@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ function OnConnection( socket ) {
if( !global.instances[ namespace ] ) {
global.instances[ namespace ] = { };
global.instances[ namespace ].clients = { };
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList = [ ];
global.instances[ namespace ].start_time = undefined;
global.instances[ namespace ].pause_time = undefined;
global.instances[ namespace ].rate = 1.0;
@@ -204,9 +205,15 @@ function OnConnection( socket ) {
//keep track of the timer for this instance
global.instances[ namespace ].timerID = setInterval( function ( ) {
+ var message = { parameters: [ ], time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) };
for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
- client.emit( 'message', { parameters: [ ], time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) } );
+ if ( ! client.pending ) {
+ client.emit( 'message', message );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending ) {
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.push( message );
}, 50 );
@@ -216,123 +223,259 @@ function OnConnection( socket ) {
global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ socket.id ] = socket;
socket.pending = true;
- socket.pendingList = [ ];
- //Create a child in the application's 'clients.vwf' global to represent this client.
- var clientMessage = { action: "createChild", parameters: [ "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf", socket.id, {} ], time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) };
- // The time for the setState message should be the time the new client joins, so save that time
- var setStateTime = global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( );
- //The client is the first, is can just load the application, and mark it not pending
- if ( Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients ).length === 1 ) {
- if ( saveObject ) {
- socket.emit( 'message', { action: "setState", parameters: [saveObject], time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) } );
+ //Get the descriptor for the `clients.vwf` child.
+ var clientDescriptor = GetClientDescriptor( socket );
+ // The time for the setState message should be the time the new client joins, so save that time
+ var setStateTime = global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( );
+ // If this client is the first, it can just load the application, and mark it not pending
+ if ( Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients ).length === 1 ) {
+ if ( saveObject ) {
+ socket.emit( 'message', {
+ action: "setState",
+ parameters: [ saveObject ],
+ time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
+ } );
+ }
+ else {
+ var instance = namespace;
+ //Get the state and load it.
+ //Now the server has a rough idea of what the simulation is
+ socket.emit( 'message', {
+ action: "createNode",
+ parameters: [ "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf" ],
+ time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
+ } );
+ socket.emit( 'message', {
+ action: "createNode",
+ parameters: [
+ ( processedURL.public_path === "/" ? "" : processedURL.public_path ) + "/" + processedURL.application,
+ "application"
+ ],
+ time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
+ } );
+ }
+ socket.pending = false;
+ //xapi.logClient( saveObject, loadInfo[ 'application_path' ], loadInfo[ 'save_name' ], namespace, clientDescriptor.properties || {}, true, true );
- else {
- var instance = namespace;
- //Get the state and load it.
- //Now the server has a rough idea of what the simulation is
- socket.emit( 'message', {
- action: "createNode",
- parameters: [ "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf" ],
- time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
- } );
- socket.emit( 'message', {
- action: "createNode",
- parameters: [
- ( processedURL.public_path === "/" ? "" : processedURL.public_path ) + "/" + processedURL.application,
- "application"
- ],
- time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
- } );
- socket.emit( 'message', clientMessage );
+ else { //this client is not the first, we need to get the state and mark it pending
+ if ( ! global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending ) {
+ var firstclient = Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients )[ 0 ];
+ firstclient = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ firstclient ];
+ firstclient.emit( 'message', {
+ action: "getState",
+ respond: true,
+ time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
+ } );
+ global.instances[ namespace ].Log( 'GetState from Client', 2 );
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending = true;
+ }
+ socket.pending = true;
- socket.pending = false;
- }
- else { //this client is not the first, we need to get the state and mark it pending
- var firstclient = Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients )[ 0 ];
- firstclient = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ firstclient ];
- firstclient.emit( 'message', { action: "getState", respond: true, time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) } );
- global.instances[ namespace ].Log( 'GetState from Client', 2 );
- socket.pending = true;
- socket.pendingList.push( clientMessage );
+ //Create a child in the application's 'clients.vwf' global to represent this client.
+ var clientNodeMessage = {
+ action: "createChild",
+ parameters: [ "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf", socket.id, clientDescriptor ],
+ time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( )
+ };
+ // Send messages to all the existing clients (that are not pending),
+ // telling them to create a new node under the "clients" parent for the new client
for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
- if( client.id != socket.id ) {
- client.emit ( 'message', clientMessage );
+ if ( !client.pending ) {
+ client.emit ( 'message', clientNodeMessage );
- }
- socket.on( 'message', function ( msg ) {
- //need to add the client identifier to all outgoing messages
- try {
- var message = JSON.parse( msg );
- }
- catch ( e ) {
- return;
+ if ( global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending ) {
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.push( clientNodeMessage );
- message.client = socket.id;
- message.time = global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( );
- //distribute message to all clients on given instance
- for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
- var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
- //if the message was get state, then fire all the pending messages after firing the setState
- if ( message.action == "getState" ) {
- global.instances[ namespace ].Log( 'Got State', 2 );
- var state = message.result;
- global.instances[ namespace ].Log( state, 2 );
- client.emit( 'message', { action: "setState", parameters: [ state ], time: setStateTime } );
- client.pending = false;
- for ( var j = 0; j < client.pendingList.length; j++ ) {
- client.emit( 'message', client.pendingList[ j ] );
- }
- client.pendingList = [ ];
- }
- else {
- //just a regular message, so push if the client is pending a load, otherwise just send it.
- if ( client.pending === true ) {
- client.pendingList.push( message );
- }
- else {
- client.emit( 'message', message );
- }
- }
- }
- } );
+ socket.on( 'message', function ( msg ) {
+ //need to add the client identifier to all outgoing messages
+ try {
+ var message = JSON.parse( msg );
+ }
+ catch ( e ) {
+ console.error( "Error on socket message: ", e );
+ return;
+ }
+ message.client = socket.id;
+ message.time = global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( );
+ if ( message.result === undefined ) {
+ //distribute message to all clients on given instance
+ for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
+ var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
+ //just a regular message, so push if the client is pending a load, otherwise just send it.
+ if ( ! client.pending ) {
+ client.emit( 'message', message );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending ) {
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.push( message );
+ }
+ } else if ( message.action == "getState" ) {
+ //distribute message to all clients on given instance
+ for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
+ var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
+ //if the message was get state, then fire all the pending messages after firing the setState
+ if ( client.pending ) {
+ global.instances[ namespace ].Log( 'Got State', 2 );
+ var state = message.result;
+ global.instances[ namespace ].Log( state, 2 );
+ client.emit( 'message', { action: "setState", parameters: [ state ], time: setStateTime } );
+ client.pending = false;
+ for ( var j = 0; j < global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.length; j++ ) {
+ client.emit( 'message', global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList[ j ] );
+ }
+ //xapi.logClient( state, undefined, undefined, namespace, GetClientDescriptor( client ).properties || {}, true, false );
+ }
+ }
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList = [ ];
+ } else if ( message.action === "execute" ) {
+ var evaluation = socket.pendingEvaluations && socket.pendingEvaluations.shift();
+ if ( evaluation ) {
+ evaluation.resolve( message.result );
+ clearTimeout( evaluation.timeout );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
// When a client disconnects, go ahead and remove the instance data
socket.on( 'disconnect', function ( ) {
// Remove the disconnecting client
+ var leavingClient = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ socket.id ];
global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ socket.id ] = null;
delete global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ socket.id ];
+ if ( leavingClient.pendingEvaluations ) {
+ leavingClient.pendingEvaluations.forEach( function( evaluation ) {
+ evaluation.reject( new Error( "connection closed" ) );
+ clearTimeout( evaluation.timeout );
+ } );
+ }
// Notify others of the disconnecting client. Delete the child representing this client in the application's `clients.vwf` global.
var clientMessage = { action: "deleteChild", parameters: [ "http://vwf.example.com/clients.vwf", socket.id ], time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime( ) };
for ( var i in global.instances[ namespace ].clients ) {
var client = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ i ];
- if( client.id != socket.id ) {
- client.emit ( 'message', clientMessage );
+ if ( ! client.pending ) {
+ client.emit ( 'message', clientMessage );
+ if ( global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.pending ) {
+ global.instances[ namespace ].pendingList.push( clientMessage );
+ }
// If it's the last client, delete the data and the timer
if ( Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients ).length == 0 ) {
clearInterval( global.instances[ namespace ].timerID );
delete global.instances[ namespace ];
+ // xapi.logClient( undefined, loadInfo[ 'application_path' ], loadInfo[ 'save_name' ], namespace, clientDescriptor.properties || {}, false, true );
+ } else {
+ // xapi.logClient( undefined, loadInfo[ 'application_path' ], loadInfo[ 'save_name' ], namespace, clientDescriptor.properties || {}, false, false );
} );
-exports.OnConnection = OnConnection;
+function Evaluate( namespace, node, expression ) {
+ return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
+ var firstClientID = Object.keys( global.instances[ namespace ].clients )[ 0 ];
+ var firstClient = global.instances[ namespace ].clients[ firstClientID ];
+ if ( firstClient ) {
+ firstClient.pendingEvaluations = firstClient.pendingEvaluations || [];
+ firstClient.pendingEvaluations.push( {
+ resolve: resolve,
+ reject: reject,
+ timeout: setTimeout( function() { reject( new Error( "timeout" ) ) }, 1000 ),
+ } );
+ firstClient.emit( "message", { node: node, action: "execute", parameters: [ expression ], respond: true, time: global.instances[ namespace ].getTime() } );
+ } else {
+ reject( new Error( "no clients are connected" ) );
+ }
+ } );
+/// Get a descriptor for the `clients.vwf` child for a new client. An authenticator may set a
+/// descriptor in the session at `session.vwf.client`. If the authenticator doesn't provide a
+/// descriptor, use an empty node inheriting from `client.vwf`.
+function GetClientDescriptor( socket ) {
+ // socket.io doesn't provide access to the request and the session, but we do have the cookies.
+ // Create a mock request and run it through the session middleware to recreate the session. This
+ // creates a session object at `mockRequest.session`.
+ var mockRequest = {
+ headers: { cookie: socket.handshake.headers.cookie },
+ connection: {},
+ session: {},
+ };
+ var mockResponse = {
+ getHeader: function() {},
+ setHeader: function() {},
+ };
+ sessionStack.forEach( function( middleware ) {
+ middleware( mockRequest, mockResponse, function() {} );
+ } );
+ // Get the descriptor from `vwf.client` in the session.
+ var descriptor = ( mockRequest.session.vwf || {} ).client || {};
+ // Set the default prototype.
+ if ( ! descriptor.extends ) {
+ descriptor.extends = "http://vwf.example.com/client.vwf";
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+/// Middleware stack to parse a cookie session from `req.headers.cookie` into `req.session`.
+var sessionStack = [
+ //cookieParser(),
+ //cookieSession( { secret: config.get( 'session.secret' ) } ),
+function GetInstances() {
+ return global.instances;
+exports.OnConnection = OnConnection;
+exports.Evaluate = Evaluate;
+exports.GetInstances = GetInstances;