Forráskód Böngészése

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/localization' into lcs-2020.1-5

Nikolay Suslov 4 éve
2 módosított fájl, 106 hozzáadás és 2 törlés
  1. 51 1
  2. 55 1

+ 51 - 1

@@ -3,5 +3,55 @@
     "App": "App",
     "clone proto": "Clone",
     "start": "Start",
-    "users": "Users"
+    "users": "Users",
+    "welcome": "Welcome!",
+    "login": "Login",
+    "password": "Password",
+   "sign up": "sign up",
+   "sign in": "sign in",
+   "looking for worlds made by other users": "Looking for Worlds made by other Users!",
+   "world protos": "world protos",
+    "world states": "world states",
+    "details": "details",
+    "online now": "online now",
+    "scene": "Scene",
+    "create": "Create",
+    "code editor": "Code editor",
+    "my avatar": "My Avatar",
+    "settings": "Settings",
+    "clone/save": "Clone/Save",
+    "chat": "chat",
+    "users online": "users online",
+   "methods browser": "methods browser",
+    "children": "children",
+    "properties": "properties",
+    "proto properties": "proto properties",
+    "actions": "actions",
+    "primitives": "Primitives",
+     "lights": "Lights",
+     "objects": "Objects",
+     "assets": "Assets",
+     "resources": "Resources",
+     "image": "IMAGE",
+     "sound": "SOUND",
+     "video": "VIDEO",
+     "enter URL to asset source": "Enter URL to asset source",
+     "enter google poly model ID ": "Enter Google Poly model ID",
+     "load from poly": "Load from Poly",
+     "reset camera view": "reset camera view",
+     "hide cursor": "hide cursor",
+    "show cursor": "show cursor",
+     "hide avatar": "hide avatar",
+     "show avatar": "show avatar",
+     "reset avatar": "reset avatar",
+     "cube simple": "cube simple ",
+     "female human": "female human",
+     "male human": "male human",
+     "wide": "WIDE",
+     "small": "SMALL",
+     "OSC settings": "OSC settings",
+     "node methods": "NODE METHODS",
+     "proto methods": "PROTO METHODS",
+     "methods name": "Methods name"

+ 55 - 1

@@ -3,5 +3,59 @@
     "App": "Программа",
     "clone proto": "Клонировать",
     "start": "Запустить",
-    "users": "Пользователи"
+    "users": "Пользователи",
+    "welcome": "Добро пожаловать!",
+    "login": "Имя",
+    "password": "Пароль",
+    "sign up": "подписаться",
+    "sign in": "войти в систему",
+    "looking for worlds made by other users": "Смотреть Миры, созданные другими пользователями!",
+    "world protos": "прототипы мира",
+    "world states": "состояния мира",
+    "details": "детали",
+    "online now": "сейчас в сети",
+    "scene": "Сцена",
+    "create": "Создать",
+    "code editor": "Редактор кода",
+    "my avatar": "Мой Аватар",
+    "settings": "Настройки",
+    "clone/save": "Клонировать/Сохранить",
+    "chat": "Чат",
+    "users online": "пользователи в сети",
+   "methods browser": "методы браузера",
+    "children": "дети",
+    "properties": "Свойства",
+    "proto properties": "Свойства прототипа",
+    "actions": "Действия",
+     "primitives": "Простые объекы",
+     "lights": "Освещение",
+     "objects": "Объекты",
+     "assets": "Ресурсы",
+     "resources": "Материалы",
+     "image": "Изображения",
+     "sound": "Звук",
+     "video": "видео",
+     "enter URL to asset source": "введите URL источника ресурса",
+     "enter google poly model ID ": "введите Google Poly модель ID",
+     "load from poly": "Загрузить из Poly",
+     "reset camera view": "Сбросит камеры вид",
+     "hide cursor": "Спрятать курсор",
+    "show cursor": "Показать курсор",
+     "hide avatar": "Спрятать аватара",
+     "show avatar": "Показать аватара",
+     "reset avatar": "Сбросить аватара",
+     "cube simple": "Простой ",
+     "female human": "Женский образ",
+     "male human": "Мужской образ",
+     "wide": "Большой",
+     "small": "Маленький",
+     "OSC settings": "OSC настройки",
+     "node methods": "методы узла",
+     "proto methods": "методы прототипа",
+     "methods name": "имя метода"