Nikolay Suslov 4 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 800 добавлено и 523 удалено
  1. 23 40
  2. 463 190
  3. 314 293

+ 23 - 40

@@ -348,7 +348,9 @@ class App {
               'owner': userPub,
               'featured': true,
               'published': true,
-              'proxy': userPub
+              'proxy': userPub,
+              'created': created,
+              'modified': created
@@ -748,7 +750,9 @@ class App {
                         'owner': userPub,
                         'featured': true,
                         'published': true,
-                        'proxy': userPub
+                        'proxy': userPub,
+                        'created': created,
+                        'modified': created
@@ -1050,7 +1054,7 @@ class App {
             _LCSDB.user().get(worldType).get(worldName).get(file).load(worldFile => {
               if (worldFile) {
-                var source = worldFile.file;
+                var source = worldFile;
                 if (type == 'state') {
                   if (!file.includes('_info_vwf_json')) {
@@ -1229,7 +1233,7 @@ class App {
     if (type == 'protos') {
-      _app.indexApp.initWorldsProtosListForUserNew(user)//.getWorldsProtosListForUser(user); 
+      _app.indexApp.allWorldsProtosForUser(user)//.getWorldsProtosListForUser(user); 
     } else if (type == 'states') {
      // _app.indexApp.initWorldsStatesListForUser(user);
       //await _app.indexApp.getWorldsFromUserDB(user);
@@ -1796,47 +1800,25 @@ class App {
     let created = new Date().valueOf();
-    let worldObj = {
-      'owner': newOwner,
-      'parent': userName + '/' + worldName,
-      'featured': true,
-      'published': true,
-      'created': created
-    };
+    // let worldObj = {
+    //   'owner': newOwner,
+    //   'parent': userName + '/' + worldName,
+    //   'featured': true,
+    //   'published': true,
+    //   'created': created
+    // };
     // let fileNamesAll = 
     await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).load(all => {
-      let worldFileNames = Object.keys(all).filter(el => (el !== '_') && (el !== 'owner') && (el !== 'proxy') && (el !== 'parent') && (el !== 'featured') && (el !== 'published') && (el !== '_config_yaml') && (el !== '_yaml') && (el !== '_html'));
-      let myWorld = _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').get(worldID).put({id:worldID});
-      for (var doc in worldFileNames) {
-        let fn = worldFileNames[doc];
-        let res = all[fn]; //(await _LCSDB.user(userPub).get('worlds').get(worldName).get(fn).promOnce()).data;
-        let fileData = (typeof res == 'object') ? JSON.stringify(res) : res;
-        // let data = {
-        //   'file': fileData, //JSON.stringify(res.file),
-        //   'modified': created
-        // }
-        // //worldObj[fn] = data;
-        // myWorld.get([fn]).put({
-        //   'file': fileData, 
-        //   'modified': created
-        // })
-        myWorld.put({[fn]: fileData})
-      }
+      let worldObj = Object.assign({}, all);
+      worldObj.owner = newOwner;
+      worldObj.parent = userName + '/' + worldName;
+      worldObj.featured = true
+      worldObj.published =true
+      worldObj.created = created
         worldObj.proxy = userPub;
       } else {
@@ -1853,6 +1835,7 @@ class App {
       //let myWorlds = await _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').once().then();
       //let myWorld = _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').get(worldID).put({id:worldID});
+      let myWorld = _LCSDB.user(newOwner).get('worlds').get(worldID).put({id:worldID});
       myWorld.put(worldObj, function (res) {
         if (stateFileName) {

+ 463 - 190

@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ class IndexApp {
         this.entry = entry;
         this.worlds = {};
         this.instances = {};
-        //this.language = _LangManager.language;
         if (!_app.isLuminary) {
@@ -22,8 +21,6 @@ class IndexApp {
-        document.querySelector("#userLobby")._refresh();
@@ -110,6 +107,7 @@ class IndexApp {
                 //do update;
                 //this._userAlias = user;
                 this._comps = comps;
+                this.$components = this._comps;
             $init: function () {
                 console.log('init comp...');
@@ -118,27 +116,169 @@ class IndexApp {
             $update: function () {
                 //do update;
                 console.log('update me');
-                this.$components = this._comps;
         //init CELL
+        let userGUI = {
+            $type: "div",
+            id: "userGUI",
+            // style:"background-color: #ffeb3b",
+            class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
+            _status: "Welcome!",
+            $init: function () {
+                //this._status = "Welcome!"
+                //this._status = 'Welcome!';
+                // = '#e6e6e6';   
+                this._refresh(); //$update();
+            },
+            $update: function () {},
+            _refresh: function () {
+                var gui = {};
+                if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
+                    gui = [
+                        window._app.widgets.buttonRaised(
+                            {
+                                "label": 'Sign OUT',
+                                "onclick": function (e) {
+                                    _LCSDB.user().leave();
+                                    setTimeout(() => {
+                                        //window.sessionStorage.removeItem('alias');
+                                        //window.sessionStorage.removeItem('tmp');
+                                        window.location.reload(true);
+                                    }, 1);
+                                }
+                            }),
+                        {
+                            $type: "p"
+                        },
+                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
+                            {
+                                "label": 'PROFILE',
+                                "onclick": function (e) {
+                                    e.preventDefault();
+                                    //page("/profile")
+                                    window.location.pathname = "/profile"
+                                }
+                            }),
+                        {
+                            $type: "p"
+                        },
+                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
+                            {
+                                "label": 'My World protos',
+                                "onclick": function (e) {
+                                    e.preventDefault();
+                                    let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
+                                    window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/protos'
+                                    //page('/' + alias + '/worlds/protos');
+                                    //_app.indexApp.getWorldsProtosFromUserDB(alias);
+                                }
+                            }),
+                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
+                            {
+                                "label": 'My World states',
+                                "onclick": function (e) {
+                                    e.preventDefault();
+                                    let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
+                                    window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/states'
+                                    //page('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
+                                    // page.redirect('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
+                                    //_app.indexApp.getWorldsFromUserDB(alias);       
+                                }
+                            })
+                    ]
+                }
+                this.$components = [
+                    {
+                        $type: "h1",
+                        class: "mdc-typography--headline3",
+                        $text: this._status
+                    }
+                ].concat(gui)
+            }
+        }
             id: "userLobby",
             $cell: true,
             $type: "div",
             $components: [],
-            _refresh: function (){
-                this.$components = self.initUserGUI()
+            _comps: [],
+            _refresh: function(){
+                this.$components = this._comps.concat([userGUI,  self.getLoginGUI(), _app.widgets.divider, self.getLookWorlds()]);
+            },
+            $init: function () {
+                this._comps = self.initUserGUI()
+                this._refresh();
             $update: function () {
+    }
+    async allWorldsProtosForUser(userAlias) {
+        let userPub = await _app.helpers.getUserPub(userAlias);
+        //let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
+        let doc = document.querySelector("#worldsGUI");
+        var worlds = {};
+        if(userPub) {
+        worlds = this.createWorldsGUI(userAlias, userPub) 
+        } else {
+        worlds = {
+            $type: 'div',
+            $text:  'Couls not find user with name: ' + userAlias,
+            class: "mdc-typography--headline4"
+        }
+    }
+        let components = [
+            {
+                $type: "div",
+                class: "mdc-layout-grid",
+                $components: [
+                    {
+                        $type: "div",
+                        class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner",
+                        $components: [
+                            {
+                                $type: "div",
+                                class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12",
+                                $components: [
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "h1",
+                                        class: "mdc-typography--headline4",
+                                        $text: 'Worlds for user: ' + userAlias
+                                    }
+                                ]
+                            },
+                            {
+                                $type: "div",
+                                class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12",
+                                $components: [worlds]
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        ];
+        doc._refresh(components);
     async initWorldsProtosListForUser(userAlias) {
         let doc = document.querySelector("#worldsGUI");
         //doc.$components = [];
@@ -278,7 +418,8 @@ class IndexApp {
         if(this.entry == 'index'){
             //change for to 'app'
-           this.initWorldsProtosListForUserNew(alias);
+           //this.initWorldsProtosListForUserNew(alias);
+           this.allWorldsProtosForUser(alias)
@@ -431,9 +572,8 @@ class IndexApp {
-    initUserGUI() {
+    getLookWorlds(){
         let self = this;
         let lookWorlds = 
             $type: "div",
@@ -550,154 +690,12 @@ class IndexApp {
                 ].concat(guiForAll, _app.widgets.p, _app.widgets.divider)
+        return lookWorlds
+    }
+    getLoginGUI(){
-        let luminaryFeature = {
-            $cell: true,
-            $type: 'div',
-            class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
-            _luminarySwitch: null,
-            $components: [
-                {
-                    $type: "p",
-                    class: "mdc-typography--headline5",
-                    $text: "Use Krestianstvo Luminary (experimental)"
-                },
-                {
-                    $type: 'p'
-                },
-                _app.widgets.switch({
-                    'id': 'forceLuminary',
-                    'init': function () {
-                        this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
-                        let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config');
-                        this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).luminary;
-                        // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch;
-                    },
-                    'onchange': function (e) {
-                        if (this._switch) {
-                            let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked');
-                            if (chkAttr) {
-                                let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'));
-                                config.luminary = true;
-                                localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config));
-                                window.location.reload(true);
-                                //this._switch.checked = false;
-                            } else {
-                                let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'));
-                                config.luminary = false;
-                                localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config));
-                                window.location.reload(true);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                ),
-                {
-                    $type: 'label',
-                    for: 'input-forceLuminary',
-                    $text: 'Off / On'
-                }
-            ]
-        }
-        let userGUI =
-        {
-            $type: "div",
-            id: "userGUI",
-            // style:"background-color: #ffeb3b",
-            class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
-            _status: "Welcome!",
-            $init: function () {
-                //this._status = "Welcome!"
-                this._status = 'Welcome !';
-                // = '#e6e6e6';   
-                this._refresh(); //$update();
-            },
-            $update: function () {},
-            _refresh: function () {
-                var gui = {};
-                if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
-                    gui = [
-                        window._app.widgets.buttonRaised(
-                            {
-                                "label": 'Sign OUT',
-                                "onclick": function (e) {
-                                    _LCSDB.user().leave();
-                                    setTimeout(() => {
-                                        //window.sessionStorage.removeItem('alias');
-                                        //window.sessionStorage.removeItem('tmp');
-                                        window.location.reload(true);
-                                    }, 1);
-                                }
-                            }),
-                        {
-                            $type: "p"
-                        },
-                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
-                            {
-                                "label": 'PROFILE',
-                                "onclick": function (e) {
-                                    e.preventDefault();
-                                    //page("/profile")
-                                    window.location.pathname = "/profile"
-                                }
-                            }),
-                        {
-                            $type: "p"
-                        },
-                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
-                            {
-                                "label": 'My World protos',
-                                "onclick": function (e) {
-                                    e.preventDefault();
-                                    let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
-                                    window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/protos'
-                                    //page('/' + alias + '/worlds/protos');
-                                    //_app.indexApp.getWorldsProtosFromUserDB(alias);
-                                }
-                            }),
-                        window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
-                            {
-                                "label": 'My World states',
-                                "onclick": function (e) {
-                                    e.preventDefault();
-                                    let alias = _LCSDB.user().is.alias;
-                                    window.location.pathname = '/' + alias + '/worlds/states'
-                                    //page('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
-                                    // page.redirect('/' + alias + '/worlds/states');
-                                    //_app.indexApp.getWorldsFromUserDB(alias);       
-                                }
-                            })
-                    ]
-                }
-                this.$components = [
-                    _app.widgets.emptyDiv,
-                    window._app.widgets.buttonRaised(
-                        {
-                            "label": 'Connection settings',
-                            "onclick": function (e) {
-                                e.preventDefault();
-                                window.location.pathname = '/settings';
-                            }
-                        }), _app.widgets.emptyDiv,
-                    _app.widgets.divider,
-                    {
-                        $type: "h1",
-                        class: "mdc-typography--headline3",
-                        $text: this._status
-                    }
-                ].concat(gui)
-            }
-        }
+        let self = this;
         let loginGUI =
@@ -851,8 +849,202 @@ class IndexApp {
+        return loginGUI
+    }
+    initUserGUI() {
+        let self = this;
+        let lookWorlds = 
+        {
+            $type: "div",
+            id: "lookWorlds",
+            class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
+            _status: '',
+            $init: function () {
+                this._status = "init";
+            },
+            $update: function () {
+                //change for site 'app'
+                let defaultName = '';
+                let guiForAll = [
+                    {
+                        $type: "div",
+                        style: "margin-top: 20px;",
+                        _userName: null,
+                        _userNameField: null,
+                        $components:
+                            [
+                                _app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({
+                                    "id": 'worldsUserName',
+                                    "label": 'Enter user name',
+                                    "value": defaultName,
+                                    "type": "text",
+                                    "init": function () {
+                                        this._userNameField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this);
+                                    }
+                                }),
+                                _app.widgets.p,
+                                // {
+                                //     $type: "a",
+                                //     class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                //     $text: 'World Protos', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
+                                //     onclick: function (e) {
+                                //         //console.log('clone');
+                                //         let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
+                                //         self.initWorldsProtosListForUser(searchName);
+                                //     }
+                                // },
+                                // {
+                                //     $type: "a",
+                                //     class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                //     $text: 'World States', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
+                                //     onclick: function (e) {
+                                //         //console.log('clone');
+                                //         let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
+                                //         self.initWorldsStatesListForUser(searchName);
+                                //     }
+                                // }
+                    _app.widgets.buttonRaised(
+                        {
+                            "label": 'World Protos',
+                            "onclick": function (e) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                //page("/app/worlds/protos")
+                                let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
+                                if(searchName !== "")
+                                    window.location.pathname = "/"+searchName+"/worlds/protos"
+                                //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('protos');
+                            }
+                        }), 
+              ,
+                    _app.widgets.buttonRaised(
+                        {
+                            "label": 'World States',
+                            "onclick": function (e) {
+                                e.preventDefault();
+                                //page("/app/worlds/states")
+                                let searchName = this._userNameField.value;
+                                if(searchName !== "")
+                                    window.location.pathname = "/"+searchName+"/worlds/states"
+                                //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('states');
+                            }
+                        })
+                            ]
+                    },
+                    // window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
+                    //     {
+                    //         "label": 'Default World Protos',
+                    //         "onclick": function (e) {
+                    //             e.preventDefault();
+                    //             //page("/app/worlds/protos")
+                    //             window.location.pathname = "/app/worlds/protos"
+                    //             //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('protos');
+                    //         }
+                    //     }),
+                    // window._app.widgets.buttonStroked(
+                    //     {
+                    //         "label": 'Default World States',
+                    //         "onclick": function (e) {
+                    //             e.preventDefault();
+                    //             //page("/app/worlds/states")
+                    //             window.location.pathname = "/app/worlds/states"
+                    //             //_app.indexApp.getAppDetailsFromDefaultDB('states');
+                    //         }
+                    //     })
+                ];
+                this.$components = [
+                    {
+                        $type: "h1",
+                        class: "mdc-typography--headline4",
+                        $text: "Looking for Worlds made by other Users!"
+                    }
+                ].concat(guiForAll, _app.widgets.p, _app.widgets.divider)
+            }
+        }
+        let connectionSettings = {
+        id: 'connectionSettings',
+        $type: 'div',
+        class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
+        $components: [ 
+        _app.widgets.emptyDiv,
+        window._app.widgets.buttonRaised(
+            {
+                "label": 'Connection settings',
+                "onclick": function (e) {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    window.location.pathname = '/settings';
+                }
+            }), _app.widgets.emptyDiv
+        ]
+    }
+        let luminaryFeature = {
+            $cell: true,
+            $type: 'div',
+            class: "mdc-layout-grid mdc-layout-grid--align-left",
+            _luminarySwitch: null,
+            $components: [
+                {
+                    $type: "p",
+                    class: "mdc-typography--headline5",
+                    $text: "Use Krestianstvo Luminary (experimental)"
+                },
+                {
+                    $type: 'p'
+                },
+                _app.widgets.switch({
+                    'id': 'forceLuminary',
+                    'init': function () {
+                        this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
+                        let config = localStorage.getItem('lcs_config');
+                        this._switch.checked = JSON.parse(config).luminary;
+                        // this._replaceSwitch = this._switch;
+                    },
+                    'onchange': function (e) {
+                        if (this._switch) {
+                            let chkAttr = this._switch.checked;//this.getAttribute('checked');
+                            if (chkAttr) {
+                                let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'));
+                                config.luminary = true;
+                                localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config));
+                                window.location.reload(true);
+                                //this._switch.checked = false;
+                            } else {
+                                let config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lcs_config'));
+                                config.luminary = false;
+                                localStorage.setItem('lcs_config', JSON.stringify(config));
+                                window.location.reload(true);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                ),
+                {
+                    $type: 'label',
+                    for: 'input-forceLuminary',
+                    $text: 'Off / On'
+                }
+            ]
+        }
-        return [luminaryFeature, userGUI, loginGUI, _app.widgets.divider, lookWorlds]
+        return [luminaryFeature, connectionSettings, _app.widgets.divider]
@@ -874,9 +1066,11 @@ class IndexApp {
-    createWorldCard(id, type) {
+    createWorldCard(userAlias, userPub, worldName, id, type, cb) {
         let self = this;
+        let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
         let onlineGUI = {
             $cell: true,
             id: "onlineGUI_" + id,
@@ -1003,25 +1197,88 @@ class IndexApp {
             $cell: true,
             id: 'worldCard_' + id,
             $type: "div",
+            _worldName: "",
             _worldInfo: {},
             _refresh: function (data) {
-                this._worldInfo = data
+                this._worldInfo = data;
+                this.$components = [this._updateCard()]
             $init: function () {
-                //get space for user
-                // if (!saveName) {
-                //     this._getWorldInfo();
-                // } else {
-                //     this._getStateInfo();
-                // }
+                this._worldName = worldName;
+                    if(type == 'min') {
+                        db.get('worlds').get(this._worldName).path('info_json').on((res)=>{
+                            console.log(res);
+                           let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res);
+                           let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0];
+                           var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en'];
+                           let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale');
+                           if (langID) {
+                             appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID]
+                           }
+                           let doc = {
+                              'worldName': this._worldName,
+                              'created': undefined,
+                              'modified': undefined,
+                              'type': 'proto',
+                              'userAlias': userAlias,
+                              'info': appInfo
+                            }
+                            this._refresh(doc);
+                            //callback
+                            if(cb)
+                               cb(doc);
+                        })
+                    } else if (type == 'full'){
+                     db.get('worlds').get(this._worldName).on((res)=>{
+                         console.log(res);
+                        let worldDesc = JSON.parse(res['info_json']);
+                        let root = Object.keys(worldDesc)[0];
+                        var appInfo = worldDesc[root]['en'];
+                        let langID = localStorage.getItem('krestianstvo_locale');
+                        if (langID) {
+                          appInfo = worldDesc[root][langID]
+                        }
+                        let settings = worldDesc[root]['settings'];
+                        let doc = {
+                           'worldName': this._worldName,
+                           'created': res.created ? res.created : "",
+                           'modified': res.modified ? res.modified : "",
+                           'proxy': res.proxy,
+                           'type': 'proto',
+                           'userAlias': userAlias,
+                           'info': appInfo,
+                           'settings': settings
+                         }
+                         this._refresh(doc);
+                         //callback
+                         if(cb)
+                            cb(doc);
+                     })
+                    }
             $update: function () {
-                //console.log(this._worldInfo);
-                //this.$components = [this._updateCard()]
+                 //this.$components = [this._updateCard()]
             _updateComps: function () {
-                this.$components = [this._updateCard()]
             _updateCard: function () {
                 let desc = this._worldInfo;
@@ -1103,6 +1360,7 @@ class IndexApp {
            = {
                         imgUrl: "/defaults/worlds/webrtc/webimg.jpg",
@@ -1156,7 +1414,7 @@ class IndexApp {
                                     $type: "span",
                                     class: "mdc-card__subtitle mdc-theme--text-secondary-on-background",
-                                    $text: 'created: ' + (new Date(desc.created)).toUTCString()
+                                    $text: desc.created ? 'created: ' + (new Date(desc.created)).toUTCString() : ""
                                     $type: "p",
@@ -1193,8 +1451,12 @@ class IndexApp {
-    createWorldsGUI(userAlias, worldName) {
+    createWorldsGUI(userAlias, userPub, worldName) {
         let self = this;
+        let db = _LCSDB.user(userPub);
         let id = worldName ? worldName + '_' + userAlias : "allWorlds_" + userAlias
         let headerText = worldName ? 'States for ' + worldName : 'All Worlds Protos'
@@ -1203,40 +1465,51 @@ class IndexApp {
             id: id,
             $type: "div",
             $components: [],
+            _cards: [],
             _states: {},
             _refresh: function (data) {
                 this._states = data
             $init: async function () {
+                console.log('init lab...');
+                db.get('worlds')
+                .map()
+                .on((res,k)=>{
+                    console.log('From world: ', k);
+                    //let doc = document.querySelector('#'+ k);
+                   let doc = this._cards.filter(el=> el.$components[0].id == 'worldCard_'+ userAlias + '_' + k)[0];
+                    if(!doc) {
+                        doc = this._makeWorldCard(k);
+                        this._cards.push(doc);
+                    } 
+                })
-            _makeWorldCard: function (data) {
-                let cardID = data[1].userAlias + '_' + data[1].worldName + '_' + data[0];
-                let card = self.createWorldCard(cardID, 'min');
-                card._refresh(data[1]);
+            _makeWorldCard: function (worldName) {
+                let cardID = userAlias + '_' + worldName//data[1].userAlias + '_' + data[1].worldName + '_' + data[0];
+                let card = self.createWorldCard(userAlias, userPub, worldName, cardID, 'min');
+                //card._refresh(data[1]);
                 //card._worldInfo = data[1];
-                card._updateComps();
+                //card._updateComps();
                 return {
                     $cell: true,
                     $type: "div",
                     class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-4",
-                    $components: [
-                        card
-                        //self.createWorldCard(data[1].userAlias, data[1].worldName, data[0])
-                        //this._worldCardDef(appInfo)
-                    ]
+                    $components: [card]
-                //console.log(data);
             $update: function () {
-                let cards = Object.entries(this._states)
-                    .filter(el => Object.keys(el[1]).length !== 0)
-                    .sort(function (el1, el2) {
-                        return parseInt(el2[1].created) - parseInt(el1[1].created)
-                    })
-                    .map(this._makeWorldCard);
+                // let cards = Object.entries(this._states)
+                //     .filter(el => Object.keys(el[1]).length !== 0)
+                //     .sort(function (el1, el2) {
+                //         return parseInt(el2[1].created) - parseInt(el1[1].created)
+                //     })
+                //     .map(this._makeWorldCard);
                 this.$components = [
@@ -1262,7 +1535,7 @@ class IndexApp {
                                 $type: "div",
                                 class: "mdc-layout-grid__inner",
-                                $components: cards
+                                $components: this._cards

+ 314 - 293

@@ -106,293 +106,364 @@ class WorldApp {
         let cardID = user.user + '_' + space + '_' + (saveName ? saveName : "");
-        let worldCardGUI = _app.indexApp.createWorldCard(cardID, 'full');
+        let worldCardGUI = _app.indexApp.createWorldCard(this.userAlias, userPub, space, cardID, "full", setWorldParameters); //createWorldCard(userAlias, userPub, worldName, id, type)
         let worldStatesGUI = [];
         //var runWorldGUI = {};
-        let actionsGUI = {
-            $cell: true,
-            id: "worldActionsGUI",
-            $type: "div",
-            $components: [],
-            _worldInfo: {},
-            _refresh: function () {
-                this._worldInfo = {
-                    'userAlias': self.userAlias,
-                    'worldName': self.saveName ? self.worldName + '/load/' + self.saveName : self.worldName,
-                    'type': self.saveName ? 'saveState' : 'proto'
-                }
-                //    let worldCard = document.querySelector('#worldCard');
-                //    if(worldCard){
-                //        this._worldInfo = worldCard._worldInfo;
-                //    } 
-            },
-            $init: function () {
-                if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
-                    this._refresh();
-                }
-            },
-            $update: function () {
-                let desc = this._worldInfo;
-                let userGUI = [];
-                // if(!desc){
-                //     this.$components = [];
-                //     return
-                // }
-                if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
-                    if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == desc.userAlias) {
-                        userGUI.push(
-                            {
-                                $type: "a",
-                                class: "mdc-button ",
-                                $text: "Edit info",
-                                //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                onclick: function (e) {
-                                    //'/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file'
-                                    if (desc.type == 'proto') {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/info_json'
-                                    } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
-                                        let names = desc.worldName.split('/');
-                                        let filename = ('savestate_/' + names[0] + '/' + names[2] + '_info_vwf_json').split('/').join("~");
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/state/' + names[0] + '/edit/' + filename;
-                                    }
-                                    //self.refresh();
-                                }
-                            },
-                            {
-                                $type: "a",
-                                class: "mdc-button ",
-                                $text: "Edit source",
-                                //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                onclick: function (e) {
-                                    //'/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file'
-                                    if (desc.type == 'proto') {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_yaml'
-                                    } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
-                                        let names = desc.worldName.split('/');
-                                        let filename = ('savestate_/' + names[0] + '/' + names[2] + '_vwf_json').split('/').join("~");
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/state/' + names[0] + '/edit/' + filename;
-                                    }
-                                    //self.refresh();
-                                }
-                            }
-                        );
-                        if (desc.type == 'proto') {
+        function setWorldParameters(data) {
+            console.log(data);
+            let actionsGUI = {
+                $cell: true,
+                id: "worldActionsGUI",
+                $type: "div",
+                $components: [],
+                _worldInfo: {},
+                _refresh: function () {
+                    this._worldInfo = {
+                        'userAlias': self.userAlias,
+                        'worldName': self.saveName ? self.worldName + '/load/' + self.saveName : self.worldName,
+                        'type': self.saveName ? 'saveState' : 'proto'
+                    }
+                    //    let worldCard = document.querySelector('#worldCard');
+                    //    if(worldCard){
+                    //        this._worldInfo = worldCard._worldInfo;
+                    //    } 
+                },
+                $init: function () {
+                    if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
+                        this._refresh();
+                    }
+                },
+                $update: function () {
+                    let desc = this._worldInfo;
+                    let userGUI = [];
+                    // if(!desc){
+                    //     this.$components = [];
+                    //     return
+                    // }
+                    if (_LCSDB.user().is) {
+                        if (_LCSDB.user().is.alias == desc.userAlias) {
-                                // {
-                                //     $type: "a",
-                                //     class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
-                                //     $text: "Edit proto",
-                                //     //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                //     onclick: function (e) {
-                                //         window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_yaml'
-                                //     }
-                                // },
-                                   {
-                                    $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button ",
-                                    $text: "Edit config",
-                                    //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                    onclick: function (e) {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_config_yaml'
-                                    }
-                                },
-                                {$type: "br"},
                                     $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button",
-                                    $text: "Edit appui.js",
-                                    //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                    onclick: function (e) {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/appui_js'
-                                    }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button",
-                                    $text: "Edit assets.json",
+                                    class: "mdc-button ",
+                                    $text: "Edit info",
                                     //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
                                     onclick: function (e) {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/assets_json'
+                                        //'/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file'
+                                        if (desc.type == 'proto') {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/info_json'
+                                        } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
+                                            let names = desc.worldName.split('/');
+                                            let filename = ('savestate_/' + names[0] + '/' + names[2] + '_info_vwf_json').split('/').join("~");
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/state/' + names[0] + '/edit/' + filename;
+                                        }
+                                        //self.refresh();
                                     $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button",
-                                    $text: "Edit index.vwf.html",
+                                    class: "mdc-button ",
+                                    $text: "Edit source",
                                     //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
                                     onclick: function (e) {
-                                        window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_html'
+                                        //'/:user/:type/:name/edit/:file'
+                                        if (desc.type == 'proto') {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_yaml'
+                                        } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
+                                            let names = desc.worldName.split('/');
+                                            let filename = ('savestate_/' + names[0] + '/' + names[2] + '_vwf_json').split('/').join("~");
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/state/' + names[0] + '/edit/' + filename;
+                                        }
+                                        //self.refresh();
-                            userGUI.push(
-                                {$type: "br"},
-                                {
-                                    $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
-                                    $text: "Delete",
-                                    //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                    onclick: function (e) {
-                                        _app.deleteWorld(desc.worldName, 'proto');
+                            if (desc.type == 'proto') {
+                                userGUI.push(
+                                    // {
+                                    //     $type: "a",
+                                    //     class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                    //     $text: "Edit proto",
+                                    //     //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                    //     onclick: function (e) {
+                                    //         window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_yaml'
+                                    //     }
+                                    // },
+                                       {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button ",
+                                        $text: "Edit config",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_config_yaml'
+                                        }
+                                    },
+                                    {$type: "br"},
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button",
+                                        $text: "Edit appui.js",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/appui_js'
+                                        }
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button",
+                                        $text: "Edit assets.json",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/assets_json'
+                                        }
+                                    },
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button",
+                                        $text: "Edit index.vwf.html",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            window.location.pathname = "/" + desc.userAlias + '/proto/' + desc.worldName + '/edit/index_vwf_html'
+                                        }
-                                }
-                            );
-                            let proxyID = worldCardGUI._worldInfo.proxy;
+                                );
+                                userGUI.push(
+                                    {$type: "br"},
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                        $text: "Delete",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            _app.deleteWorld(desc.worldName, 'proto');
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                );
+                                let proxyID = data.proxy;
+                                userGUI.push(
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "div",
+                                        style: "margin-top: 20px;",
+                                        _proxyName: null,
+                                        _proxyNameField: null,
+                                        $components:
+                                            [
+                                                window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({
+                                                    "id": 'proxyName',
+                                                    "label": proxyID,
+                                                    "value": this._proxyName,
+                                                    "type": "text",
+                                                    "init": function () {
+                                                        this._proxyNameField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this);
+                                                        if(!proxyID){
+                                                            //document.querySelector('#proxyName').value = res;
+                                                        } else {
+                                                            _app.helpers.getUserAlias(proxyID).then(res=>{
+                                                                document.querySelector('#proxyName').value = res;
+                                                            })
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                }),
+                                                {
+                                                    $type: "a",
+                                                    class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                                    $text: 'Set proxy', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
+                                                    onclick: function (e) {
+                                                        //console.log('clone');
+                                                        let newProxyName = this._proxyNameField.value;
+                                                        _app.setNewProxyForWorld(desc.worldName, newProxyName);
+                                                        //_app.cloneWorldPrototype(desc.worldName, desc.userAlias, newProtoName);
+                                                        //self.refresh();
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            ]
+                                    }
+                                )
+                            }
+                            if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
+                                userGUI.push(
+                                    {$type: "br"},
+                                    {
+                                        $type: "a",
+                                        class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
+                                        $text: "Delete",
+                                        //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
+                                        onclick: function (e) {
+                                            _app.deleteWorld(desc.worldName, 'state');
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                );
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (desc.type == 'proto') {
+                            let worldID = window._app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID().toString();
                                     $type: "div",
                                     style: "margin-top: 20px;",
-                                    _proxyName: null,
-                                    _proxyNameField: null,
+                                    _protoName: null,
+                                    _protoNameField: null,
-                                                "id": 'proxyName',
-                                                "label": proxyID,
-                                                "value": this._proxyName,
+                                                "id": 'protoName',
+                                                "label": worldID,
+                                                "value": this._protoName,
                                                 "type": "text",
                                                 "init": function () {
-                                                    this._proxyNameField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this);
-                                                    if(!proxyID){
-                                                        //document.querySelector('#proxyName').value = res;
-                                                    } else {
-                                                        _app.helpers.getUserAlias(proxyID).then(res=>{
-                                                            document.querySelector('#proxyName').value = res;
-                                                        })
-                                                    }
+                                                    this._protoNameField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this);
                                                 $type: "a",
                                                 class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
-                                                $text: 'Set proxy', //self.language.t('set proxy'),//"clone",
+                                                $text: self.language.t('clone proto'),//"clone",
                                                 onclick: function (e) {
-                                                    let newProxyName = this._proxyNameField.value;
-                                                    _app.setNewProxyForWorld(desc.worldName, newProxyName);
-                                                    //_app.cloneWorldPrototype(desc.worldName, desc.userAlias, newProtoName);
+                                                    let newProtoName = this._protoNameField.value;
+                                                    _app.cloneWorldPrototype(desc.worldName, desc.userAlias, newProtoName);
+                        } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
+                            // userGUI.push(
+                            //     {
+                            //         $type: "a",
+                            //         class: "mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action mdc-button--outlined",
+                            //         $text: "Clone",
+                            //         onclick: function (e) {
+                            //             //console.log('clone');
+                            //             //self.cloneWorldState(desc[0], desc[2]);
+                            //             //self.refresh();
+                            //         }
+                            //     })
-                        if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
-                            userGUI.push(
-                                {$type: "br"},
-                                {
-                                    $type: "a",
-                                    class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
-                                    $text: "Delete",
-                                    //href: "/" + desc[2] + '/worlds/' + desc[0] + '/edit', ///:user/worlds/:name/edit
-                                    onclick: function (e) {
-                                        _app.deleteWorld(desc.worldName, 'state');
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            );
+                    }
+                    this.$components = [
+                        {
+                            $type: "div",
+                            $text: "World actions:"
+                    ].concat(userGUI)
+                }
+            }
+            document.querySelector("#aboutWorld")._actionsGUI = actionsGUI;
-                    }
+            ///settings
-                    if (desc.type == 'proto') {
-                        let worldID = window._app.helpers.GenerateInstanceID().toString();
-                        userGUI.push(
+            let settings = data.settings;
+            if (settings) {
+                if ( {
+                   let runWorldGUI = {
+                        id: "runWorldGUI",
+                        $type: "div",
+                        $init: function () {
+                            console.log(worldCardGUI);
+                        },
+                        _arSwitch: null,
+                        _turnArOnSwitch: null,
+                        $components: [
                                 $type: "div",
-                                style: "margin-top: 20px;",
-                                _protoName: null,
-                                _protoNameField: null,
-                                $components:
-                                    [
-                                        window._app.widgets.inputTextFieldOutlined({
-                                            "id": 'protoName',
-                                            "label": worldID,
-                                            "value": this._protoName,
-                                            "type": "text",
-                                            "init": function () {
-                                                this._protoNameField = new mdc.textField.MDCTextField(this);
-                                            }
-                                        }),
-                                        {
-                                            $type: "a",
-                                            class: "mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-card__action actionButton",
-                                            $text: self.language.t('clone proto'),//"clone",
-                                            onclick: function (e) {
-                                                //console.log('clone');
-                                                let newProtoName = this._protoNameField.value;
-                                                _app.cloneWorldPrototype(desc.worldName, desc.userAlias, newProtoName);
-                                                //self.refresh();
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    ]
+                                $text: "Settings for start:"
+                            },
+                            _cellWidgets.switch({
+                                'id': 'arjsView',
+                                'init': function () {
+                                    this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
+                                    this._switch.checked = false;
+                                    this._arSwitch = this._switch;
+                                }
-                        )
-                    } else if (desc.type == 'saveState') {
-                        // userGUI.push(
-                        //     {
-                        //         $type: "a",
-                        //         class: "mdc-button mdc-button--compact mdc-card__action mdc-button--outlined",
-                        //         $text: "Clone",
-                        //         onclick: function (e) {
-                        //             //console.log('clone');
-                        //             //self.cloneWorldState(desc[0], desc[2]);
-                        //             //self.refresh();
-                        //         }
-                        //     })
+                            ),
+                            {
+                                $type: 'label',
+                                for: 'input-forceReplace',
+                                $text: 'Edit mode'
+                            },
+                            {$type: "div", style: "margin-top: 20px"},
+                            _cellWidgets.switch({
+                                'id': 'arOnView',
+                                'init': function () {
+                                    this._turnArOn = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
+                                    this._turnArOn.checked = false;
+                                    this._turnArOnSwitch = this._turnArOn;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            ),
+                            {
+                                $type: 'label',
+                                for: 'input-forceReplace',
+                                $text: 'Ar mode'
+                            }
+                        ]
+                document.querySelector("#aboutWorld")._runWorldGUI = runWorldGUI;
+                //document.querySelector("#aboutWorld")._refresh(worldCardGUI);
+            }
-                this.$components = [
-                    {
-                        $type: "div",
-                        $text: "World actions:"
-                    }
-                ].concat(userGUI)
-            }
             id: 'aboutWorld',
             $cell: true,
             $type: "div",
+            _actionsGUI: {},
             _runWorldGUI: {},
             _worldsComps: {},
             _refresh: function(comps){
@@ -436,7 +507,7 @@ class WorldApp {
                                     $type: "div",
                                     class: "mdc-layout-grid__cell mdc-layout-grid__cell--span-12",
                                     $components: [
-                                        actionsGUI
+                                        this._actionsGUI
                                 // {
@@ -453,20 +524,7 @@ class WorldApp {
-        let worldStatesComp = this.createWorldStatesGUI();
-        document.querySelector("#worldStates").$cell({
-            id: 'worldStates',
-            $cell: true,
-            $type: "div",
-            $components: [worldStatesComp]
-        //     $update: function(){
-        //         this.$components = [
-        //         {}
-        //     ]
-        // }
-    })
         var info = {};
@@ -483,65 +541,28 @@ class WorldApp {
         // worldCardGUI._worldInfo = info;
         // worldCardGUI.$update();
-        worldCardGUI._refresh(info);
-        worldCardGUI._updateComps();
+        //worldCardGUI._refresh(info);
+        //worldCardGUI._updateComps();
-        let settings = worldCardGUI._worldInfo.settings;
-        if (settings) {
-            if ( {
+        ///STATES FIX!!!
-               let runWorldGUI = {
-                    id: "runWorldGUI",
-                    $type: "div",
-                    $init: function () {
-                        console.log(worldCardGUI);
-                    },
-                    _arSwitch: null,
-                    _turnArOnSwitch: null,
-                    $components: [
-                        {
-                            $type: "div",
-                            $text: "Settings for start:"
-                        },
-                        _cellWidgets.switch({
-                            'id': 'arjsView',
-                            'init': function () {
-                                this._switch = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
-                                this._switch.checked = false;
-                                this._arSwitch = this._switch;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ),
-                        {
-                            $type: 'label',
-                            for: 'input-forceReplace',
-                            $text: 'Edit mode'
-                        },
-                        {$type: "div", style: "margin-top: 20px"},
-                        _cellWidgets.switch({
-                            'id': 'arOnView',
-                            'init': function () {
-                                this._turnArOn = new mdc.switchControl.MDCSwitch(this);
-                                this._turnArOn.checked = false;
-                                this._turnArOnSwitch = this._turnArOn;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        ),
-                        {
-                            $type: 'label',
-                            for: 'input-forceReplace',
-                            $text: 'Ar mode'
-                        }
-                    ]
+    //     let worldStatesComp = this.createWorldStatesGUI();
-                }
-            document.querySelector("#aboutWorld")._runWorldGUI = runWorldGUI;
-            //document.querySelector("#aboutWorld")._refresh(worldCardGUI);
-            }
-        }
+    //     document.querySelector("#worldStates").$cell({
+    //         id: 'worldStates',
+    //         $cell: true,
+    //         $type: "div",
+    //         $components: [worldStatesComp]
+    //     //     $update: function(){
+    //     //         this.$components = [
+    //     //         {}
+    //     //     ]
+    //     // }
+    // })
         // if (!saveName) {
         //     let statesData = await _app.getAllStateWorldsInfoForUser(user.user, space) //await _app.getSaveStates(user, space);