@@ -13,28 +13,93 @@
- var USELOCALGUN = true;
+ *
+ * Usage: require the file in your application
+ *
+ * Gun Params: these are passed to the new gun constructor
+ *
+ * - gc_enable : enables the gc, good if you are running multiple instances of gun, etc... def. true
+ * - gc_delay : sets the amount of time between attempted garbage collections in milliseconds
+ * - gc_info_enable : Enables or Disables the info printout
+ * - gc_info : sets the ~ amount of time between info messages
+ * this is checked everytime the gc is ran
+ * - gc_info_mini : this will use a smaller, less user friendly info printout
+ * - gc_importance_func : This will be the function used for finding the importance of a potental collect
+ * takes the form of func(timestamp, ctime, memoryUsageRatio) {return val}
+ * Collects when returned value is 100
+ */
+ var USELOCALGUN = false;
var DEBUG = false;
+ if(!(typeof window !== "undefined") && USELOCALGUN)
+ console.log("NOTE: You currently have LES.js set to use the 'local' file version of gun, This might crash if set wrong!");
var Gun = (typeof window !== "undefined") ? window.Gun : (USELOCALGUN ? require('../gun') : require("gun"));
- var ev = {};
- var empty = {};
+ Gun.chain.gcDequeue = function() {
+ if(this._.root.dequeueNode) {
+ let ctx = this;
+ this.get(function (soul) {
+ ctx._.root.dequeueNode(soul);
+ }, true);
+ }
+ }
+ Gun.chain.gcCollect = function() {
+ if(this._.root.collectNode) {
+ let ctx = this;
+ this.get(function (soul) {
+ ctx._.root.collectNode(soul);
+ }, true);
+ }
+ }
Gun.on('opt', function(root) {
+ const gc_enable = root.opt.gc_enable ? root.opt.gc_enable : true;
+ const gc_delay = root.opt.gc_delay ? root.opt.gc_delay : 1000;
+ const gc_info_enable = root.opt.gc_info_enable ? root.opt.gc_info_enable : true;
+ const gc_info = root.opt.gc_info ? root.opt.gc_info : 5000;
+ const gc_info_mini = root.opt.gc_info_mini ? root.opt.gc_info_mini : false;
+ const calcRemoveImportance = root.opt.gc_importance_func ? root.opt.gc_importance_func : function (timestamp, ctime, memoryUsageRatio) {
+ var time = (ctime - timestamp) * 0.001;
+ return time * 10 * (memoryUsageRatio * memoryUsageRatio);
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) console.log(root.opt);
if (root.once)
if (typeof process == 'undefined')
var mem = process.memoryUsage;
+ if(!gc_enable)
+ return;
if (!mem)
+ var ev = {};
+ var empty = {};
ev.max = parseFloat(root.opt.memory || process.env.WEB_MEMORY || 512) * 0.8;
@@ -42,20 +107,29 @@
var nodesArray = [];
var memoryUpdate = 0;
+ root.dequeueNode = (soul) => {
+ dequeueNode(soul);
+ }
+ root.collectNode = (soul) => {
+ collectNode(soul);
+ }
var check = function() {
ev.used = mem().rss / 1024 / 1024;
setTimeout(function() {
GC(ev.used / ev.max);
}, 1);
- setInterval(check, 1000);
+ setInterval(check, gc_delay);
root.on("put", function(e) {
var ctime = Date.now();
- var souls = Object.keys(e.put || empty);
- for (var i = 0; i < souls.length; i++) {
+ var souls = Object.keys(e.put || empty);
+ for (var i = 0; i < souls.length; i++) {
enqueueNode(souls[i], ctime);
@@ -67,10 +141,10 @@
return e[0] === soul;
if (index == -1) {
- console.err("Something happened and the node '" + soul + "' won't get garbage collection unless the value is updated agian");
+ console.error("Something happened and the node '" + soul + "' won't get garbage collection unless the value is updated again");
} else {
- nodesArray.splice(index, 1);
+ nodesArray.splice(index, 1);
nodesArray.push([soul, ctime]);
} else {
@@ -79,18 +153,50 @@
+ function dequeueNode(soul) {
+ if (nodes[soul] == true) {
+ var index = nodesArray.findIndex(function(e) {
+ return e[0] === soul;
+ });
+ if (index != -1) {
+ nodesArray.shift();
+ nodes[soul] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function collectNode(soul) {
+ if (nodes[soul] == true) {
+ var index = nodesArray.findIndex(function(e) {
+ return e[0] === soul;
+ });
+ if (index != -1) {
+ nodesArray.shift();
+ }
+ nodesArray.unshift([soul, nodesArray[0][1]]);
+ nodes[soul] = true;
+ }
+ }
function GC(memRatio) {
var curTime = Date.now();
- if (curTime - memoryUpdate >= 5000) {
- console.log("|GC| %s | Current Memory Ratio: %d | Current Ram Usage %sMB | Nodes in Memory %s", new Date().toLocaleString(), round(memRatio, 2), round(ev.used, 2), Object.keys(root.graph || empty).length);
- memoryUpdate = curTime;
+ if (gc_info_enable && curTime - memoryUpdate >= gc_info) {
+ if(!gc_info_mini)
+ console.log("|GC| %s | Current Memory Ratio: %d | Current Ram Usage %sMB | Nodes in Memory %s", new Date().toLocaleString(), round(memRatio, 2), round(ev.used, 2), Object.keys(root.graph || empty).length);
+ else
+ console.log("|GC| %s, Mem Ratio %d, Ram %sMB, Nodes in mem %s, Tracked Nodes %s", new Date().toLocaleString(), round(memRatio, 2), round(ev.used, 2), Object.keys(root.graph || empty).length, nodesArray.length);
+ memoryUpdate = curTime;
- var freed = 0;
+ var freed = 0;
- while (nodesArray.length > 0) {
+ while (nodesArray.length > 0) {
var soul = nodesArray[0][0];
var nts = nodesArray[0][1];
if (DEBUG)
@@ -99,21 +205,16 @@
if (calcRemoveImportance(nodesArray[0][1], curTime, memRatio) >= 100) {
delete nodes[nodesArray[0][0]];
- nodesArray.splice(0, 1);
- freed++;
+ nodesArray.shift();
+ freed++;
} else
- break;
+ break;
if (freed > 0)
console.log("|GC| Removed %s nodes in %s seconds-----------------------------------------------------------------", freed, (Date.now() - curTime) * 0.001);
- function calcRemoveImportance(timestamp, ctime, memoryUsageRatio) {
- var time = (ctime - timestamp) * 0.001;
- return time * 10 * (memoryUsageRatio * memoryUsageRatio)
- }
function round(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value + 'e' + decimals) + 'e-' + decimals);