+ var jwk = d ? { d: d } : {}
return [ // Use with spread returned value...
@@ -757,19 +773,19 @@
// the user's public key doesn't need to be signed. But everything else needs to be signed with it! // we have now automated it! clean up these extra steps now!
act.data = {pub: pair.pub};
- SEA.sign(alias, pair, act.d);
+ act.d();
- act.d = function(sig){
- act.data.alias = alias || sig;
- SEA.sign(act.pair.epub, act.pair, act.e);
+ act.d = function(){
+ act.data.alias = alias;
+ act.e();
- act.e = function(epub){
- act.data.epub = act.pair.epub || epub;
- SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, act.proof, act.f); // to keep the private key safe, we AES encrypt it with the proof of work!
+ act.e = function(){
+ act.data.epub = act.pair.epub;
+ SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, act.proof, act.f, {raw:1}); // to keep the private key safe, we AES encrypt it with the proof of work!
act.f = function(auth){
act.data.auth = JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt});
- SEA.sign({ek: auth, s: act.salt}, act.pair, act.g);
+ act.g(act.data.auth);
act.g = function(auth){ var tmp;
act.data.auth = act.data.auth || auth;
@@ -816,7 +832,7 @@
act.c = function(auth){
if(u === auth){ return act.b() }
- if(Gun.text.is(auth)){ return act.c(Gun.obj.ify(auth)) } // new format
+ if(Gun.text.is(auth)){ return act.c(Gun.obj.ify(auth)) } // in case of legacy
SEA.work(pass, (act.auth = auth).s, act.d, act.enc); // the proof of work is evidence that we've spent some time/effort trying to log in, this slows brute force.
act.d = function(proof){
@@ -849,7 +865,7 @@
user.is = {pub: pair.pub, epub: pair.epub, alias: alias};
at.sea = act.pair;
cat.ing = false;
- if(pass && !Gun.text.is(act.data.auth)){ opt.shuffle = opt.change = pass; } // migrate UTF8 + Shuffle! Test against NAB alias test_sea_shuffle + passw0rd
+ try{if(pass && !Gun.obj.has(Gun.obj.ify(cat.root.graph['~'+pair.pub].auth), ':')){ opt.shuffle = opt.change = pass; } }catch(e){} // migrate UTF8 & Shuffle!
opt.change? act.z() : cb(at);
if(SEA.window && ((gun.back('user')._).opt||opt).remember){
// TODO: this needs to be modular.
@@ -873,18 +889,17 @@
SEA.work(opt.change, act.salt, act.y);
act.y = function(proof){
- SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, proof, act.x);
+ SEA.encrypt({priv: act.pair.priv, epriv: act.pair.epriv}, proof, act.x, {raw:1});
act.x = function(auth){
act.w(JSON.stringify({ek: auth, s: act.salt}));
- //SEA.sign({ek: auth, s: act.salt}, act.pair, act.w);
act.w = function(auth){
if(opt.shuffle){ // delete in future!
+ console.log('migrate core account from UTF8 & shuffle');
var tmp = Gun.obj.to(act.data);
Gun.obj.del(tmp, '_');
tmp.auth = auth;
- console.log('migrate core account from UTF8 & shuffle', tmp);
} // end delete
root.get('~'+act.pair.pub).get('auth').put(auth, cb);
@@ -1074,18 +1089,21 @@
var to = this.to, vertex = (msg.$._).put, c = 0, d;
- Gun.node.is(msg.put, function(val, key, node){ c++; // for each property on the node
- // TODO: consider async/await use here...
+ Gun.node.is(msg.put, function(val, key, node){
+ // only process if SEA formatted?
+ var tmp = Gun.obj.ify(val) || noop;
+ if(u !== tmp[':']){
+ node[key] = SEA.opt.unpack(tmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!SEA.opt.check(val)){ return }
+ c++; // for each property on the node
SEA.verify(val, false, function(data){ c--; // false just extracts the plain data.
- var tmp = data;
- data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node);
- node[key] = val = data; // transform to plain value.
+ node[key] = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node);; // transform to plain value.
if(d && !c && (c = -1)){ to.next(msg) }
- d = true;
- if(d && !c){ to.next(msg) }
- return;
+ if((d = true) && !c){ to.next(msg) }
// signature handles data output, it is a proxy to the security function.
@@ -1150,55 +1168,44 @@
if(key === Gun.val.link.is(val)){ return check['pubs'+soul+key] = 0 } // and the ID must be EXACTLY equal to its property
each.end({err: "Alias must match!"}); // that way nobody can tamper with the list of public keys.
- each.pub = function(val, key, node, soul, pub, user){ // Example: {_:#~asdf, hello:SEA{'world',fdsa}}
+ each.pub = function(val, key, node, soul, pub, user){ var tmp; // Example: {_:#~asdf, hello:'world'~fdsa}}
if('pub' === key){
if(val === pub){ return (check['pub'+soul+key] = 0) } // the account MUST match `pub` property that equals the ID of the public key.
return each.end({err: "Account must match!"});
check['user'+soul+key] = 1;
- if(user && user.is && pub === user.is.pub){
- //var id = Gun.text.random(3);
- SEA.sign([soul, key, val, Gun.state.is(node, key)], (user._).sea, function(data){ var rel;
+ if(msg.I && user && user.is && pub === user.is.pub){
+ SEA.sign(SEA.opt.prep(tmp = SEA.opt.parse(val), key, node, soul), (user._).sea, function(data){ var rel;
if(u === data){ return each.end({err: SEA.err || 'Pub signature fail.'}) }
if(rel = Gun.val.link.is(val)){
(at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true;
- node[key] = data;
+ node[key] = JSON.stringify({':': SEA.opt.unpack(data.m), '~': data.s});
check['user'+soul+key] = 0;
each.end({ok: 1});
- });
- // TODO: Handle error!!!!
+ }, {check: SEA.opt.pack(tmp, key, node, soul), raw: 1});
- SEA.verify(val, pub, function(data){ var rel, tmp;
+ SEA.verify(SEA.opt.pack(val,key,node,soul), pub, function(data){ var rel, tmp;
data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node);
if(u === data){ // make sure the signature matches the account it claims to be on.
return each.end({err: "Unverified data."}); // reject any updates that are signed with a mismatched account.
- if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === relpub(rel)){
+ if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === SEA.opt.pub(rel)){
(at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true;
check['user'+soul+key] = 0;
each.end({ok: 1});
- function relpub(s){
- if(!s){ return }
- s = s.split('~');
- if(!s || !(s = s[1])){ return }
- s = s.split('.');
- if(!s || 2 > s.length){ return }
- s = s.slice(0,2).join('.');
- return s;
- }
each.any = function(val, key, node, soul, user){ var tmp, pub;
if(!user || !user.is){
- if(tmp = relpub(soul)){
+ if(tmp = SEA.opt.pub(soul)){
check['any'+soul+key] = 1;
- SEA.verify(val, pub = tmp, function(data){ var rel;
+ SEA.verify(SEA.opt.pack(val,key,node,soul), pub = tmp, function(data){ var rel;
data = SEA.opt.unpack(data, key, node);
if(u === data){ return each.end({err: "Mismatched owner on '" + key + "'."}) } // thanks @rogowski !
- if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === relpub(rel)){
+ if((rel = Gun.val.link.is(data)) && pub === SEA.opt.pub(rel)){
(at.sea.own[rel] = at.sea.own[rel] || {})[pub] = true;
check['any'+soul+key] = 0;
@@ -1215,26 +1222,21 @@
//each.end({err: "Data cannot be modified."});
- if(!(tmp = relpub(soul))){
+ if(!(tmp = SEA.opt.pub(soul))){
each.end({err: "Soul is missing public key at '" + key + "'."});
- if(val && val.slice && 'SEA{' === (val).slice(0,4)){
- check['any'+soul+key] = 0;
- each.end({ok: 1});
- return;
- }
- //check['any'+soul+key] = 1;
- //SEA.sign(val, user, function(data){
- // if(u === data){ return each.end({err: 'Any signature failed.'}) }
- // node[key] = data;
- check['any'+soul+key] = 0;
- each.end({ok: 1});
- //});
+ // TODO: Ask community if should auto-sign non user-graph data.
+ check['any'+soul+key] = 0;
+ each.end({ok: 1});
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!msg.I){ // only sign data put out from this instance.
+ each.any(val, key, node, soul);
- if(!msg.I || (pub = tmp) !== (user.is||noop).pub){
+ if((pub = tmp) !== (user.is||noop).pub){
each.any(val, key, node, soul);
@@ -1246,12 +1248,12 @@
check['any'+soul+key] = 1;
- SEA.sign([soul, key, val, Gun.state.is(node, key)], (user._).sea, function(data){
+ SEA.sign(SEA.opt.prep(tmp = SEA.opt.parse(val), key, node, soul), (user._).sea, function(data){
if(u === data){ return each.end({err: 'My signature fail.'}) }
- node[key] = data;
+ node[key] = JSON.stringify({':': SEA.opt.unpack(data.m), '~': data.s});
check['any'+soul+key] = 0;
each.end({ok: 1});
- });
+ }, {check: SEA.opt.pack(tmp, key, node, soul), raw: 1});
each.end = function(ctx){ // TODO: Can't you just switch this to each.end = cb?
if(each.err){ return }
@@ -1263,6 +1265,7 @@
if(Gun.obj.map(check, function(no){
if(no){ return true }
})){ return }
+ msg.user = at.user; // already been through firewall, does not need to again on out.
Gun.obj.map(msg.put, each.node);
@@ -1271,16 +1274,35 @@
to.next(msg); // pass forward any data we do not know how to handle or process (this allows custom security protocols).
- SEA.opt.unpack = function(data, key, node){
- if(u === data){ return }
- if(data === node[key]){ return data }
- if(data && data['#'] && rel_is(data) === rel_is(node[key])){ return data }
- var tmp = data, soul = Gun.node.soul(node), s = Gun.state.is(node, key);
- if(tmp && 4 === tmp.length && soul === tmp[0] && key === tmp[1] && fl(s) === fl(tmp[3])){
- return tmp[2];
+ SEA.opt.pub = function(s){
+ if(!s){ return }
+ s = s.split('~');
+ if(!s || !(s = s[1])){ return }
+ s = s.split('.');
+ if(!s || 2 > s.length){ return }
+ s = s.slice(0,2).join('.');
+ return s;
+ }
+ SEA.opt.prep = function(d,k, n,s){ // prep for signing
+ return {'#':s,'.':k,':':SEA.opt.parse(d),'>':Gun.state.is(n, k)};
+ }
+ SEA.opt.pack = function(d,k, n,s){ // pack for verifying
+ if(SEA.opt.check(d)){ return d }
+ var meta = (Gun.obj.ify(d)||noop), sig = meta['~'];
+ return sig? {m: {'#':s,'.':k,':':meta[':'],'>':Gun.state.is(n, k)}, s: sig} : d;
+ }
+ SEA.opt.unpack = function(d, k, n){ var tmp;
+ if(u === d){ return }
+ if(d && (u !== (tmp = d[':']))){ return tmp }
+ if(!k || !n){ return }
+ if(d === n[k]){ return d }
+ if(!SEA.opt.check(n[k])){ return d }
+ var soul = Gun.node.soul(n), s = Gun.state.is(n, k);
+ if(d && 4 === d.length && soul === d[0] && k === d[1] && fl(s) === fl(d[3])){
+ return d[2];
if(s < SEA.opt.shuffle_attack){
- return data;
+ return d;
SEA.opt.shuffle_attack = 1546329600000; // Jan 1, 2019
@@ -1290,4 +1312,4 @@
// TODO: Potential bug? If pub/priv key starts with `-`? IDK how possible.
})(USE, './index');